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Highway One Precision Pickup Question


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hi all, I'll try and keep this as brief as I can, long story short, last year I decided to take the plunge on an american Precision bass, I decided in the end, despite having thew funds for a "proper" USA standard, to search out a post 2006 Highway One Precison instead as I figured a couple of things, they are petty much USA standard instruments minus through body stringing and other minor points, and having thinner paint I would get the road worn look (I like that sort of thing) a bit easier

so, to the point........the precison I found is a 2008 model, it has the badass II bridge, it has the reinforcement graphite rods running through the neck, it has the greasebucket tone circuit (which I changed back to "standard" circuit) etc etc

I read somewhere that some of the highway ones had mexican pickups, some had usa pickups, either way I am happy with the noise my bass kicks out so I doubt any changes are on the horizon, but it got me a little curious, I have no idea which are in my bass and dont know how to tell, so, if any of the more knowledgeable of you guys / gals would have any dea / information, that'd be spot on, just to know for curiosities sake if no other reason

taking the pickups out I found the following underneath............

can anyone enlighten me an further?

cheers in advance




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They are cracking basses, wasn't overly struck on the grease bucket thing so changed that out for a standard circuit with the same pickups, love it now, my GAS has, for the last year and the foreseeable, been tamed.......

Just curious as to what pickups they are in this bass as I heard some have Mexican, some have USA pickups, I'll assume, given the other "upgrades" my guitar has being post 2006, that they would be USA pickups but I'm more than happy to be corrected,

just not sure how to tell so maybe someone with more knowledge that me can tell me what the markings on the underside of them mean in regards to identification

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I just did a search on the number on the bottom of the pickup, this thread on Talkbass came up, most informative post is from Rboyce, Oct 24 2005


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