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anyone recommend me a new amp?


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hi guys,

well my warwick 3.2 head doesnt work, so i'm sending it back and getting something completely different.
Ive already got a warwick 211 pro 2x10 cab that is good, so i'm just looking for a head to accompany it.

basically, it needs to be:

- £300 or under ($500 or under)
- at least 300W (preferably more)
- good for rock and slap bass, and has good "growl"
- have a speakon connector

so far i've looked at:

- Marshall MB450H
- SWR 350x Head
- Hartke HA3500
- Laney RB-9
- Eden Nemesis RS400

My local music shop is really bad and stocks nothing, so i cant try any thing out. i just have to rely on what you guys tell me!

out of the ones i've looked at, something is just telling me that the eden nemesis is the best bet. dont ask me why...

anyway thanks for all your help

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[quote name='jjl5590' post='291828' date='Sep 25 2008, 02:59 PM']My local music shop is really bad and stocks nothing, so i cant try any thing out. i just have to rely on what you guys tell me![/quote]

Noone's going to give you any advice now. Get the one you were thinking about getting before. The Hartke Hybrid head.

EDIT: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=26831"]This one.[/url]

Edited by The Funk
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why wouldnt people give me advice if i cant try them out? if anything i would have thought people would help me more, cos if someone can try them out for themselves then they dont really need people to tell them what they sound like.

anyway the new hartke head looks alright, but i'd like a bit more flexablilty with the eq and stuff to shape my tone. i think its more of a rock head, and i play a lot of RHCP stuff and slap stuff. i dont see the hartke as being the best choice imo

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I'd say get a secondhand SWR 350. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=14706"]This one.[/url]

Noone will want to take responsibility for your new choice of amp. And you live in London - all the country's best bass shops are in your city. You should listen to recommendations to help narrow down your search and clue you up as to reliability problems but you can't decide which sounds best to you without hearing it first. That's why noone will want to give you any advice on which amp to get.

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[quote name='jjl5590' post='291867' date='Sep 25 2008, 03:25 PM']why wouldnt people give me advice if i cant try them out? if anything i would have thought people would help me more, cos if someone can try them out for themselves then they dont really need people to tell them what they sound like.

anyway the new hartke head looks alright, but i'd like a bit more flexablilty with the eq and stuff to shape my tone. i think its more of a rock head, and i play a lot of RHCP stuff and slap stuff. i dont see the hartke as being the best choice imo[/quote]
Without wishing to sound rude, haven't we done this with you before, re. Marshall and GK stuff, and given the same advice then? i.e. Try before you buy (no matter how hard, go out of your way to do this if you can), don't expect a definitive answer form everyone coz all our tastes are different etc etc?

I think the Hartke LH500 as suggested by The Funk is a mighty fine idea for you :)

EDIT - The Funk got there first!

Edited by Merton
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i guess your right you should always try before you buy. but the shops in london are all like online shops, and they have very very little actually in stock (in the shop).

im not tooo bothered about the sound, i just need a decent head, something loud that wont crap out on me like the warwick. maybe i'll look into that hartke head again then

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[quote name='jjl5590' post='291885' date='Sep 25 2008, 03:37 PM']i guess your right you should always try before you buy. but the shops in london are all like online shops, and they have very very little actually in stock (in the shop).

im not tooo bothered about the sound, i just need a decent head, something loud that wont crap out on me like the warwick. maybe i'll look into that hartke head again then[/quote]

Well, there is a shop called the Bass Gallery (in London, I might add) which is completely dedicated to Bass. Not a guitar in sight. Go there - Fantastic choice of basses, amps and even effects. Prices are a little high, but hey, there's nothing to stop you walking in and trying out what you want, and then buying cheaper on the net somewhere.

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[quote name='Higgie' post='291893' date='Sep 25 2008, 03:47 PM']Prices are a little high, but hey, there's nothing to stop you walking in and trying out what you want, and then buying cheaper on the net somewhere.[/quote]

They 'price-beat' so you should definitely tell them what price you were quoted and where - and they'll beat it!

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Lots of us wont tell you what to buy because we dont know if you like the same thing as us. Some will tell you to buy what they use, or what they are selling :)

Seeing as you live in London and are much closer to some bass-tastic shops than we are, we might think you are a lazy f***er who cant be arsed to put any effort into deciding what to buy.

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[quote name='lemmywinks' post='292125' date='Sep 25 2008, 06:24 PM']I'm selling my HA5500, 500w Hartke head with tupe and solid state preamps and 10 band eq for £200[/quote]
well i need to get the money back for the one i already have. chances are they wont give me my money back, rather make me exchange it for something else. but if i do get my money back it will probably be in like 3 weeks, so let me know if you still have it by then.

in the meantime what do you think about these two:

Eden Nemesis RS400

SWR 350x

i play (loud) funk/rock, and play a lot of fast RHCP-style slap lines.

what do you think is the best bet? If you can think of any others please mention them too

cheers guys

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