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Posted (edited)

I'm thinking of getting my bass setup with an easier playing string height so have been looking at various strings.
When I'm slapping I never pull the string hard so it snaps back into the fingerboard as I really don't like the sound.
I much prefer a nice solid bass note follow by one or two palm slaps.
I quite fancy trying a spot of jazz sometime too.
Would Pirasto Obligato work ok for this ?
I still need fairly low tension for fast slapping but with a much more musical styles than the usual nylon strings.

Also is there anyone in Harrogate who fancys lowering my string heights for me.

Edited by artisan

If your slapping stamina is like that of djordje stijepovic, you'll have no problem with the obligatos ;)

I found the pirastro obligato tension slightly higher compared to thomastik weichs. The obligato is a great string and very versatile imo, and fine for occasional slap.

The other option is to get the thomastik solo set, slightly lower tension compared to weichs when tuned to concert pitch, and still good for pizz and arco, as well as fast slapping.


[quote name='zero9' timestamp='1475264097' post='3144612']
If your slapping stamina is like that of djordje stijepovic, you'll have no problem with the obligatos ;)

I found the pirastro obligato tension slightly higher compared to thomastik weichs. The obligato is a great string and very versatile imo, and fine for occasional slap.

The other option is to get the thomastik solo set, slightly lower tension compared to weichs when tuned to concert pitch, and still good for pizz and arco, as well as fast slapping.
thanks Zero09,i didn't think of them so i'll check them out too.
i wish i could play 5% as good as Djordje,he's a bloody amazing player


I used Obligato ages ago, and found them great for that bassline-plus-percussive type of playing.
Some folks who prioritise the slap part of things will want lower tension, but if you want solid bass then go for it!
Also great for bowing.
Moved on to Evah mittel, a bit higher tension but louder too. Expensive, mind!
Nowadays using Innovation - mostly Honey Jazz - and enjoying them immensely.
Probably just high tension are the ones to avoid.
Do you know Keith - Mr Bassman? http://basschat.co.uk/user/143-mr-bassman/
He may well know of a bass setterupper round Harrogate. If not, I'll try and find out who my mate David uses in Lincs.. always goes to this chap, all the way from Leeds, 'cause he's good!


thanks Hubrad,much appreciated.
yes I do indeed know Keith,I'll get my strings ordered then give him a shout. (Keith setup my very first double bass infact,he's an extremely nice bloke)

as for the Obligato's,should I go for the solo set (will tune to E) for a lower tension ?


Up to you on that, but I had them on a 108cm scale bass so slightly extra tension.
The way I see it, if slap is your priority go lower, if the note is the thing go higher.


thanks again hubrad.
the bass note is most definitely the priority for me so i may go with the higher tension set.
for me most modern slap players seem more interested in the click rather than the bass,a couple of bands i have seen recently had the click way up in the mix whilst the bass itself was almost inaudible.
plus my bass has always had low tension strings & a very high setup just for slapping & i am getting a bit bored of just root 5th lines


[quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1475433056' post='3145881']
Might have an old set go obligatos to for you to try Neil

Just got back from the DB bash so I'll have a look later

Ooohhhhhh thanks Keith that would be fantastic


[quote name='hubrad' timestamp='1475414506' post='3145717']
You're welcome to a go on mine with Honey Jazz on if you fancy, and I'm sure Keith will say the same. P'raps have a get together sometime.
Thanks hubrad,you are a star
I really appreciate your help

Posted (edited)

yes Ive found an old set, think the G has snappeed at the peg but we can probably tie a bit of string on and stick it with some chewing gum.

And maybe I could set about your bridge with the chainsaw again

Edited by Mr Bassman
Posted (edited)

[quote name='Mr Bassman' timestamp='1475435482' post='3145906']
yes Ive found an old set, think the G has snappeed at the peg but we can probably tie a bit of string on and stick it with some chewing gum.

And maybe I could set about your bridge with the chainsaw again

Haha lol :) we can just nail that G to the fingerboard
That would be absolutely fantastic thank you so much.
It'll be nice to see you again too :)
When would you fancy having a go at it.
I'm thinking of maybe trying a bit of jazz too,which is a shock to me

Edited by artisan

Keith is a true gent

My bass is now sitting at his place with a new lower action & wearing a loan set of obligatos along with my gut G.
Can't wait to pick her up tonight.
Massive thanks to Mr Bassman

Posted (edited)

Well I picked my bass up from Keith's this evening & what can I say.
Bloody hell it's a different bass now,so much easier to play.
Sound wise it is absolutely fantastic,while still having a great punch it now has a wonderful growl too.
The obligatos are a wonderful string & really suit my bass, I think Keith is pretty impressed with the sound too.
We tried it amplified using my extremely good yet mega cheap J tone pickup with very very good result.
I am so impressed with Keith's Acoustic Image amplifier too,it honestly is the sound of my bass but louder,never actually had that before.
I may need one of them sometime :)

So a massive thank you to Keith for setting my bass up so well, I never realised just how much it needed doing.
It's now so much easier to play, I'm hooked again.
Lovin' that mwaaaa

Edited by artisan

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