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[quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1404310631' post='2491448']
The Bassdrive has quickly become an almost-always-on pedal for me, it adds a grittiness without being obviously distorted, just what I want to make the sound "less nice" so to speak.

Exactly what I use it for too, nice one!


[quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1404306264' post='2491365']
Here's my current configuration, it will stay like this at least fir this summer's gigs. :)


Sorry for being either ignorant or just plain blind but what do you use for power distribution?

Guest FretNoMore
Posted (edited)

The Bassdrive uses mains power, the rest are powered by a 1Spot adapter off the board (all pedals on the same 9V daisychain).

Edited by FretNoMore

[quote name='HazBeen' timestamp='1404303083' post='2491307']
My board in its latest incarnation.

Brimstone replaced the B3K, Proton replaced the MXR. Bass Whammy added for more tonal carnage.


Interested in your thoughts of the Proton vs the MXR?!



Cheeky little board I've put together for a gig this Saturday night..
Basically removed the Octron2 and plonked in the Anadime Chorus. Also using the SupaTone for a few tunes now..Sounding super! bring on Saturday..
= )

Posted (edited)

The latest...Have to say that the stacked COG TK-421/Blower Box combo is the BEST distorted sound I've ever had! :o


Edited by bakerster135

[quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1404725554' post='2494993']
The latest...Have to say that the stacked COG TK-421/Blower Box combo is the BEST distorted sound I've ever had! :o

Nice board! I just got my Blower Box at work - can't wait to get home and try it out!

I notice you're blending on the TK-421? Just picked up a Team Awesome Fuzzmachine too, figure the blended fuzz with the BB would be pretty gnarly!


[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1404754106' post='2495446']
A tip for the TAFM: http://www.talkbass.com/threads/team-audio-fuzz-machine-tafm-buffer-dip-switches.1066117/

Cool! Thanks man :)


[quote name='plunkrock' timestamp='1405064823' post='2498375']
Trying this combo out for the next wee while...


Awesome board!!
What patch cables are you using there?



[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1405065709' post='2498384']
Awesome board!!
What patch cables are you using there?


Cheers Si! The patch cables are Hicon jacks and some Sommer cable (I think) I picked up from Thomann:



My new set up. I have the fuzz and chorus going into the Zoom and then the Wah and the Nux going via the FXloop on the Ashdown.



[quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1397514458' post='2424797']
dude - my OCD would have led to me painting that micro thumpinator black by now ;)

one change - though I'm not going to jinx it and say the delay quest is over, I'm loving the EQD :)


I just want to say, close to 3 months later and no change (apart from changing the order slightly to swap the positions of the chorus and the delay)... and no sniff of a change on the horizon. weird. reached a point where I am (I think) 100% happy! so, umm, see you later! ;)


Nice to hear that Gaz!

I'm starting to feel like I'm in a similar place..
Got other pedals in the cupboard but I've started to question 'do I really need anything else?'
I think in my case the answer is, no.


[quote name='Marsy' timestamp='1405116280' post='2499052']
Nice to hear that Gaz!

I'm starting to feel like I'm in a similar place..
Got other pedals in the cupboard but I've started to question 'do I really need anything else?'
I think in my case the answer is, no.

cool. in many ways, with me at least, it's just the addictive personality moving from pedals to DVDs, or to vinyl, or to comics, or to something else, but that aside, I genuinely am 100% happy with each of these pedals, and also my bass and amp - first time in maybe 22 years!! maybe it's just getting old(er)!! ;)

what's on your board atm man?


Ha ha yeah I know what ya mean, there's always something to obsess over!

My current board is a few posts back ^^^

I recently aquired a Providence CustomShop - Anadime Chorus from eBay.com just purely because how immense the distortion pedal I have from this rare series is.. Very glad I did, chorus is definitely a cool sound on bass! To fit it on the board I had to take off a couple pedals, but to be honest, I'm not bothered about putting them back on now. I'm digging the simplicity of this current set up.

Fuzz > Overdrive > Chorus > Delay > Reverb

Job done! = )

Posted (edited)


LAST CHANGE. Couldn't resist a rehoused B:Assmaster that came up here, never thought I'd get one of those on a nano! My band has been on a bit of a hiatus recently and we had our first practice in a while last night - I have acquired quite a lot of new gear since we last practiced so it was a good time for a fuzz-off (Bluebeard, Team Awesome Fuzz Machine and Assmaster if you didn't see my other posts here). The Assmaster took it but it was pretty close, I think the other guys in the band thought I was crazy as the three sounded pretty similar to them :D

Besides the fuzz though, I am sooooo happy with this little setup, sounded really good through a pretty crap amp in the rehearsal space!

The switch on the Assmaster is a little dodgy and I'm waiting on a replacement coming in the post, if I manage to do something extremely stupid soldering that on I might be in the market for a new fuzz but if all goes well, I think I'm done! I've said that before a couple of times but I've tried so many now and nothing is even tempting to me, I like having such a small board so that forces me to stick to essentials :)

Edited by plunkrock
Posted (edited)

Delighted with my new Diago Commuter board, and now that I've refined the sound/pedals I want. SansAmp pedal is my favourite of the bunch, but the G30 Wireless is such a brilliant bit of kit too!
More on the Diago Commuter at [url="http://music.stevetdunn.co.uk/2014/07/a-place-for-everythingand-everything-in.html."]http://music.stevetd...ything-in.html.[/url]

Edited by stevetdunn

Haven't done this for a while so here's what I shall be gigging tonight:

Looking forward to trying out the Duality at a decent volume. :)


Gigging band starts up again next month. Practice tomorrow and this is what I've chosen




There's nothing particularly exotic on my board, but it works a dream. The knobs get tweaked a fair bit, but I've marked my "default" settings on the pedals. It's really handy having those settings to come back to, as a basis. A $hit-load of hours have been spent working those out, considering each individual pedal, and the variables of multiple pedals working similtaneously. When I'm using effects I make no attempt to retain anything "organic". It's more of an exercise in getting as freaky as possible, but still achieving practically useful sounds that work well in a band mix ... with a simple board.
To keep things neat and tidy, I bought a 1-gang extension cable and hard-wired a female kettle socket into it, then attached it to the board with velcro. The (wall-wort-type) power supply is always plugged in to this, so when I take the pedalboard out of its bag, it's just a case of connecting a lead from my bass into the tuner, a lead from the ODB-3 to the amp, and plugging a kettle lead into the board.

[b]Bass[/b] (active) >>>
[b]Korg Pitchblack [/b]Tuner. It's fine having this at the start of the chain, as the board is very quiet >>>
[b]MXR M87 [/b]Bass Compressor ... Uber-squashy, and good for peak limiting at these settings. It's always on >>>
[b]EHX Micro POG [/b]Octaver >>>
[b]Marshall Shredmaster[/b] Distortion... That's the strange-looking thing in the wooden housing. The friend who I inherited it from sought to rehome it in mahogany, for no apparent reason. It's a classic pedal, and apparently quite sought after by guitarists. I was previously using this for a bit of high-gain fuzz, but it was losing some low end with the gain past 12 o'clock. At lower gain settings there is no loss of low end, just thick smooth wooly overdrive. At these settings it makes a great overdrive, and it also works really well with the filter and/or octaver, for some amazing synthy vibes.
[b]MXR M82[/b] Bass Envelope Filter >>>
[b]Boss ODB-3[/b] Bass Overdrive ... I know it's a "Marmite" pedal, but I love it. I've got the treble dialed right back and the gain set relatively low, but I still wouldn't describe this pedal as an overdrive. It's more like a fuzz, sounding huge and beastly-dirty in a kinda synthetic way (I think that's why folk hate it?). I virtually always use this on its own, occasionally in conjunction with the filter for blasting into noise meltdowns, when things get mental and out of control. >>>
>>>[b] AMP[/b].

This board, like all boards, is a work in progress :)


This is my current bass pedalboard, which features my usual bass pedals on the bottom row and my 'fake guitar' sound on the top, to emulate the Royal Blood tone. This is what it sounds like!


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