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EBS Reidmar 750 - First Impressions


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Just got this. First time it was turned on was last nights gig. Bottom line - its very good. And very loud.

I've been using a WT800 for a while with my current main gig. The drummer is *loud*. We just use a vocal PA. My poor WT550 was limiting most of the time trying to keep up with the guitarist and the drummer. Even through 2 x Big Baby II cabs!!

I've been running my WT800 bridged into my cabs and it sounds great - I love the Eden sound.

I thought I would try something a bit different and really liked the idea of the Reidmar with its adjustable compression and drive.

I used my Japenese 62 reissue precision (with Quarter pounder pickups) for the first and my MTD 535-24 for the second set.

First of all - this is loud. Very loud. I was between 9 and 10 o'clock on my master out last night and it was scorching!

Sound - I was under the impression that EBS was meant to give a transparent sound. This was one of the main reasons I bought it. To my ear there is a scoop in the midrange with it compared to my Eden amps (or my Eden amps have a midrange bump. Not sure). Its not much, but I think its there. However, once compensated for, the amp really sings!

The drive control is great. I normally like a super clean sound, but I experimented last night with the drive - it really thickens up the sound. Very usable indeed. There is only one guitarist in this band, so I'm having to fill up a lot of space. The extra grit really made a difference

Its a great amp and will probably become my main gigging amp. I'll know more once I've tried it in a variety of venues.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to have the HD350 - possible one of the best amps I've owned - replaced it with a Mesa Walkabout which, to my ears, was far less versatile. I believe Hen Barn had the smaller version of what you have - he sounded fantastic at last years SE Bash. The Customer Service at EBS is excellent too.

One thing I'm not clear on with the Reidmar is whether you able to use the EBS pedals without an external power supply - on the early HD models this was possible. I still have a Compressor/ Octaver and Envelope Filter - quality!!

Edited by TheGreek
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