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I have a slight problem I wanted a bit of advice with. I'm off to a DB lesson but that won't be until after Easter, so any help before then appreciated.

I'm playing in the half position and my hand is fine on all strings apart from the E string where placing my thumb on the back of the neck is leading to my arm being strangely contorted and some slight forearm pain. I see some player take their thumb off the neck, but I want to try and do things properly. Plus I don't want to waste 2 weeks of practice on bad technique.

I just wondered if any more experienced players had any words of wisdom? I've tried studying other players and what they're doing, but you can't really disappear around the back at a jazz gig without raising some suspicions!


Cheers guys. I do play in front of a mirror, but I'm guessing it's not something I'm able to diagnose quickly, I just feel a bit of pain.

I'll try varying the height of the bass and keeping my elbow up. I'm getting a new endpin fitted this week which will make the whole process of raising and lowering much easier (60s bass, everything is wearing out!).


Thanks. Last question on height, are we talking eyebrow level when the bass is upright (and therefore slightly lower than that when rested into me), or eyebrow height when it's leaning into me?


Eyebrow or just above when in playing position. As an aside, lots of people lean their bass into themselves quite a lot when playing. I've always found it better to lean it only just enough to keep it from falling forward, so there's almost no weight against your belly. Then you can move around, and even use the weight of the bass to help your left hand.


Cheers Neil.

Based on the advice here, I've done a few set up changes, raised the elbow and - hey presto - no pain at all.

Thanks so much for all your help everyone.

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