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Im aware that a lot of players don't like the Bartlolini's smooth darkish ( depending on the winding) tone they give. But i really would like a 5 string set. I had a 5 string set on the Sei Jazz and they were so great.

Anyone else like Barts on a Jazz Bass. and do you like Delano's.?


Do you mean the extra long ones, full-on 5 stringers? I just happen to have a pair in the Projects Box which came out of my Overwater J5 fretless. Beautiful things, not overly dark at all, but I decided I wanted a load of extra attack and graunch so swapped out to EMG j5s.
If you fancy them, let's talk!

Posted (edited)

I have Barts soap bars running thru a east per and they are very lively....
Not looking to swap them...... Am thinking about swapping out the N3 in my fender tho...Maybe all aguilar with one of their pre's...or audere,
I had Bart soap bars thru a shack and they were darker but also pretty modern...but that wasn't a jazz, it was a custom build so I'd say that sound was built in... still pretty lively though.

Would have no problem using more Bart pickups.

Edited by JTUK
Posted (edited)

I have a Jazz with Barts and a Bart Preamp, and the sound is anything but "dark".
Very creamy, smooth sound with plenty of zing.

My five string has Delano's, Jazz pup at the neck, and MM at the bridge.
The MM pup can be switched to single pup, so like a Jazz configuration.
This Bass has an Aguilar preamp, and to my ears, this set up (in single coil mode) is darker
sounding than the Bart set up (above). But again that might be other factors,
woods, finger boards etc.

Edited by lowdown

I think that I must be missing something - I had a set of Barts in a Roscoe 5er - they just lacked "something" - spoiled what was otherwise a really good bass. Sold it because of the Barts.


I have always loved the sound of Barts and have them both on my Fender Am Std Jazz (along with an East Retro preamp) and my 57RI P bass.

The jazz sounds great but not too much like what you might imagine a Jazz bass to sound like. I assume that this is more down to the east pre as the passive P bass sounds just like you would expect it too, but perhaps a little darker and more focussed.


[quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1460851778' post='3029374']
Do you mean the extra long ones, full-on 5 stringers? I just happen to have a pair in the Projects Box which came out of my Overwater J5 fretless. Beautiful things, not overly dark at all, but I decided I wanted a load of extra attack and graunch so swapped out to EMG j5s.
If you fancy them, let's talk!

Posted (edited)

They are a pickup that is not super bright, like i said there soooo many different windings that Bartolini offer. they will make what you want. But they are really nice pickups imo. I would take Bartolini's over any other pickup, including Lindy Fralin's.

it may sound odd but a factor for me is the actual plastic casing. nice rounded edges on Bartolini Pups.. I had some Nordy HC's in a jazz, and resting my thumb on the sharp edges of the plastic wasn't very comfortable.

Edited by bubinga5
Posted (edited)

I really dont like EMG's or the Delano's. to hifi for my ears. The EMG actives are just wooahh.way too much.
The only other pickups I've liked are Fender custom shop in a passive jazz or Nordy soap bars. Or dimarzio make cracking pickups, especially the Area J

Edited by bubinga5

I read lots of bad things about the MK1 barts in the 55-01, but they sound great to me. I've never had a situation that they wouldn't work for. Having said that, the Haussels in my Elwood have a little something extra. Hard to quantify what it is, but they just seem a little more... punchy maybe?

Posted (edited)

My Mayones 5er has Bartonini single coils & it sounds just wonderful,nice smooth tones,but you can make it snarl with a bit of eq if needed.
I really like the look of Barts too :)

I wasn't too keen on the Delano's my last Sandberg had,I found them a bit harsh for my tastes.

Edited by artisan

Pickup swap... :lol:

I have some Custom shop Noiseless on a J5 that I was going to swap out... but I think I'd need to keep the originals if I were to sell the bass.

I thought I'd try and new set of pickups and/or a pre amp.

Looking for ideas to swap.

I know the East 4 pot pre amp well and was thinking something different.. for no other reason but to try a few things
plus the Fender pre doesn't have a passive option.

So, anyone any ideas on a 4 pot pre... with a sweepable mid preferrably.

Pickups in mind are Aguilar atm...

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