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Along with my board:

Here are my latest creations:
My brand new custom designed overdrives. My tribute to District 9 and Van Gogh. Original circuits by me and all hand painted.

The District 9 Bass Overdrive. Just a prototype, so a little rough. I was going to make a small batch of these with professional silk screening.

My Van Gogh "Bones" Distortion. Original Circuit and hand painted by yours truly. It sounds BADASS.


How do you find the 3 Leaf Audio Proton? As a self confessed envelope addict I am still toying with the idea of trying one of these out!!

[quote name='I am not excane' post='1185511' date='Apr 2 2011, 05:15 AM']Along with my board:

Here are my latest creations:
My brand new custom designed overdrives. My tribute to District 9 and Van Gogh. Original circuits by me and all hand painted.

The District 9 Bass Overdrive. Just a prototype, so a little rough. I was going to make a small batch of these with professional silk screening.

My Van Gogh "Bones" Distortion. Original Circuit and hand painted by yours truly. It sounds BADASS.


[quote name='I am not excane' post='1185926' date='Apr 2 2011, 04:07 PM']The Proton is not too hard to find - Tonefactor has them as well as a few other places. You can always contact Spencer at 3leaf to buy it direct from him.[/quote]
i think he was probably asking what you think of the sound rather than where to buy.. :)


Woops, I read it a little too quickly :) I'm way too tired

Anyway, I really enjoy it. It's a very natural sounding envelope as opposed to ones that get more "sqelchy" and artificial. I don't dig filters that suck the low end or get very synthy. The proton doesn't do that, it keeps my bass sounding like a bass. You can get a little quack or a lot of quack, but it doesn't completely cover up your sound.

I've never had a chance to play an original Mutron so I can't compare. Hope that helps.


Just got my Proton in from Bass Direct as Spencer and Tone Factor are out of stock. Have a Xerograph Deluxe incoming also! Currently using a Freaker wah into a fuzz which sounds absolutely filthy, the Proton can't really pull off the same trick but it's still a great filter.


[quote name='dannybuoy' post='1186390' date='Apr 3 2011, 01:12 AM']Have a Xerograph Deluxe incoming also![/quote]

I'll be ordering one of those bad boys soon, you'll have to let us know how it is. I havnt found a filter ive liked yet, so this is my last attempt at them before I give up completely.


[quote name='pantherairsoft' post='1186565' date='Apr 3 2011, 05:26 AM']I am not excane - How do we go about trying your pedals? Not that s I need any more, but given these are your circuits etc I'd love to give some a run for their money![/quote]

I'm planning on doing some demo videos of these pedals and putting them on youtube. I will go through all the settings, use fingers and pick, and running the neck from lowest to highest so you can really hear how they sound through the entire range of the bass. I'll also use active and passive basses.

I have a few up right now (not my own pedals) but just to give you an idea that they will certainly be lengthy videos.
You can check them out here:


Posted (edited)

New board and complete overhaul from me:

Signal path:

In - ZVEX SHO - split:

A (main/bass) - Pitch black -> LS2 (clean blended Rat) -> LS2 (clean blended Drivemaster) -> Loop (Ch.B of RE-20) -> stereo volume -> Stereo Memory Man Ch.A
B (fx/octave up) - Octron -> Enigma -> Loop (Mold Spore wah) -> Vesta Fire -> Ch.A of RE-20 -> PH-2 -> Master mute -> stereo volume -> Reflector -> Stereo Memory Man Ch.B

So, so, pleased. Taken such a long time to get it this sorted. Still gotta upgrade the main looper and volume pedal but this is working really really well.

Going into a '69 SVT (or Sunn 1200s) and Aguilar GS412 for A and Ampeg V4 or Burman and GS412 for B.

Edited by joegarcia

You're not wrong mate.
I really never thought I'd get so organised but it feels so so good haha. So nice to have it a reasonable size, it's been so unmanageable for such a long time.


[quote name='joegarcia' post='1189877' date='Apr 5 2011, 11:01 PM']IT HAS TIERS!!!
You're not wrong mate.
I really never thought I'd get so organised but it feels so so good haha. So nice to have it a reasonable size, it's been so unmanageable for such a long time.[/quote]

Do the Rat and Drive master really sound so different you need both? Really?


Yea, the Rat is set up for very mild overdrive, the Drivemaster is high gain drive. Debating whether I need separate LS2's though really, it's just that I need to switch from one to the other in one stomp and as they're totally different shapes it's a bit of a pain to do smoothly.


it's save so much room if you could fit a clean blend into the actual pedals.

anyway, that's an amasing board, i'd love to hear it. Is it you who was playing with Rose Kemp? My girlfriend's been getting me into her recently, it's ace.


[quote name='cheddatom' post='1190071' date='Apr 6 2011, 08:35 AM']My girlfriend's been getting me into her recently, it's ace.[/quote]

That's nice of her to let you innit?



Haha, cheers chaps.
Yea it's me on the last two Rose Kemp albums (Unholy Majesty and Golden Shroud). I've been looking into getting the blend built into the looper but might just get a x-blender.
This board is mostly being used for my band ANTA right now [url="http://www.anta.me.uk"]http://www.anta.me.uk[/url]
Touring in May! :)

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