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[quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1507237769' post='3384227']

Hi. Question about your fx order.... do you ever run your bef filter into your oc2 octaver?

I typically have no use to with this band, but I have done. How come?


Posted (edited)

Here's mine. Scarily this has come together from scratch over the past 6 months, before which I had no pedal board and used a Boss MS-60B mainly just as a tuner! BC is such a slippery slope!

Blame and thanks in equal measure to Cuzzie, Dannybuoy and Cameron for lots of useful and expert insight whilst egging me on to explore new effects; I never knew filters could be so much fun(k) :) And also to Osiris for valiantly trying to save me cash by telling me to stick to my Zoom B3n. Now that I have run out of space on my board, I will definitely maybe start to listen...

Edited by Al Krow

[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1507794522' post='3387936']
Nice selection. Always wondered how the Mel9 fares on bass...

Usually, for playing ease I first raise the signal one octave with the whammy. With a 24 fret neck however you can get away without that.

Getting the Mel9 to sound good takes practice, it only has three volume levels on the output of notes it plays. Tracking is awesome.


I had the B9 and C9, kept the B9. Lent it to a friend who keeps forgetting to bring it out when I see him! Must get it back!

How's your filter quest going Al? I've decided to keep the MXR btw, thanks for not buying it off me!


[quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1507822520' post='3388229']
Usually, for playing ease I first raise the signal one octave with the whammy. With a 24 fret neck however you can get away without that.

Getting the Mel9 to sound good takes practice, it only has three volume levels on the output of notes it plays. Tracking is awesome.

That's interesting. I demoed the Mel 9 - for the cello and choir specifically - but couldn't get anything useful out of it. Pairing with an octaver might be a good solution (although the Sub N Up now gives me a lot of what I want on it's own). I wasn't aware of the 3 volume levels detail though. It did seem brutally monophonic on bass and I guess the stepped volume probably emphasised this. It was as if it really grabbbed the loudest note and just wouldn't let go until something louder came along.


Here are mine after 3 and a half years of amassing, trialling, side- and up-grading. I have a third board planned for my Vox Dealylab and another Red Panda and an Avalanche Run I fancy, but am not in a rush... The black one is the noisy one, the wooden is the ambient weirdness.


Latest revision. New PSU after the MXR 18v wall-wart I used for the Pork Loin started emitting sparks after only 3 gigs. Big improvement in noise floor and plenty of options for powering more pedals later. All the digital ones are on separate lines. The Bass Soul Food has gone and I may sell it - the mid push is too much for my taste although it works well on guitar. Maybe a Rat style distortion (MXR? Fuzzrocious?).

Posted (edited)


This is my all-in one, that can also be an extended pedalboard heart

Rothwell love squeeze
phase 45
Mutron III
these 3 before or after the dirt, with a loop for another mod
comp is independently on/off, the rest is activated by the mod switch

Preamp stage : runoffgroove Ginger (b15) or Orange emulation

Dirt: idiotbox or mountainking megalith or shin ei companion, blendable, or another effect in a loop (blendable too)

then "more" stage= boost of the megalith + ews mid control

Made by a friend on french forum Onlybass
Great beast, lots of fun!

edit it's a DI too
sorry for the bad pic.

Edited by totorbass
Posted (edited)

[b]Switch caps[/b]
No new pedals or changes in the chain order.

These caps make switching a lot easier without unwillingly changing the settings knobs of the effect.

Edited by blablas

[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1508686817' post='3393792']
How are you finding the Photon II, got a video in the works?

bloody great! im stacking it in parallel with the cicada fuzz atm sounds brutal.

video in the works! so will be up asap!



[quote name='blablas' timestamp='1508584260' post='3393080']
[b]Switch caps[/b]
No new pedals or changes in the chain order.

These caps make switching a lot easier without unwillingly changing the settings knobs of the effect.

I need to get me some of those.

Posted (edited)

Pedalboard revision: I finally subbed my OneSpot adapters for a decent PSU: Cioks DC10 mounted underneath the board. And as it's been quite a while since I posted my board here (not much of a poster, but a big time lurker :D), I'll post another pic:

Bass -> Polytune -> OC-2 -> DIY Bass Tubescreamer -> DIY D*A*M Ezekiel 25:17 -> DIY Big Muff -> EQD The Depths -> Line6 M9 -> Amp

Edited by MagicOnion

[attachment=256495:pedals oct 2017.jpeg]

First time here, but a long-term TalkBass poster/ Pedal Breeder.

I've downsized so much in order to get something small and reasonable for my move over here to Belfast. In the last year I went from a Pedaltrain 2 to a Pedaltrain Jr. to a Pedaltrain Novo 24 and now down to this Nano. I should have held out for a Nano+ so I could orient those better and keep my tuner onboard, but the clip-on or tuner in a DAW works just fine. Maybe I'll find a local trade for the ever-so-slightly bigger board.

Dingwall A[color=#8b4513]B[/color][color=#daa520]Z[/color]6 or [color=#ff8c00]Super PJ5 [/color]-> DIY Madbean 4:1 Compressor -> [color=#4b0082]Broughton Broughctave[/color] ->[color=#ffd700] Southampton Fifth Gear v2.1[/color] [size=2](the slightly newer version in a taller 1590b enclosure)[/size] ->[color=#008000] DIY Lil Bub Big Muff[/color] [size=2](Madbean Mudbunny built to Green Russian specs with a 3-way switch for flat/ scooped/ boosted mids)[/size] -> [color=#800080]Broughton JoshWah[/color] -> [color=#000080]Zoom MS100BT [/color]

I run all of this -> Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 -> 2012 Macbook Pro [size=2](ProTools for recording, GarageBand for practicing)[/size] -> AKG k240

I miss my big board, but I get a lot of mileage out of this minimalist setup. I also really miss playing through an amp, but I'm living in an apartment for the first time in years, and don't have a band on the horizon yet, so I'm getting used to playing through headphones.


Some nice selections there. My JoshWah had also found a place on my board now after realising my Hotone Bass Press gets a little lost in the mix. The volume control makes all the difference!


I've not been back here for quite a while, but I thought I would share what I have been playing around with for the last few months.


I'm sure I can squeeze just a couple of new toys on here though :)


I've gone simples again



[quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1506508864' post='3379192']
Got some Royal Blood style fake guitar ready for this evening's shenanigans! Tender Octaver into the American Sound nails the RB tone, then the doubler recreates the fat sound they get from using multiple amps. Board is split 50/50 for 'guitar' and bass, with the guitar sound going to a mixer in stereo. Two compressors on board for different basses, although I may eventually restrict myself to one. Just using the Beta as a dark & dirty boost which works well into the bright sounding Darkglass amp. That might get replaced with the Green Russian though...


How are you finding the v2 disconbobulator?


It's the best filter I've played in terms of expressiveness (if that's a word), you can really get it to talk and it makes you pull those bass faces like someone next to you just farted.

The only thing I don't like about it is the sweep doesn't start very low down in the bass range, more like the low mids. If you've played a standard Mini QTron or Mutron on the hi setting you'll know what I mean.

The JoshWah is currently on the board instead as I found it to stand out in the mix more than the Emma, and I can get the sweep to start lower down due to the frequency control.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The latest version of my board! recently sold a bass so had a bit of cash to splash on the board. I added a couple of new pedals and finally upgraded to a cioks DC5.

my chain as follows

Cali 76 CB into a Boss Ls2 set to A/B/Bypass (the cali works on every channel)

bypass channel - goes into TC Polytune mini straight to amp as my clean channel.

channel A - 3 leaf Wonderlove with Cog T65 in the effects loop. The T65 has a 3 leaf your doom in its effects loop.

This allows me to use the parallel octave and preserve the dynamic nature of the you're Doom while octave/fuzz are in the wonderlove loop, so the dynamics of that are not affected. This is my Synth channel :)

Channel B - this is my dirt channel with a Cog Knightfall always on and switchable with the ls2. I also have the phase 90 and EBS unichorus when I want modulation (will turn off knightfall) and by switching the LS2 into Bypass A/B mix mode I can blend the modulation wirh the synth channel when required, or use a clean blend with the knightfall.

dead chuffed with this setup and it's working well, so I think I'll leave it, although I may just have room for a TC sub n up mini or a cog T16 for clean octave :)


Edited by lee650
photos not transferred
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