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Posted (edited)

Who dreams up this sort of nonsense? I thought schools were supposed to prepare students for life in the real world . . . Or can we expect bans on clapping throughout the land? :rolleyes:

Edited by 4stringslow

I am sensitive to noise because of Tinnitus. Spontaneous crowd noises are a particular problem for me so I avoid crowds unless I have something to fully distract my brain during whatever event is happening.

Even I think this news is ridiculous.


Whaddya mean "soon"? We've even had people not look at us, presumably to prevent us becoming intimidated by all the scrutiny... :( :)


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1469105958' post='3095794']
Another step on the way to having children killed and stuffed so they don't make any noise or mess.

As a 'non-parent' I am struggling to see the negatives here....


[quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1469120088' post='3095964']
As a 'non-parent' I am struggling to see the negatives here...

Well I AM a parent, but I'm not saying it's necessarily a bad thing. :ph34r:


More PC f***wittery.

Apparently in our own educational system they are currently discouraging the use of "brain storming" because it might offend those with epilepsy!!!


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1469144677' post='3096167']
More PC f***wittery.

Apparently in our own educational system they are currently discouraging the use of "brain storming" because it might offend those with epilepsy!!!

And those with astraphobia too, I presume!

Posted (edited)

Half these things are misreported, the classic example being the kids who were supposedly issued with safety gear whilst playing conkers.

The other half started out like 'baa baa green sheep' which began a few decades ago as a joke based on the drive for trying not to use potentially offensive discriminatory terms in public institutions (back when racially offensive terms were frequently used by police and politicians as well as on prime time TV sitcoms) but somehow became so deeply ingrained in the national consciousness that there are now generations who think it really is illegal to teach kids 'baa baa black sheep' and nurseries and schools that do indeed insert a non skin tone colour in the rhyme to avoid causing imaginary offence.

Edited by Cato

[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1469105958' post='3095794']
Another step on the way to having children killed and stuffed so they don't make any noise or mess.
... with a permanently excited face expression I hope!

God help the taller kids when they stand behind the smaller kids and get their noses ripped off by the row of rising fists from the row in front.


[quote name='ras52' timestamp='1469167517' post='3096194']

I had to look that up. Though I know what 'brontophobia' is - fear of thunder. As in brontosaurus (thunder lizard).


[quote name='discreet' timestamp='1469174273' post='3096264']
I had to look that up. Though I know what 'brontophobia' is - fear of thunder. As in brontosaurus (thunder lizard).

I, for one, live in constant fear of brontosauruses.


Doesnt seem to have occurred to them that an easier solution might be to suggest that the member of staff with the hearing problem figure out their own strategy for reducing the problems caused? I know we are supposed to be all-inclusive, but I am hearing impaired and often struggle to hear un-amplified public speakers even with my hearing aids.
Maybe I SHOULD stand up and shout "SPEAK UP! we cant hear you!"



[quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1469174598' post='3096267']
I, for one, live in constant fear of brontosauruses.

I, for two, hadn't lived in fear of brontosauruses until I read your post. Now I'm terrified.


I reserve my fear for Diplodocus.

I stopped worrying about Brontosaurus when they accidentally changed the name to Apatosaurus.

None of these were much of a risk unless you stood in front of them and got crushed.

In more modern times, of course, the real threat has been the bite of the Luissuarez.


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1469180439' post='3096326']
I stopped worrying about Brontosaurus when they accidentally changed the name to Apatosaurus.

I fear you may have dismissed your fears prematurely...

Discreet and I will be hiding in our Brontosaurus Bunker until this all blows over.

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