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[quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1482110156' post='3197761']
I did think of buying it regardless because I don't have any of their music at all and it would be good to hear more of it and get a better grasp of what they are about. May still do that after Christmas.

Vince - you'd be better off getting a copy of 40 licks. A 2 cd career retrospective up to 1997. all you'll ever need (and probably more than you really want)


I got given a copy of Blue & Lonesome for Christmas.
I didn't have great expectations, but I'm really enjoying it.
Charlie Watts' drumming is particularly impressive. He's on the money all the way through.


[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1482246002' post='3198817']
I didnt realise it was the Stone when i first heard it, i though someone had just recorded an open mic night at a local blues club for 2 hours and then just put gaps in it. Its like one of those jive bunny albums where there is a common beat going all the way through only this time its just the same 3 chords.
To me it just looks like the men who dont need any more money have found an even easier way of making more without making any effort.

The old gits are having fun. Leave em alone.

But I can definitely see where you're coming from.


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1482882266' post='3203365']
No, a bit of Skiffle but mostly Rock and Roll was their starting point. They were trying to be Little Richard, Elvis and Carl Perkins.
[/quote]and Motown type stuff


[quote name='blue' timestamp='1482293674' post='3199275']
Also favs of mine.
Just for you, Blue....


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1482319288' post='3199472']
Fleetwood Mac were just so good but the band that usually gets forgotten when talking about British blues bands is Cream.

When they started and for the first 3 or 4 months about 80% of their set was blues that anyone in the Deep South would have recognised. They started to change into the prototype rock blues band pretty quickly but from when they started to just before they recorded the first album they were the best blues band in the UK.

"Cream were a jazz band. We just didn't tell Eric Clapton" - Jack Bruce


[quote name='ians' timestamp='1482096910' post='3197656']
Over produced, over compressed and bland as hell.

After all these years, the money and all those albums they should have got together on a portch somewhere in the deep south of the USA with birds and neighbours clattering in the background and done a live outdoor acoustic/recording with slide....boy it would have been so refreshing, would have been amazing..imagine it.

theyll do as theyre told - you dont get be 'Sir Mick' without consequences


[quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1482226079' post='3198533']
The Stones are a great rock band. They practically invented the stadium rock genre. Anything they do will sound like them and not their influences. The good bands and players will always do this.

A band embarking on a world tour taking in dozens of countries over several years will usually put out an album. After 55 or so years it's unlikely that any band will be writing songs as great as they did in their hey-day, but it's "product" and many people around the world will want to buy so it's cool to make an album for them.

Nit picking that they don't write songs like they used to is petty and pointless.

The Stones are one of the more successful exports from the UK to the rest of the world. They have helped to change cultures (not many bands have achieved that) and today they still make a lot of people happy.

Sadly, it says much about us, as Brits, that so many find it easier to focus on the negative, rather than enjoying the positive.

IMO they sound as great as ever. It will be a very sad day when they stop touring.

Agreed, I'm the biggest Stones fan there is. Same with McCartney.

I'm not looking for or expecting great new material from them at this point in time. They have already given me enough.

I'm just happy these guys are still around.



[quote name='blue' timestamp='1483128308' post='3204960']
Agreed, I'm the biggest Stones fan there is. Same with McCartney.

I'm not looking for or expecting great new material from them at this point in time. They have already given me enough.

[u]I'm just happy these guys are still around.[/u]


I think that's a sentiment worth repeating given the losses to the entertainment industry lately. I'm with you on that.


I asked for the CD as a Chrissy present, sounds way better at window rattling level in the house than in the car. Yeah, it's a bit samey in places, so are a lot of other artists output, it's as usual one man's opinion. Worth a listen !


[quote name='MWH' timestamp='1483283396' post='3205891']
I asked for the CD as a Chrissy present, sounds way better at window rattling level in the house than in the car. Yeah, it's a bit samey in places, so are a lot of other artists output, it's as usual one man's opinion. Worth a listen !

I such a big fan I don't have to listen to it and I haven't.

I know what The Stones are about. I was sold on them over 50 years ago.



Dirty old men, the lot of em. Apart from Charlie, who is quality. For me, they stopped being interesting and relevant at the end of the 70's, much like AC/DC and Status Quo.


[quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1483447110' post='3207145']
Dirty old men, the lot of em. Apart from Charlie, who is quality. For me, they stopped being interesting and relevant at the end of the 70's, much like AC/DC and Status Quo.

I'm still facinated and interested in them after 50 years.

Stopped being relevant and interesting to who, you?



[quote name='blue' timestamp='1483470213' post='3207431']

I'm still facinated and interested in them after 50 years.

Stopped being relevant and interesting to who, you?

Yes. That's why I started the last sentence "For me..."

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Grassie' timestamp='1483470706' post='3207438']

Yes. That's why I started the last sentence "For me..." ��

Apologies, I missed the "For me"

However, the dirty old men comment. Depends on how you define dirty old men and how well you know the Stones personally


Edited by blue

[quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1483472210' post='3207469']
I thought Sir Mick Jagger's latest release was into a 29 year old ballet dancer.
Basschat quote of the year right there. You can all go home now. 😂😂😂


[quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1483472210' post='3207469']
I thought Sir Mick Jagger's latest release was into a 29 year old ballet dancer.

Why not. 😁


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