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Shallow or Chunky necks, what's your preference

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Posted (edited)

[quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1459794941' post='3019749']

You could go hug a tree and itd still feel like a Geddy Lee Jazz after playing some uprights!

Cap well and truly doffed.

My technique is terrible on both, lol.

Edited by sunburstjazz1967

[quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1459805089' post='3019928']
Chunky. I prefer the more sold tone they give. I'm not a fan of the thiner tones from shallow necks.

Thread title edited as I really meant shallow rather than slim or narrow


I generally prefer slender necks (Ibanez/Dingwall type necks) but my ACG has a rather chunky neck which I love because it's asymmetrical. Having the neck thicker where your thumb generally goes does seem to be really comfortable, even for me who doesn't like chunky necks at all.


I'm not worried about nut width or fretboard radius, however, profile wise I much prefer a slim profile (depth).

I had a Rockbass Corvette a while back. They have a 38mm nut but the neck is like a bass ball bat. I found it horrid and almost unplayable. (there was a long list of things I came to hate about that bass). My hands aren't small but neither are they very flexy so to speak.


[quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1459850588' post='3020163']
I had a Rockbass Corvette a while back. They have a 38mm nut but the neck is like a bass ball bat.

That's the exact type of bass which made me realise that it wasn't nut width/string spacing which was bugging me :)


I like them really chunky (ooo-err missis!) The Letts 5 has a neck like a 2x4 and it's perfect, quite deep and square, with a fairly flat back, really helped to sort out my poor left hand technique.

I tried a Jazz a couple of weeks ago and it was like a toothpick, I jut couldn't get on with it.



[quote name='Matt P' timestamp='1459855174' post='3020225']
I tried a Jazz a couple of weeks ago and it was like a toothpick, I jut couldn't get on with it.

Sad but true, as I really like the look and sound of Jazz basses and frequently have GAS for them. Must resist...

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1459855817' post='3020238']
Go for a post 2012 US Jazz Mark, although Jazz width they have a nice deep neck so don`t feel like a toothpick.

I may just do that Lozz, thanks for the info. :)
Do you happen to know what the board radius is on those before I go a-Googlin'?

Edited by discreet

Get a Jazz and stick a Precision neck on it - job done? Plenty of folk gone the other way - why is it that P neck on J body seems (to my limited statistical analysis) far less common?

Posted (edited)

[quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1459858299' post='3020277']
Get a Jazz and stick a Precision neck on it - job done? Plenty of folk gone the other way - why is it that P neck on J body seems (to my limited statistical analysis) far less common?

Yes, that is another possible route but I'm not entirely sure on the best way to go about it. There is an Aria Jazz that has a P-width nut, but I haven't tried one. I did think about getting both a J and a P and swapping the necks, then selling the P with a J neck - no problem shifting that, as you say it's a much more popular combination. I think J-type necks are more popular generally. I have quite big hands so find some J necks uncomfortable.

Edited by discreet

I have a TRBX504 and it has the shallowest neck I've ever played on. It's like a ice lolly stick


[quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1459805089' post='3019928']
Chunky. I prefer the more sold tone they give. I'm not a fan of the thiner tones from shallow necks.

Why do you think a thin neck means a thin sound and chunky neck means a solid tone?


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1459858009' post='3020274']
I may just do that Lozz, thanks for the info. :)
Do you happen to know what the board radius is on those before I go a-Googlin'?

Or how about one of them thar J&D Jazzes, recently discussed here? Isn't the neck a bit deeper on those?

Get a black/black/maple one, then I'll buy it from you when you don't want it any more :)


[quote name='Spoombung' timestamp='1459870430' post='3020430']
Why do you think a thin neck means a thin sound and chunky neck means a solid tone?

I guess that's the worm can opened now ;)

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