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I'm loving my Euro LX-EX, but wasn't happy that each pup had its own volume control, without there being a master volume or blend control.

This is more important when playing with the band, because of the occasional need to change volume mid-song. If I had a mix of the two pups, then had to change volume, I had to adjust both volume knobs AND try keep the ratios the same.

So I emailed Spector in NY and got a reply from Sales boss, "PJ" who said "I agree with you about the master volume/balance set up, that is what I personally prefer as well." He usefully added that on [font="Arial Narrow"]myspace.com/spector_instruments [/font]"there is a diagram under 'pics', made for me by one of our EuroLX customers"

As I am to electronics as President Bush is to winning Master Mind, I let local guitar tech Andy (at Rock Steady Music in Harrogate) do the modification. He needed a 25k blend pot, which I sourced from China via eBay. He followed the diagram, though the wire colours in the diagram didn't match the reality, but managed to sort it. And hey presto! I have one blender control and one volume control!!!

BTW, the Chinese pot wasn't top quality but it works, AND for some reason, they sent me half a dozen. So, if anyone wants one of these spares, I'll post them one for free.


PJ seems like a great guy, I know he has given a lot of help and support to the Spector owners over at TB, inculding getting hold of some very limited edition models for them! Despite being a Spector player, I've never emailed him though. I might send him an email just to say that I think Spector basses are bloody brilliant!


I'm getting some PMs asking about money for these pots and technical things.

Just to be clear ...I don't want money ...put something in the Basschat tip jar if you feel compelled.
All I'd say is that if you haven't got a Spector Euro, then PLEASE be sure this is the right component for your bass, before I post it.

If you have a technical question, it will be better to post it on this thread so that folk who know about these things (which ain't me!) can hopefully help.

Ta :)


[quote name='Chris2112' post='287266' date='Sep 19 2008, 01:27 PM']PJ seems like a great guy, I know he has given a lot of help and support to the Spector owners over at TB, inculding getting hold of some very limited edition models for them! Despite being a Spector player, I've never emailed him though. I might send him an email just to say that I think Spector basses are bloody brilliant![/quote]

PJ and Stuart live by the mantra of 'Customer Service'. In my 26 years of bass playing I have never received better service than I do from them... :)

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