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I seem to be on a slippery slope.

This time last year I had no effects what do ever. Not even a tuner pedal... Built in tune in amp.

I bought a Zoom b3 as an experiment last year... Couldn't get on with it. Too fiddly. So I bought a tuner, EBS multicomp and a multidrive from the for sale section of the forum. I enjoyed them so I bought a unichorus. I was offered a dha bass valvedrive so took it. Liked that for a while. Worked well in the house but not in the rehearsal room. Sold that. Bought a BassIQ envelope filter. No idea why!? Just fancied it. Only ever use it for playing Sir psycho sexy in the house as we don't play it in the band. In fact... I don't really use effects in the band at all other than a bit of light overdrive and use Chorus on one song . Which is why I have now bought a Two Notes Le Bass from the sale section??? And another boutique drive pedal off the 'Bay.

I need stopping!

I used to wonder why folks bothered with bass effects. They are a bit like musical heroin!
Is there some kind of rehab subforum? I might need barred from the classified section 😉


[quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1469609240' post='3099643']
I seem to be on a slippery slope.

This time last year I had no effects what do ever. Not even a tuner pedal... Built in tune in amp.

I bought a Zoom b3 as an experiment last year... Couldn't get on with it. Too fiddly. So I bought a tuner, EBS multicomp and a multidrive from the for sale section of the forum. I enjoyed them so I bought a unichorus. I was offered a dha bass valvedrive so took it. Liked that for a while. Worked well in the house but not in the rehearsal room. Sold that. Bought a BassIQ envelope filter. No idea why!? Just fancied it. Only ever use it for playing Sir psycho sexy in the house as we don't play it in the band. In fact... I don't really use effects in the band at all other than a bit of light overdrive and use Chorus on one song . Which is why I have now bought a Two Notes Le Bass from the sale section??? And another boutique drive pedal off the 'Bay.

I need stopping!

I used to wonder why folks bothered with bass effects. They are a bit like musical heroin!
Is there some kind of rehab subforum? I might need barred from the classified section

BassChat is like the Hotel California. :) I've had a room here Since the early days of BassWorld v.1and my bank account shows it!


I went the other way, the more I played with bands the fewer effects I found I genually needed for what I wanted to play. Been using just a tuner and tone shaper for years, neither would really be described as an out and out 'effect' in most people's definition. I only got back into having something else at my feet when I took on a bit of pseudo-keyboardy bits with midi pedals but they are entirely separate from the bass chain.


Like dood, I've been checked-in here since the heady (and much quieter!) days of BassWorld v1... remarkably I've not actually spent much in the marketplace over the years, but hey, there's plenty of TIM yet :lol:


[quote name='Rich' timestamp='1469619082' post='3099731']
Like dood, I've been checked-in here since the heady (and much quieter!) days of BassWorld v1... remarkably I've not actually spent much in the marketplace over the years, but hey, there's plenty of TIM yet :lol:

I sososo haven't got TIM for effects, unless they're good for metal!!!


Pardon my ignorance... What's TIM?

Im going to have to put a lid on it. It was OK when it was all ebs pedals... They y all look the same. The other half doesn't really notice when an extra one arrives 😉


If memory serves TIM was a mis spelling of 'time' on a for sale post a while ago , where the seller was ranting about wasting 'TIM' posting an ad here.You had to see it really, was very amusing. :D


Be careful what you wish for.

The last time one of our members (ahathaway) uttered the words 'can I get barred' she ended up married to a baldy bloke from Stratford who couldn't spell, wrote poems that didn't rhyme and told jokes that nobody got...



[quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1469609240' post='3099643']
I bought a Zoom b3 as an experiment last year... Couldn't get on with it. Too fiddly. So I bought a tuner, EBS multicomp and a multidrive from the for sale section of the forum. I enjoyed them so I bought a unichorus. I was offered a dha bass valvedrive so took it. Liked that for a while. Worked well in the house but not in the rehearsal room. Sold that. Bought a BassIQ envelope filter. No idea why!? Just fancied it. Only ever use it for playing Sir psycho sexy in the house as we don't play it in the band. In fact... I don't really use effects in the band at all other than a bit of light overdrive and use Chorus on one song . Which is why I have now bought a Two Notes Le Bass from the sale section??? And another boutique drive pedal off the 'Bay.

Now you're getting used to using pedals, time to experiment with another Zoom B3, or maybe an MS-60B.

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.


[quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1469646188' post='3100060']

Now you're getting used to using pedals, time to experiment with another Zoom B3, or maybe an MS-60B.

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

No no and thrice no! 🙂

Posted (edited)

Easy. Just post an expensive instrument in the for sale section for 50 quid, no questions asked. You'll get barred in no time :D

Edited by Dan Dare

[quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1469715419' post='3100595']
Easy. Just post an expensive instrument in the for sale section for 50 quid, no questions asked. You'll get barred in no time :D

Not a problem......I might have a spare £50 knocking about for a nice pre CBS Jazz.


Hmmm, I came from exactly the opposite end of that spectrum. Discovering the wonderful world of pedals and effects and how that could explode the range of expressiveness that was possible on a bass guitar was THE primary reason I picked up a bass in the first place. I have spent more on my pedalboard than I have for all of my basses put together!

However, I will admit, having been finally awakened to the awesomeness of the bass guitar, there is nothing I like doing more than just sitting there playing a deep loud clean riff... :)

Posted (edited)

I started from that place... And was there for the 20 lax years I've played, off and on.
As soon as I decide to take it a bit more seriously I get involved in this underworld of dirt and grime.

... And multiple overdrive pedals

Edited by gs_triumph
Posted (edited)

This probably wouldn't be so bad if we didn't jam on Wed evening and I just happened to hit upon an awesome tone that was really busting through the mix. Plenty low end and nough grit and mids to really shine. Chuffed to bits.

.. My two new pedals arrived today 😯

Edited by gs_triumph

My guitar pedal board has been through endless iterations, but I've been pedal-free* on bass for about 8 years.

[size=1]*assuming a tuner doesn't count[/size]

Posted (edited)

Hello, my name is Bri...... i have been a pedal addict for 30 years now, i have tried to stop, i did not know i had a serious habit until my family started noticing and passing comments, and then i looked at myself and realized i was buying and using on a regular basis, the mass of discarded pedals testament to how bad my addiction had become, some of them not even used, i was buying sometimes because i thought i needed it/them but in reality, i never did, it was more the buzz of buying and the thought THIS one... this one, really would be the ONE, the one i was endlessly looking for, the one that would quench the crave, the need.... and yes... yes ... the lust,

but... it never did, i was on an endless cycle thinking the next one would be it, my last, ... satisfied.
But satisfaction never came, and the craving came again, pushing me, guiding me to look for and seek out better, stronger ones, ones that could turn me into an icon....... a demigod.

I was once dry for a month, i did not even crave a single one, my family were so proud of me, we went out and celebrated and got my wife another pair of shoes to go with her ever expanding collection,
but i was free, clean.... at last, i took up gardening and planted an apple tree to remember the occasion. ..i was so happy.

But then one day i was casually browsing an auction site, and through sheer habit i inadvertently typed .... guitar pedal !..... i looked...... looked again and then it registered just before i pressed enter, i stopped, looked down, my finger was hovering over the enter key, quivering, shaking, every sinew in my body was forcing me to press,,,, go on, do it,,,,,, do it, ,,,,,,do it now you pussy,,,,,,,,, its OK, your only looking, ... thats all, just looking the voice in my head said, i tried... i tried to move my hand but the weight of my need was too much...........then......i did it................................... i pressed,
as i pressed i heard a scream ..... NO, ..........i turned round .....and my family were all there looking at me in disbelief, shock, horror on their faces, i felt so guilty, ashamed, i had let them down.
My wife had only come up to show me her new pair of shoes and what should have been a joyous occasion while basking in the new shoe moment, i could i see i had turned it into traitorous, misanthropic affair, i could see i had failed them. :blush:

My wife has left now
with the kids
and her shoes
even the dog has disowned me.
my family don't talk to me
i lost my job
my apple tree died,
I sold the house.... :sorry:

the :tatice_01: shot is....
with the money from the house, i can get loads more pedals. :gas:
no kids, wife or shoes means i have now got loads more space for more fantastic pedals
I don't feel guilty any more,
no false happiness over a crap pair of shoes.
I am not in denial any more, i have come out, i am a pedal addict.... I AM.... a Pedal addict
and my life?
My life is bliss again with just me .................and my pedals.

Disclamer.......i will no be held responsible for my own Bu!!$"!t

Edited by funkgod
Posted (edited)

[quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1469809334' post='3101267']
Hello, my name is Bri...... i have been a pedal addict for 30 years now


And wow! You really do have too much time on your hands :)

Edited by Rich
quote truncated
Posted (edited)

[quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1469810058' post='3101276']

And wow! You really do have too much time on your hands :)

HaHa Yea, i just waffle away.
Really i have only ever needed 5 pedals for bass.

1) a Qtron (i have moded with a volume control) that i got off Rich ( Ou7shined) which i use all the time for giging in my funk band and recording. Cheers Rich its still going.
2) A behringer Octaver, which is the best octaver i have tried, a U0300. my boss ones keep glitching.
3) A Boss RV3 the best reverb and digi delay i have heard in one. getting hard to get now. only use that in the studio.
4) Tried loads of chorus pedals but i like the Digitech X series, Bass multi voice Chorus, this can have a single voice like a boss
or if you play fretless its so much nicer sounding when you add a few of the other layers, 11 in all if needed. :o
5) boss SYB 3, On one track i use a kind of synth fuzz sound with the octaver.

I heard great things about the MXR env filter and tried one in dawsons liverpool and was well impressed with that,
so will have to add that to my list,

When i play guitar its just a Dunlop wah pedal, thats it.

But yea sometimes its great to try new things, iv been looking recently for the elusive Seamoon “Funk Machine”
which is what will lee used on this....enjoy ;)


Edited by funkgod

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