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SOLD! Thunderfunk 550A


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Hi folks

Yes, selling the amp as well!

This was for sale earlier in the year ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=21896&hl=thunderfunk"]see link[/url]). I'd like to get back what I paid for it, being [b]£350[/b] (+ postage). Though collection is equally welcome (based in Nottingham).

This one is the same internals as the 550B, but in a 420 shell, so all that is different is the chassis. For more details please see [url="http://www.thunderfunk.com"]the Thunderfunk website[/url]. Great amps, just not for me!

Thanks for looking.


Edited by mcgraham
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  • 3 weeks later...


It's already mounted inside a soft/hard rack case :) So that would be a yes. There's also a box with the additional 'feet' and handle for carrying around outside the rack.

The chassis is the older one, but it is indeed the 550 model. I believe that it is 550W into 4 ohms but I'd need to confirm that.

If you drop me a PM with your email I can email pictures of it. Though they are poor quality when zoomed in full size as I only have a camera phone.


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