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Phil Starr

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Any other lazy B****rs like me using this site to work out songs. I'm a quick fix sort of a person (with cloth ears) and anything that helps me close in on a bassline quickly I'll use. I like to use an accurate chord chart as a starting point with new songs.

If you haven't used Riffstation it runs off You Tube and works out the chord changes. The software seems to slightly favour bass, the first beat of the bar and the loudest sounds so often good for us low enders. It's far from 100% accurate, it gets confused by more harmonically challenging music and only seems to do major and minor chords. If anything it tends to put in more chord changes than are actually there. But when the usual suspect tab sites don't have an accurate chord chart it's becoming my go to. It's also fun to see when the computers get it right.

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