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I currently have a BG500 which I'm quite happy with the sound, but not so happy with the weight! It's also an arse to get into my car.

I'm thinking a small head and a 2x10 cab might be a better bet, but I'm somewhat lost as to what to look at.

Back in the day, I used an all valve Stak head and a 4x10, but my knowledge of modern gear is pretty limited.

70s traditional jazz or rick tone is my thing.

Any suggestions ?


If you're after lightweight and fairly cheap check out the Fender Rumble (v3) 500 combo's.
I have the BG at home and the Fender knocks the socks off it for volume and tone imo.


I've gone about a light as I can while maintaining a great tone at any volume level between very quiet and very loud. I'm using an Aguilar TH500 and 1 or 2 BF Super Compacts.


Cab-wise I`d throw in my usual Barefaced recommendations - they have two ranges, the cabs with 12" speakers are pretty flat/neutral sounding, the cabs with 10" speakers are retro voiced, hence being called the Retro series. The Retro210 weighs 30lbs approx, and is a doddle to cart around. I`ve got one - which I`m selling at present, the ad is on here for anyone interested.

Amp-wise, well as Winterfire666 says, if you like your current sound why not look into a TC amp head.


Interestingly I took your advice and swapped combo for a TC BH500, I just need a cab now.

Thinking of a Markbass Traveller 2x10, not sure if that's got an output on it so I could daisy chain a 1x15 at a later date though.

Weight is key, my back is made of glass !

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