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Posted (edited)


People tend to think I'm an alright and occasionaly funny bloke (in real life I mean, they hate me on web forums)
I don't look like a geek or a retard
I'm not fussy
I'm happy to keep it simple (I have no option)
I'm punctual
I make less mistakes in gigs than in rehearsal
Strangely, my knowledge of theory isn't too bad. Probably exceeds my playing ability (reading the above, this seems quite rare)
I have a nice bass
I use my little finger


I've got a crap ear. Can never figure anything out.
My timing is sloppy
I can't solo
I'm crap at improvising
I'm not musical
I couldn't even imagine slapping anything apart from my missus when returning from the bookies
I'm not improving (terminally bad)
I don't practice enough
I don't practice the things I'm bad at
I'm just really, really bad. Not in the sense of being modest. Just truthful.

Edited by BigBeefChief

Good bits

I have a couple of beautiful basses
Can play along well to backing tracks/CDs etc

Bad bits

Crap memory
Go to pieces if asked to play something
Never gigged - never had the guts



Never had any problem with timing
Can give a reasonable impression onstage that I know what I'm doing
Pretty good pick technique and not too bad with fingers
Can sing and play at the same time on most songs
Can write songs
Pick up stuff fairly quickly
Can lift heavy stuff (within reason)
Good at painting backdrops
Not remotely interested in slapping
Am bald, overweight and middle aged but do not care


Technique fairly ropey
Can't read music (although have a basic understanding)
Theory knowledge poor, although improving
Crap at jamming

Posted (edited)


Able to sightread just about anything.
Excellent music theory knowledge (and so I bloody well should have!)
Excellent technique.
Able to solo.
Excellent ear.
Good improviser/Able to jam.
Great groove/feel.
Inventive fills.
Excellent tone, no matter what I'm playing.
Totally happy with my various sounds for different situations.
Able to "lock in" with a good drummer & other musicians.
Sensitive to other musicians' musical input.
Able to slap with different methods & sounds.
Can fill the "gap" in a trio.

I'd like to be more original with slapping - Too reliant on developing snippets from famous players.
Would like to be able to solo more freely & faster with greater variation.
Anally retentive about good technique. (I suppose a teacher has to be!)
Classic rock bores me (playing-wise) but it pays well!
I'm not as good as Victor Wooten. Still working on it...

Edited by OutToPlayJazz


Can groove in pretty much any style
Good sound/good gear
Can solo on the spot in a relaxed way
Fluid technique - I rarely have to think about the technical aspect of anything I play
Very quick at learning things
Very good musical memory - can remember a surprising amount of tunes from my entire time as a bassist (24 years)
Easy to get along with - bond quickly with other players - especially drummers
Always focus on the pocket when playing in a band situation
Good communicator
Feel very releaxed and comfortable on stage
Good listener - responsive to dynamics in any given musical situation
Can slap when I need to and do it sparingly
Can slap 'melodically'
Great finger style technique
Use a few choice effects
Good timing
Can write original melodies and arrange parts etc
Good intonation on fretless


Can't read as well as I'd like to
Need to practice more odd meters - OK with 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11/4 - but not super confident
Need to transcibe more non-bass music
Need to play with better musicians than me more often and get my butt kicked more
Can't score music - really need to start trying!
Need to believe in my abilities more
Need to play keyboards
Need to sleep more
Need to leave more space in my bass lines
Need to make my lines swing more both solo and accompaniment

Loads more bad stuff probably - think I suck at bass most days!



[quote name='rjb' post='298799' date='Oct 3 2008, 06:07 PM']I'm sure everyone has met someone like this:-

+ All the gear.

- No idea.


Yeah, a band with the initials ZC


[quote name='dlloyd' post='299009' date='Oct 3 2008, 11:16 PM']Edit: and you moderate the theory forum??? :)[/quote]Yeah, well Jeff Berlin was busy.


[quote name='Sarah5string' post='299745' date='Oct 5 2008, 10:06 AM']Good bits.
I'm a woman

Bad bits.
I'm a woman.[/quote]

ding ding ding we have a winner


Good bits-
I'm quick enough to keep up with a stupidly fast drummer.
I know enough theory to work out what's going on and explain it to the band members who don't get it.
I'm good at "locking" with a drummer, or whatever else is providing the pulse.
I've played The Rite Of Spring- after that, everything else seems pretty straightforward.

Bad bits-
My reading has lapsed badly recently, as has my upright playing.
I can't do jazz properly, and chord charts freak me out.
I probably like tapping far too much for most people's taste.
I get loads of tension on my shoulders and arms sometimes (not exclusively bass related but that's when I notice it most).



I enjoy playing the music we play
I like to keep it simple
I can flash it up when I want but prefer not to
I concentrate to kick with the drummer
I'm not afraid to look at my fretboard when playing!!
I have nice basses
I have a lovely rig
I look after my gear
I pick things up very easily
I have my own recording studio (sort of... see below)


I don't practice enough
I don't move very much when playing
I look like a moody git when playing
I'm self critical when I make a mistake
I cant fit all my gear in my car, so have to use the wife's!
I haven't built my studio yet (but I've got all the gear!!)
I can only play with a pick (preferred... I do finger but prefer the pick tone)
I have a knackered thumb joint which gets very tired when I play.
I am going bald and what's left is going grey!!


[quote name='tombboy' post='301228' date='Oct 7 2008, 12:46 PM'][b]Bad[/b]

I don't move very much when playing
I look like a moody git when playing[/quote]Oh yes, me too! I forgot those ones :)

[quote name='alexclaber' post='301233' date='Oct 7 2008, 12:48 PM']Worst bits:

Soloing[/quote]Oh yes etc.


Good bits-

Solid timing
Reasonable theory
Fingerstyle and pick
Can assemble and run the band's PA
Can choose a nice bass

Bad bits -

No good at improv or slap or solo
Can't play and sing without laughing
Get bored of doing the PA thing
Have never got excited about amps enough to own a good'un (but am working on that)
Can't make my mind up whether to FX or not and which ones to use when I have got them.


Lot of similarities to others, but hey we're all friends right?

[b]Good - [/b]
'Stage presence', whatever that is
Organisational ability, which with my shower of sh*te is worth it's weight in chang

[b]Bad - [/b]
Never happy with me gear
Don't make enough time to practice
Hate doing the driving after


Good bits
Happy to play solid 8th notes.
In time.
Pick up tunes quick.
Can take direction/criticism.
Own transport.
Will buy a round.
Can tune the guitar player's gear.
Happy to stay at the back(thus allowing singers and guitar players to get the kudos.

Bad bits
Wrecked back.
Going grey.
Occasional flatulance attacks.
Never happy totally with current rig/basses.
Can't slap.
Grumpy wee sh*te.


Good bits:

Can pick up a tune pretty quickly
Can sight-read guitarists' fingers pretty well
Can add enough frilly bits to make things interesting if required
Can play up to 7 strings, up to 5 of them fretlessly
Can play EUB
Have experience of many different musical styles, and reggae
Will play Mustang Sally for money
Can solo well

Bad bits:

Very limited slap technique (it's not that I'm desperate to play it, it's just nice to have as much in the armoury as possible)
Limited theory
Crap memory
Will play reggae for money
Can solo badly


MMM difficult one this trying to honestly assess yourself, but here goes!


Good feel
Good listener to other band members
Good Gear


Limited theory
Not much variation
Bad back (need help with gear!)
Cant solo much

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