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Having played my first proper pub gig at the weekend (rock covers) and had a few moments where my brain and my technique completely went missing i have been thinking about my practice time at home in preparation for rehearsals and gigs. Now, some of the mistakes from the weekend I can put down to first night nerves which is probably fair enough but i am now thinking that the fact that I do all my home practice sitting down rather than standing up (as I would be at rehearsals and gigs) is not helping. Simple question, for those that gig regularly, do you sit or stand when practicing at home??

Posted (edited)

Can you not sit down at the gig..? A folding chair or drum throne..? If not, why not..?
Just sayin'.

Edited by Dad3353

[quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1469458346' post='3098445']
Can you not sit down at the gig..? A folding chair or drum throne..? If not, why not..?
Just sayin'.

It's certainly a thought but I am not aware of too many bassists in rock bands that play sitting down (happy to be corrected tho) and to be honest I would feel a bit of a twat if I did!!


always standing up with the strap on.

sounds a bit dodgy that.....but yes always practice as if its how you are going to play live because all your hand and arm mussels get used to the position. If you sit down more often than not then that becomes the comfort zone. At the gig there are plenty of distractions for all players no matter how experienced so you dont want to add more in.


Well I rarely practice our material at home, but as I have a bad shoulder my right arm needs to be down by my side when playing so I rehearse standing up whatever I`m playing.


[quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1469458659' post='3098455']
always standing up with the strap on.

sounds a bit dodgy that.....but yes always practice as if its how you are going to play live because all your hand and arm mussels get used to the position. If you sit down more often than not then that becomes the comfort zone. At the gig there are plenty of distractions for all players no matter how experienced so you dont want to add more in.

Yep, this is pretty much exactly what I have been thinking since Saturday. Not really given it much thought before then...


If you wear your bass at the same height for both sitting or standing, then this should not effect your technique. In your OP you did not say that you suffered from fatigue or back strain etc, so I'd suspect that your mistakes were indeed down to nerves.

I generally practice sitting down, but occasionally I will stand for a while.


I nearly always practise sitting down due to a dodgy back, but usually on the day of the gig I spend 30/40 minutes practising standing up just to get used to the different hand/wrist positions etc..


I play BG and EUB and always practice,rehearse and gig standing.I move around a lot when I play and simply can't get comfortable playing while sitting,even on a high stool.Ditto for guitar.This way there are no adjustments to the instruments or me.I have enough trouble getting things right when I'm playing and don't need other things to worry about-keep it simple,and I've been doing that for 56(I can't believe it!) years.


Practice sitting and standing. Who knows what band you'll be playing in in ten years time. might just be a band that requires you sit to play. Be flexible in every part of your playing and then you will fit in with any situation you meet in the future.

Posted (edited)

Pretty much like thebrig, I'll learn or compose material sitting down (mainly to get a better view of the fretboard) and then when I know the material and can play it without looking I rehearse it all standing up at least a few times before actually gigging. Then I can engage the audience with my cheeky grin and wink at likely birds in a lascivious manner. Oi! Oi! Do what? Not 'arf! And so on and so forth. :rolleyes:

Edited by discreet

[quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1469457815' post='3098438']
Having played my first proper pub gig at the weekend (rock covers) and had a few moments where my brain and my technique completely went missing i have been thinking about my practice time at home in preparation for rehearsals and gigs. Now, some of the mistakes from the weekend I can put down to first night nerves which is probably fair enough but i am now thinking that the fact that I do all my home practice sitting down rather than standing up (as I would be at rehearsals and gigs) is not helping. Simple question, for those that gig regularly, do you sit or stand when practicing at home??

When I practice I stand. Practicing from a sitting position can give you a false sense of confidence with the material. In other words it's easier to play in the sitting position.

All to often guys will find that some of those lines and riffs they nailed while practicing from a sitting position don't come off so smoothly from the traditional standing position for rock bands.


Posted (edited)

Jimm Lloyd Rea sat:


He had his reasons of course. Another one gone this year. :(

He played with John Lee Hooker.

Edited by Grangur

Learn it sitting down. Then it practice standing up a few times. If I'm feeling really conscientious I will also try to practice with my contact lenses in, as I can't see the fretboard so well with them in as I can with specs on. And also try to practice a few phrases without looking at said fretboard.

Then go to gig and it all seems to fly out of my head and I end up playing bum notes anyway. Although I hope not as many as if I hadn't practiced.


[quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1469457815' post='3098438']
Simple question, for those that gig regularly, do you sit or stand when practicing at home??

Stand, 99+% of the time.


[quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1469458639' post='3098454']
It's certainly a thought but I am not aware of too many bassists in rock bands that play sitting down (happy to be corrected tho) and to be honest I would feel a bit of a twat if I did!!

Who cares, start a new trend, sitting is good enough for the big guy :D



I have my bass low down, when I practice at home I usually sit down but on the edge of the seat with the bass hanging by the strap and not on my knees if that makes any sense, as for sitting down for gigs, no ,no ,no not in a rock band might get away with it in a jazz or lounge music band

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