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Post your pedal board - Basschat style!!


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26 minutes ago, bobbass4k said:

The latest iteration of my beautiful half DIY disaster-




C+p explainer - 

Important things first - the tuner lives on the desk on an output from the mixer. Obviously this isn't remotely designed for gigging so i've tetrissed on as much as I can but in socks it's surprisingly stompable. 


There is logic to the overstuffed chaos - I know myself and if I set things up as I need them my floor and desk will be a pile of pedals and cables within 10 minutes - getting 90% of what I know I'll need on a board keeps things neat. This is for a very noisy progy/mathy/metally project so it's designed to cover ambient/delay cleans, bread and butter OD/Dist and tongue-in-cheek silly synth stuff for guitar and bass.   



Probably easiest to just run through the whole signal and explain the DIYs as I go -


Bass Whammy - Fairly self explanatory, I'm principally a bassist and I prefer the harmony options on the bass version anyway


Scratched Silver - Compressor from a kit - my very first experiment with acid etching (I couldn't print a design at the time so it's just scratched in with a screwdriver)


Black with yellow knobs - EQD arpanoid clone - in conjunction with stuff later down the line does a decent synth arp. impression


Boss OC-2 - Nothing like it for bass.


Boss LS-2 - All the dirt pedals sit in the loops so the lighter ODs/Dists can be blended with the silly fuzzes.


Loop A >   

Londo - Centaur Klone (basically VFEs clone) - I was a late convert to klone's but I couldn't be without it now


AMT Slap Bass - I've had this for over a decade and I've never seen another one. It's a very compressed, heavily EQd OD with cab simulation at the end - I hate the term secret weapon... but it's amazing for guitar and bass


Perry the platypus - Nobels ODR clone


Superman Values Teamwork - Catalinbread SFT clone with 18V option


Loop B>  

Fab Tone - Cheesy? Yes. Versatile? No. Amazing? Absolutely.


Homer - Big Cheese clone


WMD Geiger Counter - For the aforementioned silliness


Massive bastard on the bottom left - Schumann PLL clone. For ridiculous synthy nonsense it has no equal - worth every mm² of board space


LS-2 Outputs to the gold duck tales one - Frostwave funk-a-duck clone. Best filter I've ever had, it's an absolute bugger to dial in, but it's amazing.


Julio from the Simpsons - Walrus Julia clone. I was sceptical, but I've got 2 other choruses and I haven't used either of them since I built this.


Korra - Lovetone doppelanger clone (Phaser) - It takes some getting used to but the options justify the space - by putting resistors onto jacks and into the exp jacks you can lower the LFO speed to I think about 0.003Hz - i.e a 5 minute sweep. Useful? no. Cool? Also no, but interesting.


Moog EP-1 - Currently controlling the rainbow machine clone


She-ra - EQD rainbow machine clone. What can I say, I like the silly noise it makes. The eagle eyed may notice it's not currently connected - I found 5 dead patch cables while hooking up so I'm waiting on parts to build more.


Catalinbread csidman - A really unique effect, not very versatile but really effective.


Zoom ms-70 - I've gone to the dark side. I'm amazed by this thing, I've currently got it doing some one trick pony emulation (generation loss, ct5 etc.) and textural tremolo picky stuff but with more time it might replace a lot more.


Walrus monuments - Bought on a bonus induced whim and while I like it, I'm not sure if I love it.


Boss DD-20 - This year we celebrate 13 beautiful years together and I can only hope for 13 more.


Cab Sim - DSM omnicabsim, for going direct into the interface.




I guess that's it? Powered mainly by a Walrus Phoenix with a couple of daisychain cables to maximise the outputs. The PLL, filter and zoom all need their own supplies.

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4 minutes ago, bobbass4k said:

C+p explainer - 

Important things first - the tuner lives on the desk on an output from the mixer. Obviously this isn't remotely designed for gigging so i've tetrissed on as much as I can but in socks it's surprisingly stompable. 


There is logic to the overstuffed chaos - I know myself and if I set things up as I need them my floor and desk will be a pile of pedals and cables within 10 minutes - getting 90% of what I know I'll need on a board keeps things neat. This is for a very noisy progy/mathy/metally project so it's designed to cover ambient/delay cleans, bread and butter OD/Dist and tongue-in-cheek silly synth stuff for guitar and bass.   



Probably easiest to just run through the whole signal and explain the DIYs as I go -


Bass Whammy - Fairly self explanatory, I'm principally a bassist and I prefer the harmony options on the bass version anyway


Scratched Silver - Compressor from a kit - my very first experiment with acid etching (I couldn't print a design at the time so it's just scratched in with a screwdriver)


Black with yellow knobs - EQD arpanoid clone - in conjunction with stuff later down the line does a decent synth arp. impression


Boss OC-2 - Nothing like it for bass.


Boss LS-2 - All the dirt pedals sit in the loops so the lighter ODs/Dists can be blended with the silly fuzzes.


Loop A >   

Londo - Centaur Klone (basically VFEs clone) - I was a late convert to klone's but I couldn't be without it now


AMT Slap Bass - I've had this for over a decade and I've never seen another one. It's a very compressed, heavily EQd OD with cab simulation at the end - I hate the term secret weapon... but it's amazing for guitar and bass


Perry the platypus - Nobels ODR clone


Superman Values Teamwork - Catalinbread SFT clone with 18V option


Loop B>  

Fab Tone - Cheesy? Yes. Versatile? No. Amazing? Absolutely.


Homer - Big Cheese clone


WMD Geiger Counter - For the aforementioned silliness


Massive bastard on the bottom left - Schumann PLL clone. For ridiculous synthy nonsense it has no equal - worth every mm² of board space


LS-2 Outputs to the gold duck tales one - Frostwave funk-a-duck clone. Best filter I've ever had, it's an absolute bugger to dial in, but it's amazing.


Julio from the Simpsons - Walrus Julia clone. I was sceptical, but I've got 2 other choruses and I haven't used either of them since I built this.


Korra - Lovetone doppelanger clone (Phaser) - It takes some getting used to but the options justify the space - by putting resistors onto jacks and into the exp jacks you can lower the LFO speed to I think about 0.003Hz - i.e a 5 minute sweep. Useful? no. Cool? Also no, but interesting.


Moog EP-1 - Currently controlling the rainbow machine clone


She-ra - EQD rainbow machine clone. What can I say, I like the silly noise it makes. The eagle eyed may notice it's not currently connected - I found 5 dead patch cables while hooking up so I'm waiting on parts to build more.


Catalinbread csidman - A really unique effect, not very versatile but really effective.


Zoom ms-70 - I've gone to the dark side. I'm amazed by this thing, I've currently got it doing some one trick pony emulation (generation loss, ct5 etc.) and textural tremolo picky stuff but with more time it might replace a lot more.


Walrus monuments - Bought on a bonus induced whim and while I like it, I'm not sure if I love it.


Boss DD-20 - This year we celebrate 13 beautiful years together and I can only hope for 13 more.


Cab Sim - DSM omnicabsim, for going direct into the interface.




I guess that's it? Powered mainly by a Walrus Phoenix with a couple of daisychain cables to maximise the outputs. The PLL, filter and zoom all need their own supplies.

Marvellous. Nothing like nonsense, impractical pedals for noodling!

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new pedal day today. Damnation audio blooper so had a re jig of the board. Pretty happy with it now but I’m sure I’ll move bits around Over the next few weeks.


And yes I have my tuning written on my tuner, I once had a brain fart at a gig and couldn’t remember what it should be in.  Never again. Bit of masking tape so I can change it depending. 


chain is bass > blooper > modded dod 250 clone > megalith clone > Wilson freaker wah > noisegate > tuner > amp 

Edited by Wilson_51_
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7 minutes ago, Wilson_51_ said:

new pedal day today. Damnation audio blooper so had a re jig of the board. Pretty happy with it now but I’m sure I’ll move bits around Over the next few weeks.


And yes I have my tuning written on my tuner, I once had a brain fart at a gig and couldn’t remember what it should be in.  Never again. Bit of masking tape so I can change it depending. 


chain is bass > blooper > modded dod 250 clone > megalith clone > Wilson freaker wah > noisegate > tuner > amp 

I think that's the tuning I use for Queen's of the Stone Age tracks occasionally... and I can never bloody remember it. 

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1 hour ago, Wilson_51_ said:

new pedal day today. Damnation audio blooper so had a re jig of the board. Pretty happy with it now but I’m sure I’ll move bits around Over the next few weeks.


And yes I have my tuning written on my tuner, I once had a brain fart at a gig and couldn’t remember what it should be in.  Never again. Bit of masking tape so I can change it depending. 


chain is bass > blooper > modded dod 250 clone > megalith clone > Wilson freaker wah > noisegate > tuner > amp 


Lets hope you remember to look at the last box, and don't end up trying to tune to S W F X :D


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Latest small board version.. I tried to skimp on sound quality because I needed to fit many on a small board.. I had a mooer envelope filter, which isn't bad.. but just had one sound that took constant vigilance to dial in right! Adding the early Xmas prezzie to me! ...EBS IQ blue label has completed this set up 😊....small but perfectly formed! 


Edited by bottomfeed
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1 hour ago, bottomfeed said:

Latest small board version.. I tried to skimp on sound quality because I needed to fit many on a small board.. I had a mooer envelope filter, which isn't bad.. but just had one sound that took constant vigilance to dial in right! Adding the early Xmas prezzie to me! ...EBS IQ blue label has completed this set up 😊....small but perfectly formed! 


What does the RC Booster actually do? is it a drive or just a clean boost?

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6 hours ago, bottomfeed said:

Latest small board version.. I tried to skimp on sound quality because I needed to fit many on a small board.. I had a mooer envelope filter, which isn't bad.. but just had one sound that took constant vigilance to dial in right! Adding the early Xmas prezzie to me! ...EBS IQ blue label has completed this set up 😊....small but perfectly formed! 


This looks really cool, and ticks nearly all my bass pedal boxes. A couple of things I notice, assuming the signal runs R to L as we look down on it, you have the filter after the envelope, and the booster after the dirt. I've always run the dirt into the filter, and the boost into the dirt. 

Interested to know your thinking behind this set up.

Edited by stewblack
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21 hours ago, stewblack said:

This looks really cool, and ticks nearly all my bass pedal boxes. A couple of things I notice, assuming the signal runs R to L as we look down on it, you have the filter after the envelope, and the booster after the dirt. I've always run the dirt into the filter, and the boost into the dirt. 

Interested to know your thinking behind this set up.

Interesting comment!.. over the years I have tried many different ways of pedal order.. it does tend to be subjective despite the various standard defaults.. for quite a while I went: envelope>compressor>octaver>dirt> chorus .. thinking that the envelope filter needed to do its thing before taming it with compression.. I've gone back to compressor first recently, I have it set pretty mild.. the signal into the Octaver is stable.. envelope after seems to work well.. I rarely use the B3K & RC booster at the same time but now you have mentioned it I will try swapping them around!.. my thoughts were dirt sound then plus with a boost.. dirt into filter, for me is too aggressive.. but I have an add on board, that I use for more experimental situations.. with another envelope filter  after a colorsound fuzz & Ibanez phathed overdrive!.... Some different sounds there!




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8 hours ago, bottomfeed said:

Interesting comment!.. over the years I have tried many different ways of pedal order.. it does tend to be subjective despite the various standard defaults.. for quite a while I went: envelope>compressor>octaver>dirt> chorus .. thinking that the envelope filter needed to do its thing before taming it with compression.. I've gone back to compressor first recently, I have it set pretty mild.. the signal into the Octaver is stable.. envelope after seems to work well.. I rarely use the B3K & RC booster at the same time but now you have mentioned it I will try swapping them around!.. my thoughts were dirt sound then plus with a boost.. dirt into filter, for me is too aggressive.. but I have an add on board, that I use for more experimental situations.. with another envelope filter  after a colorsound fuzz & Ibanez phathed overdrive!.... Some different sounds there!




I like the two board idea!

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On 17/12/2021 at 21:53, Wilson_51_ said:

new pedal day today. Damnation audio blooper so had a re jig of the board. Pretty happy with it now but I’m sure I’ll move bits around Over the next few weeks.


And yes I have my tuning written on my tuner, I once had a brain fart at a gig and couldn’t remember what it should be in.  Never again. Bit of masking tape so I can change it depending. 


chain is bass > blooper > modded dod 250 clone > megalith clone > Wilson freaker wah > noisegate > tuner > amp 

How's the blooper? Are you running everything with a bit of clean blend now? 

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13 minutes ago, Wilson_51_ said:

Yeah I tried it both ways and so far rubbing everything through it is sounding great to me. Nice to keep the lows even the wah works well with it. 

Man your tone was ace at balstock, surprised you changed it up. Hopefully hear your rig again come the new year ✌️

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