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I decided to do a wee video of the routing on my board. To some, it might just be "Duh, obvious!" & to others it might be "Ahh! So that's how it works".
hope it gives you some ideas (& making a pedal like that is a doddle if you can solder & drill holes without hurting yourself).

Anyway, enjoy :)



Got myself a mission engineering expression pedal in the post but I think I may have to take off a pedal to fit it on! Grrrr!!!

Unless anyone can see a way I can rearrange?


[quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1327355891' post='1509994']
ok so heres my humble pedalboard


not so humble with a VT2 on it - king of valve OD pedals!



Uploaded with [url="http://imageshack.us"]ImageShack.us[/url]

Just had a rejig of my board (hence the stray wires etc), running out of real estate fast! Might need to invest in a bigger board- I love the neatness of a nice, compact pedalboard but it doesn't half worry you when cables/one-spot leads are squashed together and bent at all angles.


[quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1327447866' post='1511576']
But you just know buying a bigger board will create the temptation for more pedals ;)

I know- the eternal problem!

My issue is that I like the look of effects more than I actually use them. Obviously there's the tuner, then my 'always on' pedals (Opto Stomp, CEB-3, M80), the Octaver gets some sporadic use in our set, but the delay and phaser are mere indulgences that don't [i]really[/i] need to be there. Buying a bigger board just gives me right of way to splurge even more cash on flights of fancy that I feel pressured to slip in to our set to justify the outlay!


I'm very much the same! I'm considering getting a decent multi fx unit for the effects I am less bothered about. That way I wont be wasting lots of space or money on things that only get a few seconds of use per gig :P


[quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1327449981' post='1511625']
I'm very much the same! I'm considering getting a decent multi fx unit for the effects I am less bothered about. That way I wont be wasting lots of space or money on things that only get a few seconds of use per gig :P

Effects- the shoes and handbags of the bass playing world!


A few shots from our show at the weekend taken by a local photographer showing the board on stage!


[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1327566921' post='1513318']
I really need to get to one of these gigs to see it in action

Give it a bit of a listen here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/72012-drum-n-bassdubstep/page__view__findpost__p__1512692


Temporarily wired up in the only way I could get what I wanted at the time fitted! Messy I know but it keeps changing recently so I'm averse to sorting it out too much when I know that there's more changes to be made. Debating what the next step is with splitting it across two board or something as I really would benefit from an MP-201 as well as having my eye on a WMD Geiger Counter amongst other planned pedals!


[quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1327573113' post='1513440']
ooooh, cool, will give it a blast through the mixing-rig at home (I have a nice sub).

Cool. Lemme know what ya' think.

[quote name='simwells' timestamp='1327594638' post='1513963']
Temporarily wired up in the only way I could get what I wanted at the time fitted! Messy I know but it keeps changing recently so I'm averse to sorting it out too much when I know that there's more changes to be made. Debating what the next step is with splitting it across two board or something as I really would benefit from an MP-201 as well as having my eye on a WMD Geiger Counter amongst other planned pedals!


Looks awesome as a set up. Both the MP-201 and the Geiger Counter are amazing, getting your hands on an MP-201 is getting tricky now though :(
As for boards, it's worth waiting until you have a set up you like and get something custom made. I was using 2 Diago Tourmam board for a while and when I got the beast made that I use now, that worked out a fiar bit cheaper than I'd spent on the 2 Tourmen.


Yeah I'll keep looking out for a 201 but really don't want to pay £400 odd! Hopefully they will be bringing out something new soon, though it all seems to be complete speculation from what I can see.
I was thinking something along those lines though I think I'd prefer two more manageable boards personally!


Bum. Keep looking. Mine was £275 on eBay in a music shop closing down/stock liquidation sale. Came with an EU charger, but Moog sent me a free one when I said I'd bought a unit in the UK an it came with the wrong charger. Hopefully something will come up soon.

I have a gig on Feb 9th, but after that have a 2-3 patch where we will be working on a specific bit of music that I'm certain I won't need the Geiger Counter for, so if you want to borrow it for a week or two you can.



Thanks for the offer mate, have got a friend with one though so I've had a good play and know I want one! Just watching the ones that pop up on eBay for a good price at the moment.

Posted (edited)

Not really my pedalboard, but my meager collection. I don't use any of these for bass,
but I use the equalizer and wah for guitar.

Here's what they are:
-Dunlop 105Q Bass Wah
-DOD FX40B 7-band equalizer
-Dunlop Crybaby Classic Wah
-EHX Bass Big Muff Pi
-EHX Freeze Sustainer
-Boss OC-3 Octaver
-fOXX Fuzz/Wah/Volume (refurbished, bought from their website for 200$)

Eh, nothing special. I'm probably gonna sell the fOXX and get something Moog-y.
Or a Source Audio BEF Pro. Not sure where my loyalties are at the moment..

Edited by lxxwj

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