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Could anyone lend me a BF Big Baby 2 for an evening?


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Long shot but...

would anybody within a reasonable distance from Edinburgh be willing to lend me their Barefaced Big Baby 2 for an evening of loud rehearsals?
I'd be happy to leave some pre-arranged piece of equipment with you as security, of course.

I already have one. I have used it together with a Gen2 Compact in the past and recently sold the Compact. Due to a number of reasons (long and boring story) my go-to rig consist on any number between 1 to 4 TKS S112 speakers. I am holding on to my BB2 because it's such a nice speaker and fits so well in my boot and it's loud and... but I'm rarely using it these days.

I would like to be able to try two BB2 in 'real life' or as close to it as possible... so not a gig, but a rehearsal that we can be loud at, and see how it feels compared to my TKS rig. It's a dangerous thing, as instead of saying "it's ok, I dig the modularity of the S112 rig and I'll just let my BB2 go" I might end up saying "hmmm, I want another BB2!" :lol: but we like to live on the edge, don't we? :P

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