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It was 37 years ago today The London Calling album was released.

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[quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1481778342' post='3195036']
One of the most overrated bands of all time IMO. Two or three good tunes, but Joe Strummer can't sing to save himself. Tuneless caterwauling.

I would agree, not the greatest singer maybe but some earth changing lyrics for me at that age and a massive amount of passion in the songs he "caterwauled"


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1481815252' post='3195395']
Never got to see The Clash, and in my early years as a devoted Pistols fan never wanted to. Only learned to appreciate them a few years after they`d split. Some great songs, but some pretty awful ones too. But imo that`s not an issue, I don`t have to listen to the awful ones, and love the great ones.
[/quote]this is also my situation, I did get to see Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros at Rock City though and they did a few Clash songs London Calling and Safe European Home to name but two, I liked all the first album most of the second and some of London Calling which is more than an awful lot more than a lot of bands I've checked out.
If you don't like the Clash that's fair enough, we all have our own tastes, but I wouldn't go on a thread about Funk and Dance slagging off that music because it's not my thing, as someone on here said "there's no bad music just music I like and music I don't"


[quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1481718480' post='3194481']
*1980 in America.
Yes, but 1980 should be regarded as the last year of the 70's (can of worms opened)!


Saw them in Sheffield touring Sandinista (I think). They were OK; not exactly electrifying, but competent enough. Though I do recall Mr Jones havng some sort of snit...
The bit I really disliked was the audience booing the reggae support act - can't remember who that was.


The Clash for me have always been one of those bands that I like the idea of more than I like the band and their actual music.

I also keep forgetting that they are one of the few punk bands that I got to see in their hey day, mostly because their live performance (at the Rock Against Racism Rally in London) was so underwhelming.

Since then I've come the enjoy most of the first two albums plus the awesome single "White Man In Hammersmith Palais", but I've never been able to get into the London Calling album. I liked the title track as a single and even more, their cover of "Armegideon Time" on the B-side and I really like the track "Lost In The Supermarket". The rest of the album and everything they recorded after that just leaves me cold.


[quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1481808246' post='3195308']
the same could be said of a lot of people, Paul Weller anybody? if you want to listen to people with good singing voices and no character stick to X factor

Are you trying to patronise me because I don't like The Clash? Why make it look as if the X Factor is the alternative? There are millions of artists out there, and it doesn't boil down to imperfect, but with character, vs autotune.


[quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1481816123' post='3195411']

If you don't like the Clash that's fair enough, we all have our own tastes, but I wouldn't go on a thread about Funk and Dance slagging off that music because it's not my thing, as someone on here said "there's no bad music just music I like and music I don't"

Fair comment. Sorry.

Posted (edited)

This thread has led me to Spotifying Sandinista! which I'd never heard before. I kind of expected to not be into it from what I've read. Bloody excellent! It's the first album I've played for a while that my wife actually likes as well 😄

Edited by miles'tone

[quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1481837442' post='3195639']
This thread has led me to Spotifying Sandinista! which I'd never heard before. I kind of expected to not be into it from what I've read. Bloody excellent! It's actually the first album I've played for a while that my wife actually likes as well
Glad to hear you both like it.
All the Albums are great, except the very last one :)


What a great bassline on London Calling. I have just had a re listen to that song after quite a few years. What a great way of linking the Em and F chords by that chromatic run.
Simenon hadnt been playing that long either.


[quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1481778342' post='3195036']
One of the most overrated bands of all time IMO. Two or three good tunes, but Joe Strummer can't sing to save himself. Tuneless caterwauling.
[/quote]This. File with The Smiths.


Love the Smiths too... Mind you I think many of the greatest bands split listeners! Personally I love bands that are creative, quirky and actually say something - I tend to like bands that push the envelope a bit, even if it means it's not perfect. As has been said before, thank goodness we have different tastes, otherwise life would be very boring... We might not have Metal music though, which would be a plus! ;-)


[quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1481837442' post='3195639']
This thread has led me to Spotifying Sandinista! which I'd never heard before. I kind of expected to not be into it from what I've read. Bloody excellent! It's the first album I've played for a while that my wife actually likes as well
[quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1481837843' post='3195646']
Glad to hear you both like it.
All the Albums are great, except the very last one :)

It's a classic - can't imagine it being made today. 6 sides....agreed, not every track is 100% essential, but I love the way how it flows as a body of work. Superb sounding album, as well. My fave Clash album.


Great memories - bought it on the day of release, called in on a friend on the way home and we played it over and over

Best double album ever made IMO -went to see them twice on that tour and definitely what got me into playing bass


IMO, a strong contender for best album ever put to tape. London Calling will always have a special place in my heart, and is still hugely relevant to me despite being born in the early 90s. And yes, great basslines to boot.


[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1482154290' post='3198041']
For me the album released at the end of 1979 that has had the most staying power is PiL's "Metal Box".
Metal box, is right up there for me as well.

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