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Posted (edited)

Just as the title says, an opportunity to blow your own trumpet... Then suck it all back in again.
I'm thinking in terms of everything that being a bassist encompasses.
It may even prompt people to consider strengths/weaknesses that they never knew they had (here's hoping!)

I'll kick it off;

[b][u]Good bits[/u][/b]
I can learn by ear relatively swiftly.
Robust enough to carry heavy kit. Never had a problem with instrument weight
My technique can't be all bad. I don't get aches and pains from playing.
Never found a bass neck profile that is difficult to play.
Good endurance levels. Can play for hours.
Can stay awake for extended periods. Good for the post-gig drive home.
My timing's usually good.
Drummers like me.
Don't mind Fretless. Just have to practice it to get my ear back in
Limitless patience in recording studios

[b][u]Bad bits[/u][/b]
Limited Theory.
Can't read (music)
Can't do slap (!)
I don't [i]get[/i] Reggae (from a playing point of view) yet I quite like it as a musical genre.
I can't follow some Odd meters. No worries with "Take Five" or "Unsquare Dance", but Tool-esque "Math-rock" leaves me looking for "1"...
I like Non-concert pitch tunes for some reason, but can't be bothered to re-tune to 439 or whatever just for one track.
Sweaty mits. Ruin strings, and the frets on my Yamaha are going greener than an old church roof!
I don't use effects. Surely it must be robbing me of some variety at some point.
My weakest finger on my fretting hand is my middle. All the stuff I play seems to avoid major scales, and it doesn't get as much use as 1,3&4
Tendency to buy slightly bizarre/ unusual (but good) instruments

You get the gist! what are your strengths and weaknesses?

Edited by Lfalex v1.1

Good bits
I can learn by ear relatively swiftly.
Robust enough to carry heavy kit. Never had a problem with instrument weight
My technique can't be all bad. I don't get aches and pains from playing.
Never found a bass neck profile that is difficult to play.
Good endurance levels. Can play for hours.
My timing's usually good.
Drummers like me.
I'm good at filling empty spaces in songs
I add show
I have a good theoretical base
I can read music (though not a vue)
I like jamming

Bad bits
Can't do slap (!)
I'm not really good with 3/4th measures... somehow 6/8th is great
I'm hypermobile which sometimes leads to crappy right hand technique
I don't have enough money to buy the gear I want so I'm using multi-fx
I want to be kinda loud


Good bits
Can learn by ear fairly easily
Once learned, can commit tunes to memory very quickly
Pleased with my current (and slowly increasing) "repertoire" of nearly 200 songs
No problem with odd meters
Got really good rythmn
Good clean fretting/positioning technique
Don't use effects - prefer "clean" sound and to use the eq available on the instrument and amp

Bad bits
Limited theory
Can only read very basic notation
Can use tab, but not too hot
Can't do slap
Don't understand jazz, and don't particularly want to
Over critical - nothing I play is good enough
No confidence - never had the b@lls to play in front of anyone except Mrs Hot Tub

I'll probably come back and edit this as I think of more points. :)



Fingerstyle technique is pretty good and mobile (floating thumb), though I lost the ability to do triplets after breaking my hand.
Good with timing, odd meters seem to cause me little trouble.
Pretty fast at learning by ear.
Good at percussive/groove oriented stuff (but not great at slap).


Slap technique really, really, really needs work :) (not that I'd use it much).
Very little theory.
Unable to read music.
Not as melodic as I would like to be.



Good Bits.

Can drive a van
I think I have an awesome alternate picking technique
I can use my pinky
I can play in front of 1 - 100000 people doesn't bother me
I always play with a smile on my face
I can play while jumping about like a mad man

Bad bits

Can't play slap
Can't play very well with my fingers
Not very good with theory
4/4 or bust.


Good bits

Always want to get better
Always want to learn more
Systematic approach to musical development
Can read dots and charts
Know lots of theory and learning more every day
Play quietly (am aspiring to almost disappearing completely)
Can slap but don’t
Mostly only play fretless
Can swing on an electric bass
Know how to get the best sounds and textures out of my bass (of 22 years)
Can and do play jazz, jazz and more jazz
Can play Latin music reasonably authentically
Play the music not the bass
No problems with odd time signatures
Won’t play ‘Canteloupe Island’ or ‘Watermelon Man’ (trust me, that’s a good thing)
Will tell you what I think of your playing if you ask
Will tell you my opinion on anything whether you ask for it or not

Bad bits

Will tell you what I think of your playing if you ask
Will tell you my opinion on anything whether you ask for it or not
Have not recorded much that I am proud of
Almost never play original music
Play far too many covers gigs
Struggle with pains in my hands that can, when they are bad, undermine my otherwise credible technique
Intonation can slip if I am bored (am working on that)
Soloing can get a bit predicatable
Only know three tunes; ‘So What, ‘Impressions’ and ‘Lush Life’
Don’t practice enough
Not interested in effects
Not really interested in ERBs but would welcome the opportunity to try one


Get bored during long easy songs
Can't sight read very well [bass clef is weak]
Don't have 'classic' fretting hand position
Backing vox out of tune if no good monitoring
Don't slap

Don't slap
Fine playing with pick/fingers/thumb palm-muting etc
Always confident and happy onstage (play okay no matter what's happening)
Fretless technique fairly good
Always put the band sound ahead of my personal preferences for volume/EQ etc.
Can groove like a mother


Dedicated to my band (guess thats the main reason I'm in the band)
Do all my own instrument setting up, and that of guitarist
Good finger technique (totally not needed in my band)
Never found a bass neck profile that I couldn't swap for one I liked more

Dreadful at playing by ear
Can't count
Can't keep time
Play tapping and trills in quiet bits of practice
Dial all the high end out of my sound (I like it, but rest of band complain)
Play horrible looking basses that look like I found them in a skip (cause I have)
Change basses and entire pedal board every practice
Forget how the song goes and where the notes are and where I'm supposed to be playing
Tune my bass half a step out and not notice during the part I played so many times its in muscle memory, then forget how it goes whilst playing live
Can't read music
Talk about basses all the time
Tell people their beloved vintage instruments are planks of wood and demonstrate by taking it apart
Call my bandmates pricks constantly
Press for more drone parts in songs so I can feed back and pose
Stroke my nipples whenever someone gives post gig compliments
Trying to learn the 'Murderface Solo'
Been listening to nothing but Bolt Thrower for the last 3 weeks
Spend all my money on more cheap basses and have totally crap cabs and an unsuitable amp

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='298603' date='Oct 3 2008, 02:33 PM']Adrenochrome is the only person so far to have put 'don't slap' in the correct column. Come on bass players, try harder![/quote]

Hehe, was thinking along similar lines when I did mine. :)

Still, getting the right technique can't hurt. You don't [i]have[/i] to use it!

Edited by rjb
Posted (edited)

Very competent at reading music
Have a good knowledge of theory
Love playing in odd time signatures
Can slap, but very seldom do
Have a fairly decent groove and can sit back on the beat when required
Love playing live
Love engaging with the crowd when playing live
Not phased by poor live sound

Back/neck/shoulder pain
Don't practice enough
Terrible at picking things up by ear
Mind tends to wander when playing, often getting me lost
Not a huge fan of recording
Not good at writing my own songs
Frequently changing my mind about what bass I want
Really need to learn and practice more harmony/scale studies

Edited by geilerbass


- I know everything I'm supposed to know to be able to play the songs I'm gonna play
- I know what everyone else is supposed to playing
- I can move ('dance' would be giving me too much credit!) and play at the same time
- I play notes for their full duration. If it's four 1/4 notes, that's what you get, not four dotted 1/8s or worse.
- I'm not shy about being heard. I (hopefully) play some nice thingss to add depth to a song or get the folks dancing. No point in me being there if I can't be heard.
- I don't tend to be flashy just for the sake of it. I can play some fast, complex runs, but I only do so where they work.
- You'll know how important what I do is when I'm not there and you don't know when to end your solo/start singing again/head for the chorus
- Happy to use effects but only sparingly
- My gear is quality and works 99.9% of the time and for that 0.1% it doesn't, there's a quick and painless back-up plan void of drama
- I'll play whatever you want me to play, but not before I've tried to convince you about what I think I should play and why I'm right and you're wrong
- Decent theory knowledge
- Comfortable with most genres
- Have good grrove and sit nicely in the pocket
- Ultimately, I'm all about the songs
- I'm a good arbiter of what is and isn't appropriate without being precious about it. e.g "Show me the way to Amarillo" has it's place, a balding, 55 year old man singing "True Colours" does not (even though he can sing it well)
- I'm not afraid to just plod if it's the right thing. You can still get a funky groove going with just one note.


- Reggae is my achilles heel. One day I will master it but I am baffled by all but the simplest of grooves
- I know what everyone else is supposed to playing
- My sight reading is complete pants
- I wish I could appreciate jazz the same way I appreciate a great pop song. I would love to enjoy the freedom playing jazz offers but I can't deal with listening to enough of it to make me able to suitably improvise in a jazz setting
- Amazing bass playing doesn't excite me unless the context in which the gymnastics sits benefits, rather than simply being a vehicle for the exercise.
- Solos are all too frequently boring (which is why bassists and drummers need to work hard to make them bearable)
- Especially true of bass solos (the exception being bass soloists who do funky things without the aid of a band, like playing complete songs with all the tapping and stuff, that's performance)
- I'm not much of a soloist lol
- I don't like being told
- Probabll


[b]Woohoo[/b] ^_^

Blessed with a great ear -- if I listen to something once, I can usually pick it up
Good sense of rhythm
Never, ever get stage fright or nerves of any sort
Can sing fairly well too, even while playing fairly complicated stuff (if I practice at it!)
Reasonably versatile -- can slap/use a pick/play fretless
Happy to sit in the pocket all day, driving a groove and not worrying about solos
Nice kit

[b]D'oh[/b] :huh:

Can't read a note, although I can follow a chart
My theory sucks -- I couldn't spot a Phrygian dominant scale if it bit me on the arse
Not got the fastest fingers in the world
Very self-critical
Can't solo to save my life (apart from maybe slap)
Want more nice kit
My hands are gradually succumbing to arthritis :)



I can work out pretty much any song thrown at me, very confidently.
I can slap, and do quite often behind closed doors.
I can adapt to any kind of bass.
I can happily hold a solid groove for a whole set.
I can solo, not blazing fast Jaco esque-chops though and I'm glad I can't.
I've got a good sense of rhythm, and I can lock in with any Drummer or to any beat.
I've got consistent technique which I'm pretty proud of.
I can most genres of music without a second thought.
I'm very energetic in a live situation, when with the right musicians.
I'm very open minded in writing situations and speak when spoken to.
I can jam with other bassists very easily, if the other is competent.
I can go all night long.
I've got a back which isn't buggered.
I can play in different tunings very happily.


I'm quite opinionated.
I can be very critical.
I can read, I'm just very very slow at it.
I don't like P-Basses, which apprently is a bad thing.
I can walk but I'm never comfortable doing so.
I can get bored very quickly.
I play a full step down, which is a major no no with most guitarists....apparently.
I play a 6 string, which is the sign of the Devil, if he existed.
I don't like Clones.

Posted (edited)


I use equipment suited to the music played.
Pick up material really quickly with no notation.
Can jam pretty well
I usually play decent equipment.
Bass taste getting better!
Great showmanship.


I dont play suitable basslines to restrained bass styled music.
Not very solid without a drummer.
Cant write music.
No decent slap technique.
I dont practice.
Never have a correctly working amp.
Come to gigs and practices with completely different basses.
Have owned over 30 basses in a 4-5 year period.
Stubburn as a mule.
Picky but not picky at genres of music.
Cant stand other peoples egos as i have a huge one of my own.
Get bored really easily.
Have only ever been not chucked out of a band once.
Impatient for gigs to get started.
Far too tall and Gangly to be on a high stage.
Bad reputation in Bristol for overplaying.
Dont know any theory.

Edited by Shockwave


Fingerstyle/plectrum playing
Learn new tunes quickly
Happy to play other peoples choice of song
Play guitar as well


Get bored easily
Don't know enough theory (pentatonic/major/minor scales only, don't understand modes)
Poor practise routines (keep on doing the same old stuff/songs at home)
Quick to loose patience with less experienced musicians (even though I know we were all beginners once)
Spend to much time gassing about what to buy next rather than practising with what I've got

After doing these lists, it's a wonder anyone wants me in their band!


[quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='298680' date='Oct 3 2008, 03:54 PM']I'm feckin' awesome at everything! I LOVE SLAP! In fact, I do it on everything, even soft, quiet ballads - just love blowing everyone else away! Wickety whack!!! :)[/quote]




good ear
good timing
learn songs pretty quick and usually before the others in the band
am often telling them how to play it
good range of styles
will play for beer
will play songs i dont even like
don't really get nervous


no stage presence
can't read sheet stuff
i find my shoes extremely interesting on stage
over critical of myself
big mood swings
if it starts going wrong my head goes down (even more)
get really annoyed if the audience just sit there
need to learn more theory (well need to learn theory)
loose interest on route note songs


Best bit.
I get to have (at least) as good a night out as my audience doing something I love but I go home richer while they go home poorer.

Worst Bit
My desire (and ability) to carry 2 tons of wooden boxes up a fire escape in the pissing February rain has decreased by a factor of 7 trillion percent.......

......and counting!


My playing and equipment choice and are above criticism. Any person/s found commenting on either the former or latter should be thoroughly patronized for their obvious foreign stupidity.*

*Stole that from a Darkthrone lp,point awarded for which one.....

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