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Pickup height and tuning

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This isn't a bass problem, it's a cheese-wire guitar problem, so I am sorry if this is in the wrong place, please move it if it is.

I got a new guitar for my birthday (well, new to me, it's a very old and battered thing. It suits me) and my tuners hate it. Both the tuner in my Boss GX-700 and my Korg Pitchblack Pro. It's a seven string and I know the Boss hates bass (I have tried a bass through it and the damned thing sulked) but it's not just the low B, it's the E and A, too, and the Korg has been fine until this.

The guitar is an Ibanez RG7321, the pickups aren't height adjustable and the pickups in it aren't the originals (they are Duncan Designed, so I am assuming they were taken off another cheap guitar). They are very low down, barely sticking out of the cavity. The guitar seems loud enough, but I am wondering if this could be the reason my tuners aren't behaving themselves.

It's got top locking tuners on it, which I don't think are original either. I'm not so sure I like them. The way I put strings on stretches them at the same time, but you can't do that with these things. There are no windings at all around the posts, which seems odd, but after giving them a good stretch I have got them stable enough (it had new strings on it when I got it).

It's a nice guitar, the neck and frets are lovely, it just has a couple of niggles that need sorting out. I shall shim the pickups anyway, but it would be nice to know if this might fix it or not.

Edited by KingBollock
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From the research I did before getting it, the pickups aren't meant to be adjustable, it's just a thing with this model. But even if they were to start with, they ain't now, the screws holding the pickups down are about 8mm long.

I have got some surgical tubing (from an old catapult), I shall see if I can find some suitable screws. I should have some, I have loads of sweet and biscuit tins and tubs and coffee jars, all full of screws, but I never seem to have just the ones I need...

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I can't find much online about top locking tuners. Is it normal for there to be no windings at all?

If there should be at least a winding or two, I might just change the strings now, nevermind that these are new. I've seen some Elixirs that I like the look of. I love 'em on my five string bass, fortunately they're a hell of a lot cheaper for guitar. And hopefully the coating might be more gentle on my fingertips.

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I don't do any winding on my guitars with locking tuners... I thought the whole point of them was that you didn't need to, so the entire length of the string can be at the same tension as the speaking part - which gets rid of the possibility of winding slippage causing tuning issues....?

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