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[quote]yeah, i'm a recent convert. plus, i don't like having to step over pedals when playing live, so having them all in a row is safer!![/quote]

I'm the same. As much as I love the sounds that numerous different pedals achieve, I've never been one for having to operate lots of pedals - I like it plug'n'play. I need a picture of my PT Mini to show you guys. It's usable for both guitar and bass though I use it almost exclusively for guitar. At present it's:

Polytune-->Boss GEB7-->Zvex Box of Rock-->Malekko Ekko 616-->Boss RC-2-->Sansamp California (for guitar sim).

Once I get my new amp (I'm talking guitar here) it'll be an even simpler setup with just the delay in the effects loop and the tuner plugged into a tuner out. I'm thinking about getting a dynamic delay like the TC Nova Repeater so that I don't even have to alter my delay settings when doing different songs.


[quote name='gnasher1993' post='863821' date='Jun 10 2010, 10:59 PM']Played this at a jam session today:

Last time I take a board without a delay :facepalm:

I need to get a PT mini for times like these...[/quote]

How is the Hot Cake on bass?


[quote name='GazWills' post='863842' date='Jun 10 2010, 11:17 PM']dude, what's the micro phaser like - is it a 4-stage (phase 90-esque)??[/quote]

I really like it. I prefer it to the Sovtek small stone I had. It is a 4 stage phaser, so definitely gets into phase 90 territory but it's much more versatile.

[quote name='alexharvay' post='864368' date='Jun 11 2010, 02:34 PM']How is the Hot Cake on bass?[/quote]

I love it, I only got it yesterday, but it's definitely staying on the board for a while! It's definitely tubescreamer like, but it's much less compressed and has more gain. I think the presence control is what makes it so good, it makes the pedal a lot more versatile.

Posted (edited)

here's my current incarnation which i used today for my DI gig at church.

wrestled some sweet sounds from it too with my usa P

and the obligatory 8:30 am Night ish shot....

apologies for shaky iphone pics

Edited by dudewheresmybass

[quote name='The Twickerman' post='864327' date='Jun 11 2010, 01:52 PM']Your G string is sharp.[/quote]

Actually, the pitch of unplugged equipment buzzing in a sharp G (but not quite G#).



[quote name='Dubs' post='868201' date='Jun 15 2010, 05:32 PM']Bob, your B is flat...


it's not often I start genuinely laughing at something on here, but this has done it :) :rolleyes: :lol:


[quote name='Dubs' post='868201' date='Jun 15 2010, 05:32 PM']Bob, your B is flat...


As a man with a severe bee sting allergy (they give me a mild case of death), I take a perverse pleasure in that picture.

And my B isn't flat, it's just cable noise, which is odd, because sometimes it's a sharp G and sometimes that flat B.


Pedal Board Mk. 2 :)


Same as before except re-arranged, Big Muff added in between Octave and ME-50B, and better cables!



[quote name='gnasher1993' post='864457' date='Jun 11 2010, 04:03 PM']I love it, I only got it yesterday, but it's definitely staying on the board for a while! It's definitely tubescreamer like, but it's much less compressed and has more gain. I think the presence control is what makes it so good, it makes the pedal a lot more versatile.[/quote]

I'm guessing your Hotcake has has the internal normal/bluesberry switch and a guitar/bass switch?


[quote name='alexharvay' post='870619' date='Jun 18 2010, 11:22 AM']I'm guessing your Hotcake has has the internal normal/bluesberry switch and a guitar/bass switch?[/quote]

Nope, it's one of the early ones so has neither.

Posted (edited)

Right... Finally sorted my mini board, this is covering all bases at the mo and am very happy with everything. I am considering shifting the Unichorus for a dedicated Chorus pedal, like the Analogman, but may end up leaving as is as it still does the job.

Only thing missing is the Boss SL-20 Slicer which I used for my Drum & Bass project which sits next to the DD-20

TC Electronics Polytune -> MXR M288 Bass Octave Deluxe -> 3Leaf Groove Regulator (& Fuzzhugger AB-Synth within it's effects loop) -> EBS Unichorus -> Guyatone Phase Shifter PS3 -> Boss DD-20 Delay with Tap Switch

loving it!

Edited by pantherairsoft

[quote name='bobbass4k' post='872680' date='Jun 20 2010, 03:44 PM']Looking good, but how come you're using an external tap switch for the dd-20? So you can switch patches and use tap tempo simultaneously?[/quote]

Correct, without it you can't swap patches and use the tap tempo instantly, you need to engage the delay, hold the switch for 2 seconds then start tapping... I also go from one type of delay to another and would need to hold it for 2 second to turn off, change patch, hold for 2 seconds, turn on, then start tapping again. The £4 it cost me off eBay seemed worth it for practicalities sake...


[quote name='pantherairsoft' post='872686' date='Jun 20 2010, 03:50 PM']Correct, without it you can't swap patches and use the tap tempo instantly, you need to engage the delay, hold the switch for 2 seconds then start tapping... I also go from one type of delay to another and would need to hold it for 2 second to turn off, change patch, hold for 2 seconds, turn on, then start tapping again. The £4 it cost me off eBay seemed worth it for practicalities sake...[/quote]

Fair enoguh, it's never really bothered me with mine, but I don't change patches that much, I either set it to a nice general delay or knob-twiddle of oscillaty noise craziness.


For competion sake... The full bass as used with the Drum & Bass project...

At times I am recording a phrase on the DD20, then recording a phrase of the phrase onto the SL20, then playing over it.... Complex... But fun!


I was not using octave of any sort… so I sold the Octabass, as I needed the money for something else. ironically, a month or so later I needed an Octave again… I was going to re-buy the Octabass but thought I'd try a few others on the off chance and was quite shocked to hear how much more natural the MXR Octave and Octave Deluxe sounded. The Octabass sounds almost computerised in comparison. Its not a bad sound… just preference was on the MXR for me! Oh, and the MXR tracks much better!

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