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Played bass with my Dad on Piano.


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I took the bass round to my dads last night and it was a shock to hear what a professional musician sounds like. My Dad was musical director for the New Zealand Hastings orchestra back in the early 80's when i was born. Im like, lets play around some changes. He just blew me away. He was just playing gospel, blues.Classical. He was from the old school, mum made me play when i was 10 years old.

He reads music like i speak, Trying to keep up with him melodically is very hard.

Anyone have any parents who are musically gifted.?

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Yeah my dad was a pro piano player/singer from the 60s up to 2013 when he died. My brother is a drummer. About 25 years ago we all went as a 3 piece on a gig out in Dubai for 6 months. He just had loads of material - all kinds of different stuff but mainly blues and jazz. Did loads of gigs with him over the years. Often at short notice - like an hour! He'd turn up outside wherever i was living, load my stuff and we'd head off to a gig.

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[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]My old granny apparently played piano in the pubs during the war but my mum is completely musically illiterate..but my brother and myself are pretty musical. [/font][/color]
[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Funny how that happens.[/font][/color]

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Dad was a "closet" piano player. He was taught classically and would lock himself away with the piano when he needed escape from the family (just Mum and myself). I never worked out why for him, music was a selfish interest in that he never played to or for anyone. My half brothers and sisters (from his previous marriage) learned music to varying levels. One of them was a working guitarist playing in bands and studio sessions on and off.

My first "go" at the bass was half-ars3d to say the least. I had no inclination to learn properly but instead knocked around with a family of brothers who were all multi-instrumentalists. The older ones were living off it nicely. I got by as a stand in when the talented ones were creating and I never had to learn to play a known piece. It was all [s]derivative[/s], er, original - ahem.

When I did what the OP did and tried to jam with dad, we could not find any common ground whatsoever and both quietly resolved never to try again. I stopped playing for many years after that.

When I got over myself years and years after, my new approach was to aim to get people moving rather than gratify myself with how I sound in my own head. I am still working on that. My partner's grandchildren often hang out when I practice and I've seen them shaking it when they think no-one's looking. That has to be the best feedback for me. It encourages me to keep at it.

Edited by SpondonBassed
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My Dad never played an instrument but always loved music. He took up singing after he retired and became something of a star of the local musical theatre scene. Unfortunately I never got to see him perform as I'd emigrated to the UK (from NZ) by then.

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My dad played Eb clarinet for the national youth wind orchestra and also played bass and guitar. Started me on all three, but the clarinet didn't stick.

My mum went to dartington and the guildhall and triple majored in voice, piano and conducting. Whilst she was at college this funny Indian guy used to give her lift home in his rolls Royce. Turned out to be Ravi Shankar.

They always talked about great musicians like Demi-gods and I just had to be involved.

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