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The best octave pedal and compression pedals available. ?

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Posted (edited)

I've heard the hype, I've heard alot of octave pedals have tracking issues. I'm in the market for both of these pedals. I'm thinking about getting the MXR bass octave deluxe. Does anyone own one.? What do you think. I play 5 string. I'm really not sure about compression pedal ideas. I've heard good reviews about the Aguilar TLC. I'm aware the way compression works. I need a good comp pedal to extend the length and breadth of tone. More importantly I would like to adjust it to my liking.

Any other thoughts/ideas.?

Edited by bubinga5

Have a look at the EHX Pitch Fork. Up and down octaves and so much more. Tracking is impeccable.

With bass

With guitar


I was really excited to try the Bass Octave Deluxe but I didn't get on with it, too much of a synthy/keyboard tone to it, to my ears... alot of octave pedals do though, like a Boss OC2 I guess. I still use a Digitech Bass Synth wah, cuz I can't find anything that tracks better with a really clean unaltered tone. Depends what you're after though of course.


Never tried one, but the Aguilar Octamizer sounds good to me on demos that I've heard. You can turn down the synthiness too!

Compressor-wise, I love the Origin Effects units. I have full-size Cali76 (great for recording bass) and the SlideRig Compact (fantastic on guitar), and they now do a Cali76 Compact Bass pedal (again I have yet to try this).


For octavers, you need to choose between analog and digital first and foremost. All the digital ones track prettying well, but most of them sound like a pure pitch shifted copy of your bass, and sometimes suffer from a noticeable delay between the wet and dry signal, as well as some artifacts that make them stick out as digital.

Analog octavers usually track well as long as you stick to single notes and don't play too low. Their tones can vary from a smooth sine wave to a more synthy sounding square wave. But even the synthier sounding ones just sound like fat bass when put into a mix. For me it's analog all the way, they just sound fatter.


Boss OC-2 or COG T-16, easy choices!
Not sure about compressors, I do my really use them, but the MXR gets a lot of love.
It's much less refined, but I do still love the old CS-2 in front of drive pedals, but a different use to most people's use for a compressor.



I prefer the basic MXR octave pedal to the Deluxe. As for compression, it really depends what you want it to do. Are you looking to control dynamics, fatten up your sound or effect other pedals in the chain, or a bit of everything?


[quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1470217709' post='3104117']
I prefer the basic MXR octave pedal to the Deluxe. As for compression, it really depends what you want it to do. Are you looking to control dynamics, fatten up your sound or effect other pedals in the chain, or a bit of everything?
[/quote] Control dynamics. I don't want to squeeze the sound too much. I just to gain what a good compressor does. Even out everything.


For a simple to use pedal that evens out the dynamics I'd be very tempted by the Keeley Bassist. Threshold, Ratio and Gain controls are really all you need.


MXR octave tracks down to about Ab for me. Great for dynamics too, doing pit work I can play quietly with it on as a fake five string and not worry about it glitching in and out (although doing that is cool in other applications) I do use it to be more creative as well for synth style lines, coupled with a manta it sounds huge.

Our guitarist has several of the cali 76 pedals. They are stunning on bass. Really musical and classy sounding kit.


For octave, my COG T-16 is stunning. My old DOD FX-35 Octoplus can sound very close to an OC-2, with the added benefit of a tone control to sweep between synthy and warm sounds.


For analogue octave, hands down the best I've heard is the Mu-FX Octave Divider. It sounds monstrous, very beefy low and fat. It tracks slightly better than my Foxrox Octron and far better than my OC-2, plus the Green Ringer modulation gives an added warm synthy fizziness that's very unique.


I had an MXR Compressor and I didn't get on with it. I don't know why. For MXR, I also wasn't impressed with the build quality, which is mad considering their Carbon Copy is built so solidly.

I opted for two cheaper options.


Budda Chakra - reviewed pretty well for bass - Was on offer for only £50 for a while.
Boss LMB-3 - Bought one before the recent price rises and again, it definitely does the job.

For Octaves, I use:

EHX Pitchfork
Boss OC-3

Both do the job extremely well IMO. I would say the Pitchfork but they have also gone up from around £95 to £120 very suddenly.


The best tracking Octave pedal I've tried is the MarkBass one. It's pretty clean, natural and glitchless where others break down... but it's not very 'synthy' if that's what you're after.


Re compressors, I had the Aguilar TLC and to me it stole away the top-end clarity. As I need that twang/attack I sold it on. No matter what settings I used, the top-end reduction was there.


I think there's a discernible difference between compressors and octavers that sound good solo'd and in a quiet environment and using them live.

For live work I use the two Aguilar units. I often have to fine tune an Octaver live for room/stage dynamics and some compressors can sound a bit too much solo but work better live.

Both the Aggie units are easy to work with live and sound great. They might not be the absolute best things out there individually but in a live gigging environment they are tough to beat.

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