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Audition Intrigue


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[quote name='spencer.b' timestamp='1473806619' post='3133353']
Can't imagine them working much as a pop cover band doing those tunes anyway mate
I'm sure that they will get plenty of pub gigs if they're any good.

Still not sure bout [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Bohemian Rhapsody though...![/font][/color]

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There are always bands and musicians at all levels of ability looking for each other, so I think it pays for both sides to try and be fairly honest and objective about what level they're at to minimise the chance of people (on both sides of the search) wasting their time.

That said I did once use the phrase "I'm no Pino Palladino" when responding to an ad placed by a drummer, and the response I got was "Good, last time I looked I wasn't John Bonham either". Made me smile!

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[quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1473785706' post='3133130']
Update: I bailed. The prospect of learning/achieving the standard for Spirit of Radio, Knights of Sydonia, Bohemian Rhapsody and Carry On My Wayward son sucked the life out of me before I picked a bass up.
Thanks again for all the positive comments.

I have visions of something like this :-) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocCYI7aJ9aw flat as a flat thing :-)

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That's a shame, would have been a good opportunity to learn some new songs and perhaps stretch yourself a bit :)
No-one nails 'doodley bits' unless they sit and actually give them a try over a long period of time

In any case, hope you find a band soon! :)


I really don't get Rush.......I really try, but just can't :huh:

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[quote name='Gottastopbuyinggear' timestamp='1473837432' post='3133411']
There are always bands and musicians at all levels of ability looking for each other, so I think it pays for both sides to try and be fairly honest and objective about what level they're at to minimise the chance of people (on both sides of the search) wasting their time.

That said I did once use the phrase "I'm no Pino Palladino" when responding to an ad placed by a drummer, and the response I got was "Good, last time I looked I wasn't John Bonham either". Made me smile!


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[quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1473853935' post='3133557']
I really don't get Rush.......I really try, but just can't :huh:
[/quote]I felt that way for years, with only Spirit of Radio being the one track I liked. Fast forward to a couple of years back and I'm now a big fan of their '80s work; pre and post that era I'm not so keen, with a couple of notable exceptions. A lot of folks find it hard to get past Geddy's voice. However, as an old Budgie fan, this was never a huge issue for me. There are plenty of other bands to 'get' and it'd boring if we all liked the same thing, at least you've tried to like them. Vive la difference!

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Shame you pulled out, possibly an opportunity missed.

Just because a band asks you to audition challenging pieces, doesn't mean they're looking for perfection. The audition pieces could be selected so the band can assess a new bass player on ability when given very different pieces of music. If every song was a Status Quo piece (no disrespect or pun intended as to 'simple basslines'), the band would probably not be able to judge the different abilities easily.

My philosophy would be, if you want it, go for it (win some, lose some), but above all it is all good experience and is likely to make you a better player.

I'm sure you'll find another band, but don't worry about aiming for a 'perfect audition', there's no such thing. Practice until you feel you've achieved the best result within a 'reasonable' timeframe.

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[quote name='zero9' timestamp='1473858465' post='3133612']
Shame you pulled out, possibly an opportunity missed.
I'd agree.

I've learnt some stuff for auditions and deps that I didn't like and were hard to work out, but I figured that successfully negotiating the challenge was good practice and, if I did it right, was going to leave me a better player.

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Can't make my mind up about this one. Not a Rush fan but just had a listen to Spirit of Radio and I'm sure I'd struggle to nail it being honest.

With the band also choosing Bohemian Rhapsody one would imagine the bass player ad came with the caveat "must have vocals" ?

Think this band may have shot themselves in the foot if they're setting a "test" for people.

I'm assuming the OP is a competant player who saw the set list and thought "yea, I can do that, I'll get in touch", then he had that thrown at him so didn;t go.


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[quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1473785706' post='3133130']
Update: I bailed. The prospect of learning/achieving the standard for Spirit of Radio, Knights of Sydonia, Bohemian Rhapsody and Carry On My Wayward son sucked the life out of me before I picked a bass up.
Thanks again for all the positive comments.

How did you phrase it? Was it:

A. Hello, after looking at the list of songs you presented me with for the audition, I've realised that your definition of "pop covers" is quite different to mine, so I won't be coming to an audition after all. Best luck in the future.


B. Hello, after looking at the list of songs you presented me with for the audition, I decided that it looks too hard and I quit.


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I think the OP is entirely justified - he could equally ask for the band to learn songs that are not in their set that he knows well... Also he may not have loads of spare time/and or there are other difficult songs he likes that he could be learning..

I think someone in the band has read some management books and entirely misapplying some of the nastier interview techniques. My personal favourite was at Schlumberger many years ago where they took 6-8 candidates out to dinner and then asked them to explain in front of all the others why they were best suited to the job and why the others might not be,,

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Some great update comments on this one.
For the record I came clean and said that I wouldn't be able to achieve that standard any time soon - which was totally honest.
I'm never afraid of a challenge - that's how I got to my current standard. As someone has already said I personally wouldn't want to see or be in a band who bored the pants of a pub crowd with Wayward Son. I was also suspicious of Bohemian Rhapsody aspirations. I've seen this band in one form or another for nearly 20 years now and they've steadily become more um... self absorbed - playing three or four songs that no-one recognises is a cardinal sin IMO.
I did find a video of them doing Spirit of Radio with their last-but-one bass player and actually they pretty much nailed the doodly bits - not bad for a six piece!

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[quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1473870956' post='3133737']
Some great update comments on this one.
For the record I came clean and said that I wouldn't be able to achieve that standard any time soon - which was totally honest.
I'm never afraid of a challenge - that's how I got to my current standard. As someone has already said I personally wouldn't want to see or be in a band who bored the pants of a pub crowd with Wayward Son. I was also suspicious of Bohemian Rhapsody aspirations. I've seen this band in one form or another for nearly 20 years now and they've steadily become more um... self absorbed - playing three or four songs that no-one recognises is a cardinal sin IMO.
I did find a video of them doing Spirit of Radio with their last-but-one bass player and actually they pretty much nailed the doodly bits - not bad for a six piece!

It depends what those songs are. Some songs have a powerful hook that holds people's attention from the start.

All Rush songs fit into my category of "Everyone in the band loves them, most of the audience have never heard of them." Unless you're playing in Canada.

The problem with Queen songs is there are only a few that don't rely on loads of production. What tends to happen is the band gets bogged down in trying to nail parts that are only part of the production instead of stripping the tune back to the lyrics, melody and chord structure and building it back up. The audience will sing most of it anyway.

I guess they dropped Spirit of Radio when the new bass player couldn't do it and want to have another go at it. I suspect it needs a certain audience.

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When we're auditioning there's a level of competence that must be reached for you to be considered for the band.

Once you've reached it your up for discussion, doesn't matter if you've completely leapt over the level or just hit an acceptable level..

Then it comes down to is he a nice guy ? Will we get on with him ? Can he sing ? Is his gear good ? Where does he live ? etc etc.

I can see no advantage to the band in setting this level higher than it needs to be to be honest.


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