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[quote name='Cato' timestamp='1474899511' post='3141347']
Lastly the law is almost certainly not on your side when it comes inflicting injuries on someone trying to get on stage.

This is my question. I'm not talking a self defence scenario as that's a whole different kettle of violence.

It's more how far and how much force could be reasonably used to prevent your property being damaged.

Although I'm well impressed with the basscahat massifs propensity for violence, it has to be said :lol:


Seems to happen quite a lot with my covers band. Generally a hand pressed firmly on the back usually does it..

Trying to talk to band members in the middle of a song is particular favourite of mine though, I mean what the actual F...? Feel like finding them in the half time and telling them how would they like it if I came to where they work on Monday and start shouting in their ear while their trying to do their job!!

Basically IMHO the vast majority of punters usually don't see that doing a gig is working. Understandable I suppose, they're in their cups and having a blast, so we must be too!


Back in the day (don't snore), I went through a number of gigs where some idiot thought it fun to pull the loudspeaker jacks out of my valve amp - I removed the casings on said plugs and watched as someone copped the full output voltage of my 240watt Orange up their right arm - seemed to do the trick.......



[quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1474898702' post='3141342']
I'm a non-aggressive, peaceable and to be truthful, downright cowardly person myself but just happen to look like a gargantuan psychotic murderer. Having gone through countless gigs - and in fact life in general - without experiencing a lot of violence or threatening scenarios, I'm starting to wonder if there's a connection.

being 6ft4 and 18 stone with a shaved head tends to keep things civil, but then our rythmn guitarist is a big fella too generally a look in said knobs direction is enough :lol:


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1474895310' post='3141303']
I'm very disappointed to note that none of the above replies supply the essential information:[list]
[*]Height of bass player
[*]Weight of bass player
[*]Approx. state of fitness of bass player
[*]Degree of intimidation associated with bass player

I'm very disappointed to note that in your list of criteria there is no mention as to whether said bass-player is considered to be any good for metal.


Depends, if it's innocent I can give someone a pass.

Drunk and disrespectful is another thing.

Like the guy that wants to talk to you while your playing, I have a rule. No eye contact and ignore him.



Funny you should bring this up, we have had no stage invaders for ages, then Saturday night, three of them on separate occasions!

The last one went wrong though, I moved her to allow someone else up, she took offence and spent the rest of the song staring at me 'ar ya dissin' me?' She cackled, why would I want to do that? Jog on luv.


Kicked someone when i was a lot younger - they were hassling a harmless girl singer incessantly. I kept an eye on the guy and as he lunged toward the stage i aimed a kick at his nuts. I missed - made contact with him though. His mates cracked up laughing - he walked off sheepishly though gave me the evil eye all night. Wouldn't dare do that now but when you are 22 you feel invincible. Fortunately, those type of gigs are a rarity and our current girl singer looks like she won't take no messin'.


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1474905272' post='3141417']

Like the guy that wants to talk to you while your playing, I have a rule. No eye contact and ignore him.


This is a pet hate of mine, particularly as I can't hear them, so I tend to mouth "I can't *effing* hear you". Things took a turn for the worse at a recent gig, when the punter responded by typing his request onto his phone. I then said "I can't read that - I'm 47". The next time someone does this to me I'm going to lick their face.

I'll let you know how this pans out.


Once a punter was screaming right in my face, so I gave him a friendly 'tap' with my bass (a Kubicki Ex Factor).

He loved it.


[quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1474895310' post='3141303']
I'm very disappointed to note that none of the above replies supply the essential information:[list]
[*]Height of bass player
[*]Weight of bass player
[*]Approx. state of fitness of bass player
[*]Degree of intimidation associated with bass player

Ahem - HEFT of bass player?


[quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1474845514' post='3141045']
The bass player from Mega City 4 was well known for disliking stage divers and other pointers who'd scramble onto the stage at their gigs. His solution was a large booted foot on the offender's arse and then shoving them into the wings.

That was always my approach. In fact when we supported MC4, myself and Gerry compared notes as to the best technique. Place the sole of the boot upon the intruders botty and shove. Although I didn't try it at the Bikers rally we played. I let the big hairy chap announce the raffle.


[quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1474901187' post='3141372']
Back in the day (don't snore), I went through a number of gigs where some idiot thought it fun to pull the loudspeaker jacks out of my valve amp - I removed the casings on said plugs and watched as someone copped the full output voltage of my 240watt Orange up their right arm - seemed to do the trick.......


All 30volts? Truly startling. :D


[quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1474916890' post='3141542']
We never have the problem, not many drunk people at a Methodist Church on a Sunday Morning :D B)

One of the funniest gigs I've played was in a Methodist church hall - a "concert". The man in charge had set all the seats out concert style, the lady in charge arrived and had a word with him, all the seats got moved to the side "for dancing".

No alcohol, just tea and coffee and lemonade. During sound check a few of the older people who had arrived early in order to get a good seat, started complaining about the volume.

Anyway - from the first note - the place went mad. Straight up and dancing and stayed up for 3 hours. I've never seen anything like it.


[quote name='Heathy' timestamp='1474915627' post='3141523']
Things took a turn for the worse at a recent gig, when the punter responded by typing his request onto his phone. I then said "I can't read that - I'm 47". The next time someone does this to me I'm going to lick their face.

I'll let you know how this pans out.

Oh man, please do...


[quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1474904467' post='3141410']
I'm very disappointed to note that in your list of criteria there is no mention as to whether said bass-player is considered to be any good for metal.

Speaking personally, much as I do love my metal - no. Cannot stick to root note.


Have had some very intimidating punks walk up mid guitar solo and ask us if we can play some Nirvana... Didn't really fit with our blues set. We didn't eject them because they were a lot bigger than us. But then the guitarist looks at me and goes "want to sing anarchy in the UK?" Which made their eyes light up and filled me with dread having never seriously rehearsed it. I firmly refused.


Under the circumstances, I would have gone for it. Most punters won't notice small mistakes and they'd be chuffed that you tried to accomodate them.


I quietly tell them we are not insured for anyone but the band onstage and we will have to stop until they get offstage. Normally works.

My old band used to just stop on the beat if someone got on stage and just wait for them to slink offstage embarrassed.


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1474887439' post='3141213']

I take it back, this is so much better.
EPIC :lol:
Keef is now my stage advice Guru.

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