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At the back of my mind , something tells me to get a Roland cube bass or micro cube ...

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I'm finally beginning to get back to playing bass, after ages not bothering .
All well and good . Since last year, I have been looking at the above .
Can't see myself doing the band thing anymore , but may try and jam with others in a rehearsal room once a week if interest is out there.

I may have too much gear and no idea , but I like the all in one approach . The you tube demos look good . I'm getting bored of the computer stuff, and will probably find it less of a hassle by just having one box with a few basic effects and maybe a looper.
Thing is : I already have a few boss micro effects , and a boss looper. When I was ill a while back , I just never bothered getting around to using them except to test they were working etc.
I even have a boss rc2
I have a gallien Kruger amp , which is portable and loud .
What I could do by changing to one Roland amp , is use only 1 power socket , and it should inspire me to not be so lazy .
Has anybody done this ? Are these Roland amps as good as they look ? ;)


I used to have one but did not like the tone so sold it to my bass tutor who loves it. One of his other pupils was also so impressed he sought out a second hand one. So perhaps my ears, but not for me


[quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1459350518' post='3015684']
Which model did you have ? ;)

Cube 30 I believe.

[attachment=215804:Cube 30.jpg]


How loud do you need it to be? IMO (and I will be getting one) try the Roland Cube 10GX which allows bass, guitar and acoustic to be used through it.

Practice amps just need to be basic and portable. This amp covers all of that and with a guitar and bass (not tried acoustic) sounds pretty damn good!

Great for playing quiet but without headphones (although it does that as well).

Posted (edited)

[quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1459352452' post='3015709']
Mmm, TBH I prefer the bass micro cube.
May end up getting that , and or cube 60xl

I have a Micro cube and a Bass Cube 100.
Both are, for me, great pieces of kit but neither in my experience will be loud enough do anything but a restrained drummer.
The micro is a great practice amp and will hold its own with acoustic guitars and cajon.
The 100 is great for small gigs but just doesn't go loud enough for anything but quiet drumming. If you were to jam with a drummer I think you'd find it underpowered. It has a small footprint but still weighs about 18kg.
My Barefaced Midget and LM3 is even easier to carry and has never been drowned out.

Edited by Len_derby

[quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1459353310' post='3015728']
Thanks Len .. I'm being swayed towards the micro cube even more now ;)
Just wondering ; if the model I chose has an xlr socket, could this be played through a p a to increase volume ?

It can indeed, there's a handy XLR socket just for that. But, unfortunately if you do that the combo's own speaker switches off which means you can't use it as a monitor. You can on the cube 100, which has been really useful at times.

If you can live with the low volume the micro cube is grand. An inbuilt drum machine and tuner! The effects are a bit cheesy, but aren't they all? 😉


Cheers Len ;) looks like the micro cube is s must . Effects ? Well , most of my gigs were without any. In the last band I was in, I used the zoom b2 1 .u
Good sounds on it. I only used it for a couple of songs , but it started randomly going to large distortion instead of flanger. This happened at more than one gig.

living in a flat , the bass micro cube will do fine . I love the fact that it has a drum machine as well as a few effects. I would imagine my boss micro, series would be a lot better. Shame that there isn't a drum machine on the Xl series. Also a shame the looper is only available on the 60/120 watt Xl series.
The gal lien Krueger amp has no effects , but is very light . The 20 watt Xl is probably just as light but no looper or drum machine .

What will probably happen is, I get the micro bass . Then if I want to play with others, decide what to do with the gal lien Krueger .
Advice always welcome ;) if I could drive , I would probably got the 120xl.


I can't recommend the Micro Cube highly enough - a cracking little amp, great for practicing and loud enough to annoy the neighbours, if you ever wanted to!

The effects are all top drawer and the amp simulators are really impressive. The drum machine is good for jamming along to and you can even tune your bass, if you're that way inclined.


I have a THR10 and a MicroCube. I don't use the microcube, as it isn't a patch on the THR10. I have heard good things about the bigger cubes though, although never really got on with one myself.


Well, I saw a bass micro cube on eBay today. It was wrongly listed as a bass cube 30 amp . From rich tone music £110
Posted second hand . So , I pulled the trigger..and should get it weds. I left them a polite note of what I won, stating it was 5 watts, and not 30. I got it for the drum machine which is not on the other cube models.
So we'll see ;)


Good one Ray. I'm late to this thread. I wasn't so keen on my Cube 100: too metallic in tone for me. I've now got a 30 and it's great.

The Cube 30 has the aux input and we can also use that to feed in Mrs G's keyboard so we can play duos with one amp! Good luck with yours, whatever turns up, I'm sure you'll find it worth the money.


Just got the micro cube.great sounds! No crackling or anything . Hardly a scratch on it . Drum patterns are helpful and fun.
I'm a bit rusty , but I thoroughly enjoyed the last hour playing with it ;)
I have a boss footswich which I will try out tomorrow. Need to get a trs lead.

So far so good ;)


I have used one a few times at a jam (60W model possibly). No amount of amp modelling and effects can disguise the underlying tone, which to my ear is hideous.

Then again I am spoiled (see signature below).

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