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I've just taken delivery of one of these from a fellow Basschatter.

What a great piece of kit!! It took me a while to get sorted ( replaced my office chair as the board made it too high) and moved round a few things in the office to make room.

Luckily I have a 1U digital power amp which I used to use for my 'loud' rig (SWR 4x8 and 1x15). It's 400W a side and powers the PB perfectly. Now it is also employed as a second monitor stand.

Hooked up to my practice rig (see below) it feels like I'm playing in a stadium!! When I play along with backing tracks or music I can decide to send that through the Pleasure Board (henceforth referred to as the PB). It's nice to feel the bass drum sometimes or I can just isolate the bass.

I always play with headphones at home and I know my Bose cans really well - they faithfully reproduce my bass and don't colour it (as far as I can hear, anyway). Having the PB under my chair gives everything so much... heft!

If I take my cans off, I can hear the PB vibrating and reproducing my bass sound but only very quietly, like a very quiet amplifier. Thankfully nothing in my office vibrates and shakes along with it like it does when I use my bass amp under my desk. Using the VB99 I can independently control the levels of everything and really feel like I'm completely lost in the groove.

Very happy with it... I'll bring to a bash ASAP, it really has to be tried. One of my octave synth patches almost turns me inside out, now.




[quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1481659750' post='3194143']
Is that a bit of Burman gear sitting on top of the Ashdown?

Ah yes that's a Burman Pre, belongs to Kiwi though!


[quote name='funkydario' timestamp='1481706925' post='3194362']
What is the poweramp ?

I'm not sure, there's no name on it... just 'D800 Digital Power Amplifier 2x400W'

Can't remember where I got it but have had it for years, seems fine. The fan is a bit noisy when it kicks in but I'm wearing headphones anyway with the PB so can't hear it.

  • 2 months later...

I have a Fischer ButtKicker Mini LFE ( [url="https://www.thomann.de/gb/fischer_amps_buttkicker_mini_lfe.htm?ref=search_rslt_fischer_111973_0"]https://www.thomann.de/gb/fischer_amps_buttkicker_mini_lfe.htm?ref=search_rslt_fischer_111973_0 ) [/url]attached to my stool and it is certainly not limited to a single frequency. It's driven through a sub-woofer filter which cuts off anything above about 270Hz. I used it on a recent gig fed with my bass and a kick drum mic and it was excellent. Because I could feel the bass I didn't need my amp too loud and was able to do the gig wit my hearing aids in. :D

Next stage is to build a small Pleasure Board device on which I can stand or use any stool and see how it goes.


Yes it's quite an even response actually. I was a bit surprised; the first few times I used it I was wearing my headphones which are closed back and assumed it didn't produce much noise itself, but when I took them off it does make a bit of noise. Not so much as to annoy someone in the next room and hardly a full range response but it kind of sounds like a cheap speaker.

As it sits under my office chair I actually pump my music through it to provide some kick along with the hifi, and it's amazing. With the hifi on any noise it produces is drowned out very easily leaving just the feel behind.

It's still a central part of my setup and I don't know how I lived without it provided that most of the time I play my bass through headphones, in my own world with everything at my fingertips on the VB99.

At some point I want to either send the signal through a pre-amp or get a different power amp so I can filter out the top end going into the board which might make it more efficient as my current power amp struggles a bit as it cab't be bridged. The board takes about 600w at 8ohms.

If I ever get round to buying a house (unlikely) I'm going to have one installed in the floor in my office and at least my half of the sofa :)

One detail I forgot to mention that's quite neat is how it 'floats' on a set of springy feet which nicely isolates it from the floor, transmitting zero energy to the space around it. I was a bit concerned it would make everything in the office shake...

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