Machines Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 I had a bit of a bizarre and out of character experience this week I wanted to share. I went to the Guitar Show in Birmingham with my Dad and had planned this for several weeks (we've been every year since it started), with the intention of checking out new gear and spending some time with him (I don't get the chance alot) - but really not looking to buy anything. We generally have a nose around and complain about how overpriced everything is and how many unneccessary products there are (e.g. custom leather straps, hand made 'luthiered' guitar stands etc). There are usually no bargains to be had, except maybe a few packs of strings a bit cheap (but not really when you factor in the cost of going in). Anyway - we came across the PMT stand where we know most of the guys, and had a nose around. I spotted a Musicman SUB5 (USA) in the corner in great condition for £399, good price I thought. I asked to give it a try out just for the sake of it and it was very good, I thought wow - a USA Stingray 5 for 400 quid ?[i] I'll buy it ![/i] I knew it wasn't bargain of the century but they generally go for this price. Came with HSC etc, deal done in minutes. I paid for it on my credit card but I knew I could pay it off by selling what I had at home, and this was better wasn't it ? Within a minute or 2 the rush of buying it wore off. Why had I just blown 400 quid on a bass I don't need ? I hadn't even been lusting after one, I just saw a good deal and bit the bullet, oh well I always can sell stuff to pay for it. I got home and my wife was a little miffed, but happy that if I was selling to pay for it that was OK (we make financial decisions together normally). Later that night after putting the little one to bed, I plugged it in - woo, it's still great. I then brought down my Cort GB75 with Aguilar pickups to do a comparison. I looped 4 bars over a drum track on the SUB on my Zoom B3 then played 4 bars on the Cort. Oh. The Cort sounds better. Well this is embarassing. It's also lighter, plays better and looks nicer. WHY HAVE I BOUGHT THIS MUSICMAN?! I'd just blown 400 quid on something I inferior to what I already have. I felt horrific guilt, there was no way I could sell the Cort for it. The SUB had to go back, I didn't want to see it. Thankfully, I have a good relationship with PMT and they were happy to refund yesterday lunchtime, they will easily sell it for the same price again (it's probably still there for anyone interested). The whole experience made me really think to myself how GAS is able to really take over your thought process and really not help you to make a rational decision. The gear I have at home is already excellent, I need nothing else, except to learn how to play the bloody things. I believe this to be a symptom of materialism and consumerism generally, and have been trying to realign my thought process to avoid this mindset. GAS is a never ending road going between the thrill of the chase, the purchase, the honeymoon and then boredom (loop back to the start), I'm going to do my best to escape this and would encourage others to do so, the feeling that you don't need anything else is quite liberating. Now what to sell next... 2 Quote
Truckstop Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 How disappointing! At least you were able to get your money back it is a funny thing, GAS. I mean, last month a bought a beautiful tweed jacket to wear to work and I've worn it once since. I've just gone right off it and it doesn't go with anything else I own! I'm constantly trying out other people's basses and comparing them to my BB424 and I genuinely struggle to find anything that even comes close to how much I like it! Quote
discreet Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 (edited) [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1456828848' post='2992548'] ...The gear I have at home is already excellent, I need nothing else, except to learn how to play the bloody things. I believe this to be a symptom of materialism and consumerism generally, and have been trying to realign my thought process to avoid this mindset. GAS is a never ending road going between the thrill of the chase, the purchase, the honeymoon and then boredom (loop back to the start), I'm going to do my best to escape this and would encourage others to do so, the feeling that you don't need anything else is quite liberating. Now what to sell next... [/quote] Oh man, this is so true. Consumer capitalism stalks the globe like... er, a big stalking thing. 'Retail therapy' treats the symptoms and not the disease. GAS can be fun, but is addictive - like heroin, or constantly checking your emails. I'm in denial, I know it. I keep telling myself I'm near the end of my journey and that the gear I have is the culmination of years of careful choice and selective acquisition. Then I'll join a different band, or accept another project - and that's justification enough for everything to go right out the window. False promises, expectations, the thrill of spending and anticipation, satisfaction, slight anxiety, qualms, full anxiety, buyer's remorse, depression. We must try hard to pay attention to - LOOK AT THAT PRE-CBS P!! £3500?? I'M HAVING THAT!! Edited March 1, 2016 by discreet Quote
CamdenRob Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 Back from the brink... a narrow escape by the sounds of things I only really have GAS for stuff I've already ordered and I'm waiting to be built at the moment. ...oh and also for that white 62 AVRI Jazz in the marketplace Quote
discreet Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1456831033' post='2992578'] I only really have GAS for stuff I've already ordered... [/quote] I think you'll find that's part of it. Quote
CamdenRob Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456831101' post='2992580'] I think you'll find that's part of it. [/quote] ... I'm beyond redemption. Quote
discreet Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1456831175' post='2992582'] ... I'm beyond redemption. [/quote] Never! I can help you. Send my your Wals, your Glock and your Berg and in return I will show you how gear Nirvana can be achieved with only a Harley Benton P Bass and a Fender Rumble 100 Combo... the solution to your problem is within yourself!! Quote
keefbaker Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 Admittely I'm saying this with a Maruszczyk on order and plans to buy a fretless at the bass show, BUT.... That said, I made some big changes in my life to stop myself buying crap and it's actualy... weirdly... improved my quality of life because I'm putting my effort into different things rather than just "buying X to feel better". So yeah, you've got to watch GAS. But letting it out now and then isn't so bad. Quote
CamdenRob Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456831332' post='2992583'] Never! I can help you. Send my your Wals, your Glock and your Berg and in return I will show you how gear Nirvana can be achieved with only a Harley Benton P Bass and a Fender Rumble 100 Combo... the solution to your problem is within yourself!! [/quote] It's ridiculous really isn't it... the bare truth of it is that a HB P and rumble combo would suffice for just about everything I do Quote
discreet Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 (edited) [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1456831867' post='2992592'] It's ridiculous really isn't it... the bare truth of it is that a HB P and rumble combo would suffice for just about everything I do [/quote] Me too. I've had some wildly expensive kit over the years, and though I still own one or two exceptional basses, I'm currently using a Rumble Combo (which is great!) and fettling a Harley Benton P Bass (NBD pending). So there it is. I have spent way too much time window shopping on t'interwebz, but I do also spend a lot of time practising, and lately a lot more time rehearsing and gigging, which is always a good way to avoid GAS. If you don't have the time, you can't do the crime! Edited March 1, 2016 by discreet Quote
colgraff Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 I get occasional bursts of GAS, but I'm getting better at suppressing them. Yesterday I had an almost overwhelming urge to buy a compressor. But why? I don't need one, my current set up is fine and would probably sound worse with one stuck in. Thankfully I don't have a credit card and avoid music shows, conventions, etc. Quote
SICbass Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456832278' post='2992601'] Me too. I've had some wildly expensive kit over the years, and though I still own one or two exceptional basses, I'm currently using a Rumble Combo (which is great!) and fettling a Harley Benton P Bass (NBD pending). So there it is. I have spent way too much time window shopping on t'interwebz, but I do also spend a lot of time practising, and lately a lot more time rehearsing and gigging, which is always a good way to avoid GAS. If you don't have the time, you can't do the crime! [/quote] I didn't even know what GAS was till I joined BC. I hadn't bought any new kit for years. Now I find myself constantly craving stuff I don't need. Unlike you, I do very little practice and find it virtually impossible to bend myself to the task. Guilt? Don't get me started...😳 Quote
CamdenRob Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 (edited) [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1456832278' post='2992601'] I'm currently using a Rumble Combo (which is great!) and fettling a Harley Benton P Bass (NBD pending). So there it is. [/quote] Confucius he say... He who soundeth great and hath not GAS whilst rocking a HB P and Fender Rumble, hath achieved bass enlightenment. Edited March 1, 2016 by CamdenRob Quote
keefbaker Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 What's GAS short for anyway? Gear Acquisition Syndrome? Quote
CamdenRob Posted March 1, 2016 Posted March 1, 2016 [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1456848662' post='2992857'] What's GAS short for anyway? Gear Acquisition Syndrome? [/quote] Yes I think that's right... Quote
kusee pee Posted March 2, 2016 Posted March 2, 2016 Buyer's Remorse is a horrible feeling. I had a massive bout of it a couple of weeks ago after having put down a deposit on a car. The car was great but it was a lot of money, even though it was a bargain compared to the market and I'd long hankered after it. A day later and I'd backed out, lost (some) of the deposit but the relief was huge. Buyer's Remorse is very common. Quote
krispn Posted March 2, 2016 Posted March 2, 2016 I used to be terrible for that - seeing a bass, flipping what I had to get it then the buyers remorse only to do the same 6 months later or so. Having got a nice P style 5'er a while back in trade for my 'back up' 4 string and subsequently selling my main gigging 5er I have been GAS free since then. I realise that I was lucky to get my P5 and it's a fantastic bass which I'd struggle to better. My bass and gigging rig are pretty much perfect for my needs and I know that I'd be mad to shift them but more importantly I've no desire to add to or replace anything just now. This feeling is reinforced every time I go to rehearsal or a gig. I guess it's a consequence of sites like bass chat or you tube where we suddenly have access to opinion and exposure to so much more gear but while my days of GAS seem to be behind me I still enjoy a good snuffle through the for sale sections and the latest reviews and demo's online. Quote
Machines Posted July 7, 2016 Author Posted July 7, 2016 Zombie thread revival. I have fell off the wagon and am currently seriously considering the purchase of an Ibanez BTB1605. JUST LOOK AT IT ! Quote
CamdenRob Posted July 7, 2016 Posted July 7, 2016 [quote name='Machines' timestamp='1467902073' post='3087189'] Zombie thread revival. I have fell off the wagon and am currently seriously considering the purchase of an Ibanez BTB1605. JUST LOOK AT IT ! [/quote] Goodness me... that is quite something Quote
lowhand_mike Posted July 7, 2016 Posted July 7, 2016 i nearly fell for one of them before i stuck with the SR route equivalent, they are truely stunning basses (thats probably not helping) and if they were USA made type basses would easily cost double Quote
Machines Posted May 12, 2021 Author Posted May 12, 2021 Since this thread was originally posted 5 years ago, I have bought 24 instruments 🤣. Of which I have a total of 3 still (none bought more than 6 months ago). Why is that ?! It's nothing to do with having 'good stuff'. Buying and selling (for profit 90% of the time) is as much as part of me as playing the damned things. Since the original post I've been divorced (not related to GAS amazingly) and remarried, my new partner is quite accepting of my gear flipping and likes that it keeps me out of her way happy, but also that it's not negatively impacting financially. That is the end of this chronicle for now.. so I'm off to find that elusive Yamaha RBX6JM . 1 Quote
ubit Posted May 12, 2021 Posted May 12, 2021 I have no need for the 14 basses that I own. We are no longer gigging. My job doesn't allow me time to rehearse never mind planning gigs as I work ad hoc. Even if we were to be able to start up, Im not so sure the pubs round here would want an ageing band playing to the yoofs of today out on the lash. All the reasons to sell and make some money and free up some space but can I? Nope because not only do I still have little bouts of GAS, I also have CPWIS (can't part with it syndrome) 1 Quote
stewblack Posted May 12, 2021 Posted May 12, 2021 Quality thread revival. The opening post really sums up the addictive nature from which so many of us suffer. Quote
jezzaboy Posted May 12, 2021 Posted May 12, 2021 6 hours ago, Machines said: Since this thread was originally posted 5 years ago, I have bought 24 instruments 🤣. Of which I have a total of 3 still (none bought more than 6 months ago). Why is that ?! It's nothing to do with having 'good stuff'. Buying and selling (for profit 90% of the time) is as much as part of me as playing the damned things. Since the original post I've been divorced (not related to GAS amazingly) and remarried, my new partner is quite accepting of my gear flipping and likes that it keeps me out of her way happy, but also that it's not negatively impacting financially. That is the end of this chronicle for now.. so I'm off to find that elusive Yamaha RBX6JM . I feel your pain. I have been pretty reckless over the last couple of years, buying then selling them on after weeks or months. The wife is thinking that I spend more time buying and selling the bass than I do playing it. She might be right! Quote
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