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[quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1457726123' post='3001409']

Filter before overdrive!? Well that's just not right at all...

N.b. Don't take seriously ;-)

Each to their own ;)

I use the B7K Ultra as a master preamp so it has to be last in line, but even if I wasn't using it for that I prefer a filter going into drive. I put fuzz pedals before filter, but drives are always usually after.


[quote name='Kev' timestamp='1457802355' post='3001945']

Each to their own ;)

I use the B7K Ultra as a master preamp so it has to be last in line, but even if I wasn't using it for that I prefer a filter going into drive. I put fuzz pedals before filter, but drives are always usually after.

Oh yes, fuzz before filter for sure! I always like a little bit of gritty mild overdrive before a filter though, just to eccentuate the Moog-esque analog - sounding squelch! :-) Definitely each to their own as you say though!

Really want a Protostar though, very envious indeed!

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Kev' timestamp='1457802355' post='3001945']

Each to their own ;)

I use the B7K Ultra as a master preamp so it has to be last in line, but even if I wasn't using it for that I prefer a filter going into drive. I put fuzz pedals before filter, but drives are always usually after.

Oh yes, fuzz before filter for sure! I always like a little bit of gritty mild overdrive before a filter though, just to eccentuate the Moog-esque analog-sounding squelch! :-) Definitely each to their own as you say though!

Really want a Protostar though, very envious indeed!

Edited by bakerster135

I must admit in my ex-guitarist sort of way, i thought filters were the same as wah and stuck it up front (fnarr). I've since learned better! Also fuzz into wah into overdrive is noisy fun.. :D


[quote name='GazWills' timestamp='1455736240' post='2981988']
Here's my little board, slight downsizing as I realised I was only using these pedals in the current band... so moved from Metro 24 back to old PT Mini. Feels right!

I just prefer the design of these to the new metro's, and the old bags were better, I don't care what PT say!!! :)


Haha! I bought a metro 24 and its stayed in its box. Mini all the way for me too. It just works


Not so much a board.....



Ok, i may need to up mymeds, this is getting way too CDO (Like OCD but with the letters IN THE RIGHT ORDER)... Also i may need to put some wheels on it!

Post Mary Chain, 'make all the noise' board: BSW is being a splitter, the wah sound goes into the fuzz then the wah pedal, tremolo, 'British sound' and the reverb and out to an amp. Everything else goes to another amp.



Finally took the time today to search for all the pics I took of my current boards every time I changed the chain(s) last few months.

We start at small for sessions which only need the necessary.

From there on a bit more drive options..

Or instead of the boost a chorus and/ or delay for the occasional feedback/ modulation party.

For swells/ stutter/ 808-kicks/ noise and the rest, I have my PT-2. Lots of (not so) useable sounds available.

And last but not least; an M13 for some sounds that I don't have on the PT-2 and looping, which does come in handy with a project with influences from Battles/ Tobacco that I just started with some classmates. Still trying to decide on whether I'm going to swap this one for a M9 + a designated MIDI pedal for the looping or if I'm going to roll with the M13.

Few things I'm still looking for are a Digitech PDS20/20 and XP300/ 1000 (or an XP100/200/400 that's been modded to XP300 specs), Boss PS6, EQD Bit Commander/ Rainbow Machine and a few bits and bobs so I can swap a few up for different kind of flavors. But by the time I get those, I probably need a bigger 3rd pedalboard... Damn.


This is my new version for 'in the house' noodling. The vox amplug thing is an amazing invention, so I'll probably be using that on its own most of the time, but for the times I fancy making some funny noises I can easily stick it on the end of this board.

Paper thin walls mean I can't really use my amp at home so the amplug is a must.

Posted (edited)

I am a bit of a Darkglass nut and a spoiled little brat.
Compressor -> tuner -> TremoLo -> raunchy dirt -> preamp with/without mild dirt -> amp/console.

Tremolo on its own seems useless but within band context it brings a lovely atmosphere.

I use the cheapest possible power supply with isolated outputs, which plugs straight into the mains socket without any need for an external adaptor and the thin wires that come with those. Never any problems, but I do keep a spare one at hand.

Edited by DiMarco

After a few gigs, my utility board needed some tweaks after the last layout!

New chain:
Bass -> DIY true bypass switch -> Line6 M5 -> MXR Bass Envelope Filter -> Boss OC-2 -> COG Knightfall 66 -> back out via TB switch.
All powered by a Diago Power Station with the M5 running on a GigRig Timelord.


Looper painted by Laua Bennett , COG painted by Claire Cousins



[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1458923604' post='3012174']
Filter into OC-2 is interesting - no tracking issues?

I never really use them together with this board, but when I have, it's been fine, the clean blend on the MXR really helps.


Posted (edited)

Never understood all this pedal malarkey myself :lol: :lol: :lol: ...here's my first board...still clueless how to find those Nerve drum & bass sounds though - i want that warm round old school 90's LTJ Buken type bass sound. Two channels out my board BTW, one for low end only off the LS2, through an octave and into a BD121 thing that has a DI out to the FOH. Still yet to try this hot hand thing as its still in the box at the mo....my heads exploding with learning Logic X, IOS music stuff, MIDI, & keeping two screaming kids happy...oh and working for our crumbling NHS 25 hrs a day :yarr:

Edited by Raslee

Hi all,

Here's the latest version of my bass pedalboard as of the beginning of 2016. It works as a two channel setup, with one channel controlling bass/sub/distortion effects, and the other featuring synths and royal blood tones.

I've also done a walkthrough video of the board below. Check it out!


P.S. My next project is to rack mount the whole board!


[quote name='pitchard' timestamp='1459211044' post='3014518']
Hi all,

Here's the latest version of my bass pedalboard as of the beginning of 2016. It works as a two channel setup, with one channel controlling bass/sub/distortion effects, and the other featuring synths and royal blood tones.

I've also done a walkthrough video of the board below. Check it out!


P.S. My next project is to rack mount the whole board!

Awesome tones on that guitar sound! What would you intend controlling the rig with if rack mounted?


[quote name='Rik (ESA)' timestamp='1459281971' post='3015158']
Awesome tones on that guitar sound! What would you intend controlling the rig with if rack mounted?

Bought a Voodoo Labs GCX & Ground Control Pro 2nd hand. Gonna give it a spin and if it doesn't work for me, then its no biggy. Gotta try these things innit?


[quote name='Rik (ESA)' timestamp='1459281971' post='3015158']

Awesome tones on that guitar sound! What would you intend controlling the rig with if rack mounted?

Very cool. Thanks for going through it all. As a matter of interest, were you doing all this before Royal Blood got popular or was it them that gave you the inspiration?

Posted (edited)

Here is my board. Pedaltrain Nano and from right to left:

Korg Pitchblack Tuner --> BB Bass Pre Amp (clone) --> DHA VT1-EQ-Bass "custom" --> Aphex Bass Xciter. I then run into a TC Electronics amp with a flat EQ and a use the built in compressor.


Edited by jimbartlett

New addition. The grey Stache



My new Temple Audio board with the pedals mounted. No cables yet...


[quote name='bassmayhem' timestamp='1460055344' post='3022224']
My new Temple Audio board with the pedals mounted. No cables yet...


i love seeing someone else using the suncoast! its my favourite preamp,


Been rewiring my big board after just using a pedaltrain nano + for a while. Thank goodness for OBBM 's flexible van damme cable and a few new one with hicon jacks. Really cant fit anything else on this so may move the bassballs and iq for something else filtery id like another octave too :). Really enjoying the soul food with the P bass though.


Just thought I would quickly share with you all the latest evolution of my board. Need to add a true bypass switch (for switching on multiple effects at once, namely the POG and Organizer (sic)) and replace that daft red lead.

As you may have guessed, I am one of those more ambient style bassists.

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