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NAD Glock Blue Sky


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Well, Tuesday was...

After a good clear out of old gear I picked this up to try something new. I've got my Puma 900, which is as light and portable as fresh air so thought I'd look at the next size up; opening up a class of amp that I've ignored completely for a few years.

I had a bit of correspondence with Glockenklang before buying and the level of service was great. All my questions were answered quickly, often within minutes, and in flawless English.

Upon opening the box, I was surprised by how chunky the amp was. It's not a whopper, at 5kg, but is reassuringly hefty. In the hand, it feels like a piece of top quality kit. It is absolutely solid. The knobs have a bit of weight to them (ooh-err) and all turn smoothly and you can just tell that no expense has been spared. It is obviously a very expensive amp, so you get what you pay for here, I suppose. It's got lots of different coloured LED too, so that's already a winner.

The power amp is still Class D. Just, not the usual. Peering inside it looks to be an Anaview/Abletec 1000w job. The Blue Sky is rated for 700w at 4 ohm, with two little internal dip switches to make that 700w at 2.7ohm. The volume pot is logarithmic, which takes a bit of mental readjustment. Glock tell me that as 5 o'clock - pot maxed, is actually full volume, you can turn it up as needs be. It won't hit full power at 1 o'clock as per many other amps. Fridays gig saw me run the volume at about 1 o'clock, in a big, long, horrible sounding room.

The preamp is Class A, as found on Glockenklang's flagship models. It has two inputs, one for ultra high output and piezo. Even with my Sadowsky, using the lower Impedance input I still run the gain about 1 or 2 o'clock for optimal input signal. The pre is definitely clean, even when cranking the gain it doesn't really overdrive. But you can push it all the way and it sounds cool and does fur up a touch.

EQ wise, I haven't actually experimented yet. I gigged it Friday and played without EQ. The pre is so good, that even without EQ engaged it just sounded right.

Sound wise... first thing I noticed, it is bigger down low than my other Class D amps. It's not louder, though I didn't push it to full volume, initial impressions are that the Puma 900 is louder.
But, the Glock took the volume in its stride. With other amps I found that even if the volume was there they sounded out of breath at that level. The Glock retained the same tonal qualities at all volumes. It must have some sort of limiter, but it doesn't have that multi band compression type thing going on when pushed.

The mids are super clean, even compared to the Puma. This is without the EQ engaged too, which is semi parametric; and the highend sings. It is VERY articulate across the board. String noise and technique flaws are more noticeable! It also paired very well with the Vanderkley. A cab which itself is pretty big down low and full but clean. I wondered if they'd be 'sterile' together, but I needn't have, it's a great match.
Super deep, clean and sparkly!

So, I'm very happy with it. I wanted something a bit different but still light enough to slog around. This is easily done in the super Glockenklang carry case. I wanted the same vibe as the Tecamp but just with a bit 'more'... I'm very happy with it.

Oh, also, the fan. It is dead quiet. It comes on and turns off as needed. Even when on, I had to have a look to actually check.

I apologise for the rambling on, this has all been written on my phone so it's probably difficult to follow!

Didn't mention the H word once, but there is plenty of it 😀


Edited by M@23
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Really pleased that you're delighted with the head - that's a hell of a high end rig!

As you know, I'm a bit of Glock fanboi so am unsurprised that that rig sounds awsome.

Bypassing the EQ seems to be an extremely common habit among Glock players - a sign of fantastic core tone. Enjoy!

Edited by Roland Rock
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Thanks guys, for your help pre-order too. There is definitely something special going on with the Glock. I'm very glad I went for it. Interesting that lots of people bypass the EQ. This weekend I might play with it a bit as I'm playing a familiar venue, but I got way more than I expected from bypassing it.

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[quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1474271226' post='3136578']
Very nice. I've always been curious to try a Glock (amp, not gun) :)

Did you have a Demeter, or am I mistaken? My choice was between the two. The Glockenklang certainly does what it does well. I had an interesting conversation with them before purchase where they advised they had held off on Class D as they felt they couldn't build the amp they wanted and weren't prepared to compromise that much. I've not tried any of their bigger amps, but would be keen to see how it compared. Very early days, but it has something in there that I've been searching for!

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[quote name='M@23' timestamp='1474306116' post='3136996']

I've not tried any of their bigger amps, but would be keen to see how it compared. Very early days, but it has something in there that I've been searching for!

I had the Soul solid state head a while back. It had that beautiful tone, but although the 440w was always loud enough, but only just (same with the EBS 350) - it just felt wrong having to turn the knob almost fully cranked despite the fact t it was loud enough and sounded great.

The Heart Rock II would be amazing I reckon

Edited by Roland Rock
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