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[quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1472131692' post='3118762']
I wonder how Coilte got on ? It doesn't sound like it was going to be an easy chat to have...

Thanks for thinking of me. :) Well...we had a long, amicable, and constructive chat, where I put my point across VERY strongly (as in..."next time (if) it happens. ...no hesitation...no discussion...I'm out"). I think (hope!!) that this time, the message sank in. Perhaps I am being naive here, but I figured it was worth one more throw of the dice.

Thanks to all who replied. I really appreciate the input.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1472132676' post='3118773']
Thanks for thinking of me. :) Well...we had a long, amicable, and constructive chat, where I put my point across VERY strongly (as in..."next time (if) it happens. ...no hesitation...no discussion...I'm out"). I think (hope!!) that this time, the message sank in. Perhaps I am being naive here, but I figured it was worth one more throw of the dice.

Thanks to all who replied. I really appreciate the input.

Good for you mate, sounds like you made the realise that you're serious about it and they know what'll happen if they don't deal with the volume issues.

If things don't improve then you know every chance has been offered and you played with a straight bat, as gentlefolk should.

Edited by ahpook

[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472114332' post='3118561']

Oh I know both situations exist, I was just pointing out that not every pro even at the lower levels are in blue's situation.

Actually I was trying to reply to Blue's point rather than disagreeing with you (which I don't). I should have quoted Blue, but it's a bit tedious to "spot quote" on an iPad. Next time I'll go upstairs and wake up Big Computer, although that requires an intensity of effort to which I am quite unused.


[quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1472133823' post='3118781']
Good for you mate, sounds like you made the realise that you're serious about it and they know what'll happen if they don't deal with the volume issues.

If things don't improve then you know every chance has been offered and you played with a straight bat, as gentlefolk should.

[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472134336' post='3118786']
I think you have done well there, at least they can't say "ohh what's up with him?!" if you do leave in future. Nice one and fingers crossed.

Thanks lads. :) I think they finally know that I am absolutely determined to follow through on leaving, if the situation arises.


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1472136650' post='3118811']

Thanks lads. :) I think they finally know that I am absolutely determined to follow through on leaving, if the situation arises.

Best of luck. If you have to leave then another one will come along. My view is that there is no such thing as a perfect band, just a perfect band for that moment in time.


[quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1472134856' post='3118797']

Actually I was trying to reply to Blue's point rather than disagreeing with you (which I don't). I should have quoted Blue, but it's a bit tedious to "spot quote" on an iPad. Next time I'll go upstairs and wake up Big Computer, although that requires an intensity of effort to which I am quite unused.



[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472130495' post='3118746']

I think you are getting two threads mixed up? The problem is of the volume of the band is always too loud not the on going playing for nowt thread, if I played on a band that only played for free that was too loud I'd leave.

Nope, if you read the posts above

Posted (edited)

[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472111266' post='3118510']

You constantly tell us you have to gig to survive, we call that living on the bread line in the UK, it stops you having the luxury of being able to walk away from a job you hate until you have another.

I know of lots of professional players that have earnt enough money that they have a financial buffer to not need to take any old gig, one is a member here who is on a retainer that gives him enough money for the whole year before he leaves his house (which is paid for) the function gigs, dep gigs and anything else is as you would say in the states, gravy.

I'm not criticising your situation, just trying to make you understand there is more than one position you can be in financially, The type of profession is not important either, my wife works in a cafe,some people there will spend this week's wages on food and rent, missing a week will cause them money troubles, my wife could afford to walk out and wait for another job to come in as long as I'm working and still be able to live fairly comfortably.

We don't call my situation living on the breadline over here in the States. There's no shame in being in a bar band or playing bars.

I think people have predisposed notions about bar bands. Number 1, a bar band is not the same as a cover band, number 2 we don't only play bars. We get more than our share of the festival and fair business.

Playing for a living is not for everyone.

Back on topic, volume will always be an issue for those of us in rock bands,cI doubt anyone of us can escape it by quitting and joining another band. If there are guitars your going to have volume issues.

Again, not a good reason to quit a band unless there are other issues.


Edited by blue

[quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1472114067' post='3118555']

I agree.

I would also extend that particular discussion to cover the big differences in how bands are enjoyed in every country, not just yours and mine. I have an eye on Europe. Germany being one of the time honoured places where work used to be plentiful for small bands.

Imagine how it'd be to do some of the beer festivals.

Agreed, it might be a good productive discussion.



I've been in situations where the crowd was packed (a rugby weekend up in Edinburgh) and the guitarist was so loud that my amp couldn't keep up and the drummer complained because he couldn't hear his drums (he could see himself hitting them but couldn't hear anything).
Luckily I don't play gigs like that too often and would definitely leave a band that insisted on playing at that volume at every gig.


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1472032203' post='3117778']
Just thought I'd seek some feedback and opinions from you lads, before making a definitive decision.

I play in a covers band with two guitars and drums. We play small pub gigs. I have a GK MB500 head and GK MB2x12 cab (600 watts/8ohms). The head puts out 350watts @ 8 ohms. I would have thought that this was sufficient for these type of gigs.

Invariably I have the volume at almost maximum and it seems to be jus about enough.

The other issue (quite apart from the above) is that, even though wearing ear plugs, my ears still feel "a bit tender" the next day. Sometimes the crowd at a venue are loud before we even play a note. The band's volume on top of this, makes for an extra VERY loud gig indeed.

I have broached the subject with the lads more than once. They take things on board, but it's soon forgotten about, until I broach it again. They say that we have to play loud to compensate for the loud punters. It seems that I am the only one who is affected in any major way by this extreme (at least it seems that way to me..) volume. The most recent gig, last week, was a "loud punters" one, and I suffered the next day.

We have a rehearsal this evening, and I'm going to bring up the subject once again. Then I'll see how it goes. If there are no satisfactory results....then I'm out !! It's the last thing I want to do, but my hearing trumps any band any day. :(

It is simple, they wont address an issue. I'm surprised they get away with volume like that, tbh.... and there must have been comments from
other quarters, if you are running an amp flat-out, --I'm surprised the bass amp can do that and sound 'good' tbh.
They sound oblivious to me and is never a sustainable position in any band, IME.

I don't give much for your chances, tbh... so you better be prepared to walk.


[quote name='ubit' timestamp='1472037549' post='3117866']
We definitely play too loud. I know the sound is better when we turn it down. The PA should do the work and stage sound should be quiet. I've heard of pro bands where the stage volume is ridiculously quiet. I reckon it's our drummist that spoils the balance with the sheer volume of his kit. Maybe an electric kit is the answer. I know that constant loud volume is not good and your ears defence is to block certain frequencies. Trouble is, you think you can't hear yourself and turn up. A vicious circle with audience enjoyment being a. Casualty.

Yes, when you're playing with a full pro PA, sometimes the stage is the quietest place to be in the room.


[quote name='gjones' timestamp='1472149214' post='3118924']

Yes, when you're playing with a full pro PA, sometimes the stage is the quietest place to be in the room.

I'm the biggest advocate of low stage volume. However not many guitarists can grasp the concept.



[quote name='blue' timestamp='1472065410' post='3118202']
If your not making your living from playing music you can quit anytime for any reason.

If playing in any band is your only source of income,you don't quit until you find another band that can pay you at the same level.


Wise words.


[quote name='Les' timestamp='1472036969' post='3117856']
Not sure you can win this one mate :(

This, really.
Even with basic protection (and I've done gigs on screwed up toilet tissue! ), if your ears are smarting the next day then it's too loud.
Some people seem to reckon it's a good part of rock and roll. . no, it frigging isn't!


[quote name='gareth' timestamp='1472153759' post='3118987']
Get yourself a valve amp

Good point; if your guitarist is using a 100W Marshall (or similar) with 4 EL34s in the power stage then all you need to do is to remove the 2 valves on the outsides (leaving him just valves 2 and 3) and it'll drop to 50W maximum.


On second thoughts it's safer to just walk away. ;)


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1472148276' post='3118911']

We don't call my situation living on the breadline over here in the States. There's no shame in being in a bar band or playing bars.

I think people have predisposed notions about bar bands. Number 1, a bar band is not the same as a cover band, number 2 we don't only play bars. We get more than our share of the festival and fair business.

Playing for a living is not for everyone.

Back on topic, volume will always be an issue for those of us in rock bands,cI doubt anyone of us can escape it by quitting and joining another band. If there are guitars your going to have volume issues.

Again, not a good reason to quit a band unless there are other issues.


The bar band has NOTHING to do with it, it is only you mentioning bar bands again, lol,if you were earning ten times as much but had no choice in which gigs to accept because your outgoings were ten times as much too then the weekly situation of living hand to mouth would be the same.

I don't want to do gigs with overly loud guitarists, not needing to take every gig, I dont. It is not because I have less passion about playing live it's just because I am lucky to have that option and still be offered enough gigs to keep me busy without doing many free ones, noisy ones, rubbish venues etc, a few slip through of course :lol:


[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472157800' post='3119042']

The bar band has NOTHING to do with it, it is only you mentioning bar bands again, lol,if you were earning ten times as much but had no choice in which gigs to accept because your outgoings were ten times as much too then the weekly situation of living hand to mouth would be the same.

I don't want to do gigs with overly loud guitarists, not needing to take every gig, I dont. It is not because I have less passion about playing live it's just because I am lucky to have that option and still be offered enough gigs to keep me busy without doing many free ones, noisy ones, rubbish venues etc, a few slip through of course :lol:

If they can afford us it's all good.

I don't really know what a rubbish venue is. There are gigs that aren't that great , bad logistics and unappreciative crowds. But that goes with job.

I remember a small club we were playing that I wasn't thrilled about initially. Now it's one if my favorites.

It's the crowd that makes it, very engaged with the band and appreciative.



[quote name='Trueno' timestamp='1472111777' post='3118516']
Actually, I have known band members living on the breadline in the UK. One of the reasons I quit the band, because they would do any gig just to get some money, whereas I had a full time job and couldn't gig up to four times a week. They were also fiddling their benefits, which I was uneasy with.

It's tough finding a band where everyone is on the same page. Especially when it comes down to those of us that do it for a living and have no interest in a conventional 9-5 job.



[quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472157800' post='3119042']

I don't want to do gigs with overly loud guitarists, not needing to take every gig, I dont. It is not because I have less passion about playing live it's just because I am lucky to have that option and still be offered enough gigs to keep me busy without doing many free ones, noisy ones, rubbish venues etc, a few slip through of course :lol:

Loud guitars are always going to be a part of rock and roll in most cases. Those guys like turning up.A gain, it goes with the territory.

Me, I'm feel lucky to live without that option of the steady traditional job. Life too short, and I plan on living the rest of mine on my terms as much as I can.



[quote name='gjones' timestamp='1472149214' post='3118924']

Yes, when you're playing with a full pro PA, sometimes the stage is the quietest place to be in the room.

This is my view of the conventional wisdom. I think I must have been quite lucky with most bands I've been in, because I've never considered it much of an issue. My last band, one of the guitarists was the stand in sound guy... he had a real handle on it. My only problem was the cymbal crashes, but I always liked to stand close to the drummer and I wore ear plugs.


Must admit I thoroughly sympathise with the OP. I'm currently thinking about quitting my band because of volume issues and finding another genre of music to play, as I find it difficult to cope with the volume. Can't hear the harmonies well and I'm straining my voice because I can't hear my singing properly with the sheer intensity of the noise. On top of that, it drives away the punters who would potentially book a band if they weren't soooo bloody loud.

It's just not necessary to play at wembley stadium levels when you're playing in a shoe box

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