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Had a little search and couldn't find much.

I would be interested to hear/see what amp people are using to gig with and their setup that goes with that. For instance I bypass my Orange Terror preamp and go directly into the effects return with a Sansamp Deluxe. Then that all goes into a OBC115.

So what do you guys all use, what kind of venues do you use them in and how do they sound?

Posted (edited)

This is my rig Fender MB1200 and Aguilar DB680 into a TecAmp 212M

The pedal board has a Basswitch, TU-2 tuner, Cali 1176 and EHX Bass Soul Food (which is not pictured in this shot). I'm basically running everything into the BS. TU-2 in the tuner out, the 1176 is always on in the series loop and the EHX BSF in the mix loop- it can be switched in or out and has a blend function too. A line into the DB680 and I set it to suit the stage/room. I Di out from the DB680 and if I need to have an on the fly tonal change I can switch the BS on as I normally don't engage the eq.

I play pub gigs with one of my bands - anything up to 400 people or so (I'm terrible at judging crowd size) in our main venue on a busy night and also play as house band for a contemporary choir. Our last gig was in a 1900 seater and the next show is in a 2100 seater. I'm playing a 5 string P bass for all gigs.

The rig sounds great its big and warm and with the parametric eq I can get it to suit my needs every gig :)

Edited by krispn

I`m using an Aguilar AG500 into Barefaced Four10 & Two10 cabs. I have a Sansamp and Aguilar Tonehammer on my pedalboard and this is what I send to the PA, as virtually all the gigs I do at present are in venues with FOH, so the amp/cabs are for stage-monitoring only. Some of the venues/stages are pretty big, so need both enough power for on-stage monitoring - don`t always get sound-checks and hate bands interrupting their set after each song demanding things through monitors - plus don`t want to look like I`m playing through a transistor radio, hence stack-mungus rig.


I keep things very simple.
Hartke LH500 with flat EQ into two fender rumble 112 V3 cabs. Small enough to fit into small pubs but loud enough too. Did an outdoor gig last week with no PA support and it sounded lovely across the field. No pedals at all


Precision bass > Palmer Deepressor compressor > EHX Bass Soul Food > (various other effects) > Aguilar AG500 into a pair of Aguilar DB112 cabs both with horn.

Sounds big and full but defined in small to medium venues without PA support against 2 Marshall half stacks and a fully mic'd drummer.


A Zoom B1.on, to a Behringer BDI21, into a Aguilar TH350 then a Schroeder 1212L.

The Zoom has one effect patch I use and a compression patch that I've been using permanently on all other times. The compression will be being removed though and a bypass patch replacing it after hearing a recording from a couple nights ago.

It's a fairly loud set up, it'll keep up with 2 100watt guitar vakve amps :)


Markbass LMT500 and two aggie db112s. For everything from polite am dram pit work to full on noisy 8 piece band. DI on the head is well recieved by most engineers and it's great having a level control. If I do encounter the odd rogue sound engineer who insists on no stage volume, won't provide adequate monitoring and the violin is louder than I'm playing, I just turn down on the DI and up on the volume and they never, ever, notice!


Main rig for theatres etc. - Gallien Krueger 1001RB head into GK Neo 410 cab. ( Sansamp for DI into PA only)
Rig for pubs / clubs etc. - Gallien Krueger 1001RB head into Barefaced Compact.
Spare - Gallien Krueger RB 800 / Hartke HA3500 into Loud 4x10 cab.

Just realised I like GK stuff a lot............


Big rig - Ampeg SVT-CL into Ampeg 8x10 cab

Pubs n Clubs rig - 2x Ampeg B-100R combos and a VT Bass Deluxe + pedal rig (or 2, depending on what band/instruments)

Rehearsal/small shows - Ampeg B-100R and VT Bass Deluxe + pedal rig

If I'm playing both Upright and Bass guitar, I also use an ABY switch.
I am currently doing a run of theatre shows as part of the house band. With this, I am playing a couple of Fender Precisions into ABY, into my bass gat pedal rig which has a VT Bass Deluxe into an Ampeg B-100R/Desk. I also have my Upright going into its own, smaller pedal rig, into another B-100R/Desk.

Sounds great :)


I use an Eden WT800 bridged into two Big Baby 2 cabs with the horns fully open - it an absolute beast of a rig! Crazy how cheap you can get high end amps now, I got my eden for just over £400.


Cool. It's interesting to see what people are using. I was expecting to see a preferred setup trending but it seems everyone uses something different, no standard as such.

Posted (edited)

Other than a tuner (Boss TU3), no effects into an Ampeg PF50t head and Ampeg Portaflex PF115HE cab. Same set up from pubs to village halls to art centres. Bass wise usually a flatwound strung P-bass but occasionally a Hofner verithin with stock strings. All very old school (marmite!) tones.


Edited by Burrito

We mostly play small outdoor festivals and pubs. I use my Ashdown EB180 1x12 combo for really small gigs, my ABM 500/Barefaced Super Twin for outdoor gigs and my recently purchased Ashdown Touring 330 combo for most indoor gigs. I always use either a Fender Precision or Jazz, both with round wounds, and use no fx.


Sadowsky J5 > Tecamp Puma > Vanderkley 212MNT. Soon to be adding a new amp, probably a Glockenklang at this point. Super clean, powerful and a solid bass for whatever gig I'm on.


Fender PJ > Gallien-Krueger Fusion 550 > TKS S212 cab. Usually no effects (occasionally a DHA valve drive, but increasingly I'm not bothering)



Big rig - Ampeg SVT 2 pro running through Marshall VBC8x10. Setup includes Origin Effects Cali76 compressor and Darkglass B7K

Medium / Small rig - See above.

All the heft, punch, weight, growl you can ever need. Lol


At the moment straight into a Trace Elliot AH 300-12 SMX into a Barefaced Supercompact, no pedals. Into 2 x Supercompacts if I am feeling cheeky :) Adjust master volume to taste.


Ashdown JJ500, Ashdown ABM610. Sometimes I'll use a different pre-amp into the 500's power amp, DHA VT1 EQ DI or more recently, an SWR Grand Prix. The DHA is always in my bag in case of on stage disasters or for my own peace of mind if sharing supplied backline, so as to send a known and reliable signal to the FOH. The DHA is a fantastic pre-amp which I have used live and for recording. Other stuff sometimes used - Catalinbread SFT or SolidGoldFX Beta.


Jazz basses (one fretted, the other one less so) into an Aphex 1404 optical compressor, then through a DHA VT1 DI/EQ to an SWR SM400 into a Barefaced Compact.

I use this for everything: festivals, club gigs, pubs, recording etc...

I've got a few home-made effects in the chain too for some extra frippery, but mostly it's the top line setup.


always play with P basses live

main rig - DR J Sparrow to TC mojomojo for extra dirt into Budda chakkra into a Genz benz shuttlemax 12.2 and 2xGenz 1x12s
acoustic rig - markbass blackline 250 into one of the genz 1x12
tiny rig - peavey microbass combo (for when i play to my dogs in the living room)

used to swap and change my head and cabs all the time but since settling on mainly genz gear iv not had a reason to change..... yet

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