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I see Warwick get a lot of stick on here, why is that.

When I bought a Warwick two years ago the good folk on here said it was a superb buy, and it seemed to my novice hands to be a wonderful guitar. why are they so much out of favour?


Tastes change I guess, the world and its wife want classic Fenders and clones thereof. Warwick still make some fantastic instruments. I love my Corvette even tough I'm a Precision man at heart.


well for some reason there are more warwicks than folks wanting them which means the price comes down. Now the folk with them who want to sell dont like them cos they are loosing value. So what happens is folk invent reasons why they are not selling.
So they blame it on nu-metal or on the quality diminishing, wawickhunt selling too many, the brand image being lost, or something... I don't know what the reason is.
Then the economy tightens so folk go for trusty old designs that will hold value. Anything designed by leo fender really. Oh except musicmans. They are going to be like warwicks some point soon. Everyone loves P and J basses then. New fangled german stuff isn't in favour.

But you like yours, and I like mine (and got it at a good price) so we are happy, and thats all good. :)


[quote name='LukeFRC' post='295029' date='Sep 30 2008, 12:41 AM']well for some reason there are more warwicks than folks wanting them which means the price comes down. Now the folk with them who want to sell dont like them cos they are loosing value. So what happens is folk invent reasons why they are not selling.
So they blame it on nu-metal or on the quality diminishing, wawickhunt selling too many, the brand image being lost, or something... I don't know what the reason is.
Then the economy tightens so folk go for trusty old designs that will hold value. Anything designed by leo fender really. Oh except musicmans. They are going to be like warwicks some point soon. Everyone loves P and J basses then. New fangled german stuff isn't in favour.

But you like yours, and I like mine (and got it at a good price) so we are happy, and thats all good. :)[/quote]
No. I sold mine to pay for Christmas. It was red and I prefer a natural finish but it sounded great played easy (for me) and, I consider a mark of quality, never needed re-tuning despite living in a warehouse.

Posted (edited)

I used to have a five-string Streamer and it was just beautiful, but as [i]clauster[/i] posted, tastes change (pointy-headed Jacksons anyone?).

I have to say though, you don't see that many bands using them now. Like most of us on this group, I look and see what gear bassists are using when you see bands (live or on TV) and Fender seem to be top of the pile again.

<edit> One or two observations - Spector have upped their game and right now (and if I had the choice) I'd sooner play a Spector NS than a Warwick Streamer. Also, while the Thumb and Streamer are great designs, IMO the newer stuff is pretty pug-ugly.


Edited by NancyJohnson

[quote name='dazco' post='295021' date='Sep 30 2008, 12:23 AM']I see Warwick get a lot of stick on here, why is that.

When I bought a Warwick two years ago the good folk on here said it was a superb buy, and it seemed to my novice hands to be a wonderful guitar. why are they so much out of favour?[/quote]

They’re not out of favour with me :) I think they're the mutt’s nuts and I'll deck anyone that disagrees...

Posted (edited)

I have three of the buggers and think they're great. I don't buy into the idea of a drop in quality. Both my Thumbs are beautifully built and they we made in 2004 and 2005.

I reckon the main issue is a change in fashion towards traditionally shaped guitars, especailly for younger indie-type bands who are most concerned with their look. It'll come around again, no doubt. In areas like RnB, Metal and Jazz Warwicks are still popular.

Having said that I think that Warwick would do well to make more traditional designs like the [url="http://www.warwickbass.com/basses/Star%20Bass%20II.html"]Starbass[/url]. Too many of their newer models (Vampyre, Dark Lord) are far too geared towards metal players. I find them very cheesy.

A mid-level priced Starbass might ease them nicely into the indie market...

Edited by rjb

I used to own 3 Streamers and a Fortress - my old 91 Streamer is still the best bass I've ever owned. Unfortunately, I had neck issues on my 87 Streamer caused by a very poor quality truss rod that was badly installed.

I had a 2002 Streamer at one point, which was better made than the older ones (but didn't sound as good for some reason - I think the current 3-band electronics and pickups aren't as good as the older ones). Unfortunately for me, the luthier that was repairing my 87 also showed me 2 trussrods he'd removed from a couple of cheaper 'Wicks (not Rockbass) he was working on, and also told me of his repair history with Warwick basses and frankly it scared me into selling all of them. For the sort of money these basses command, these issues just shouldn't happen.

Might have to look at Spector now though...

Posted (edited)

I like warwick basses, i've not tried a load of them but what i did try sounded really nice. I think they're really nice looking as well but unfortunately i don't get on with the necks well enough to buy one. Maybe when i've got lots of money, but for now i'd rather have something i'm comfortable with.

That and i can't afford one! :)

Edited by budget bassist

I love my Thumb BO 4 and I intend for my next purchase to be another Warwick too. I don't sing it's praises too much on here because they are a 'Marmite' bass and not everyone gets on with the shape of the neck, or being forced to wear them high to prevent the neck-dive.

I'm actually quite happy that they are out of favour at the moment as it means I'm more likely to pick up a bargain 2nd hand :)


I never actually hear anyone giving Warwicks a hard time on here, just people asking why they get a hard time! (that's not a dig by the way). All I've ever really heard against them is the neck profile, the price and the dreadful factory setup. The only one of those that's a problem for me is the price!!


I should join in with the Warwick-love too!

Got 3 thumbs - fretted 4, freless 4 'Jack Bruce', and a fretted 5, and a Warwick Triumph EUB completes my collection.

Absolutely stonking instruments the lot of em!



I currently own 2;

A '97 Wenge-necked Streamer LX 6
An '02 Ovangkol-necked Infinity SN4

Both are good instruments. The Infinity was a (new) bargain, simply because the set-up was truly evil and everyone assumed it to be rubbish. I've not had any technical gremlins except for the barrel jack working loose, and that's a pretty quick fix.

If I were expanding my bass line-up and the right Warwick came along at the right price, I wouldn't let any nay-sayers put me off.
Now I think of it, that comment applies to all makes of bass!

Right bass, right price? Like it?
Buy it.


I had a Warick thumb 5 from 1987, it was a very well built instrument, I only sold it to buy an Alembic which is better than anything else on earth in my opinion. If I'd been able to afford to keep the Warwick I would have as it had qualities all its own.
I do like my Fender Jazz though it'a a '78 which in some peoples eyes makes it a lesser instrument, it's a joy to play and sounds great.


[quote name='markytbass' post='295169' date='Sep 30 2008, 10:02 AM']If they hadn't fallen out of favour then I wouldn't have been able to afford sutch a great bass.[/quote]

+ 1
= 3


[quote name='neepheid' post='295181' date='Sep 30 2008, 10:13 AM']They're too expensive :huh:[/quote]

That much is true.

I have found that the quality can be a bit variable, but they are generally pretty nice instruments. I now own a nirvana black oil 2007 Streamer Stage I 5 string, and oh boy does it play like butter and it sounds fantastic :)

However, it is going to have a Shuker to compete with soon, so we will see how it holds up!


Of the Warwicks I've played (only very few) the onyl one I liked was Monz's 5 string Corvette which I got my grubby mits on atthe bash. Genuinely liked that a lot, never been a fan of any others, mainly don't like their necks.


[quote name='benwhiteuk' post='295088' date='Sep 30 2008, 08:20 AM']They’re not out of favour with me :huh: I think they're the mutt’s nuts and I'll deck anyone that disagrees...[/quote]

:) +1


[quote name='peted' post='295172' date='Sep 30 2008, 10:04 AM']I love my Thumb BO 4 and I intend for my next purchase to be another Warwick too. I don't sing it's praises too much on here because they are a 'Marmite' bass and not everyone gets on with the shape of the neck, or being forced to wear them high to prevent the neck-dive.

I'm actually quite happy that they are out of favour at the moment as it means I'm more likely to pick up a bargain 2nd hand :)[/quote]

+1 to all of that. My Thumb BO sounds great, and to me is one of the nicest basses I've played. But it was owned by two other members on here previously, who just couldn't get on with it.

Its a great time to buy Warwicks if you like them!


I almost bought one of those FNA Jazzman things a year or so back but after a bit more playing the neck did start to niggle me. Seems I don't get on with the shape. Shame, one of the best sounding basses I have ever played. They are a bit "geeky" though. You wouldn't want to turn up to a punk gig with anything other than a black Precision. That's just the way it is :)

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