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Posted (edited)

I see a lot of focus on here on how many basses folk have, but have we considered the dark side of how many amps and cabs we own... I'm guilty - I own more amps than basses - they're not dusty old relics, they're amps I would consider using anytime for rehearsal/gigging..I also have old ampy stuff that I would not put in this category,.,

I'll start the ball rolling..

1. RH 450
2. RH 750
3. Mesa Prodigy
4. Glock Heart Rock...

I also have more cabs than basses, but that is a different thread to start :-)

Edited by markstuk

I have four main basses and four other (much cheaper) project-type ones (and zero bass GAS), I have three Berg 112s and two amps, a Magellan and a Walkabout. I'm covered for everything I need now. The only thing I might consider is lighter cabs, though I'd still look at 3x112s, or a 2x12 and a 112...


I have 5 basses and a spare loaded neck....and another bass on order...
I have 2 heads : HA3500 and a Puma900
I have 2 cabs: Barefaced Supermidget and Super12T


I've currently got a brace of "heathen" amps....yes both Class D :D :ph34r:

Demeter HBP-1-800D
Tecamp Puma 900

Both are quite adept at sounding great and kicking ass when paired with either of my cabs

Barefaced Big Twin T
DR Bass 2460

Great amps, great cabs, great basses....It's just a shame that the weak link in the chain is me! :D


I have 4 amps: 2 Aguilar TH500's, a Mesa D800 Subway and a Thunderfunk 750.

If something comes along that sounds better or has relevant options I'll try it. If it works for me then it will take over as #1.

I bought the D800 because it was 2 ohm and the reviews were strong. It sounds very good but I still prefer my TH500 on the gig. I'll be selling this soon.

I've had a Thunderfunk since 2007. First the 550 and now, for the last 5 years, a 750. It's so good it will probably be the last amp I own. It runs at 2 ohms, which used to matter when I ran a Berg 312 rig but that's not so important now with the Super Compacts. It sounds huge, clean, clear and full of tone.

The TH500s sounded fantastic with my Berg's and are just as good with my Barefaced cabs. They are my go-to amps. Nothing has come close in the last 2 years.

After 9 years of Bergs AE and CN cabs I've moved to 2 gen 3 Barefaced Super Compacts. Happy or what!!

For me this gear has a synergy. It all works together so well.

Posted (edited)

I have two Trace Elliot AH-300-SMX heads - one spare in the event that #1 has to go into hospital.
I have a Quilter Bass Block that I intend to use for rehearsals and to gigs as a back up. It is the best small amp I have tried.
I have an ancient dusty old Peavey TKO-80 in my 'office' that I use for home practice and that my cats use as a scratching post. Not turned up very loud.
Two Barefaced Supercompacts
One Barefaced 110 for quieter rehearsals and possibly smaller gigs.

What I don't have any more is GAS for anything else, remarkably.

Edited by Paul S

[quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1483284175' post='3205898']
I have two Trace Elliot AH-300-SMX heads - one spare in the event that #1 has to go into hospital.
I have a Quilter Bass Block that I intend to use for rehearsals and to gigs as a back up.
I have an ancient dusty old Peavey TKO-80 in my 'office' that I use for home practice and that my cats use as a scratching post. Not turned up very loud.
Two Barefaced Supercompacts
One Barefaced 110 for quieter rehearsals and possibly smaller gigs.

What I don't have any more is GAS for anything else, remarkably.

How are you finding the Quilter?


Early days, plus both my bands seem to have gone into hibernation since I bought it, but so far, so good. At home it sounds really nice - slightly different to the class Ds I have tried before (which is a lot!). I gigged it once with my rock covers band and it coasted along. As well as sounding great it is also extremely small and extremely loud - ticks all my boxes for a rehearsal/gig back up head, I think. But I need to live with it for a while longer to be sure.


I thought I had just one, I was wrong:

Phil Jones Cub
Phil Jones Flightcase
Phil Jones Bass Buddy (although for sale at the mo)
Fender Super Champ X2 (OK, a guitar amp)
And technically speaking my Phil Jones PB300 is an amp, as it is a powered cab.

So much for just one, eh?


I have:

Basses x 7
Amps x 3 (SWR SM1500, Aguilar AG500SC, TC Electronics BG250 208)
Cabs x 2 (SWR Goliath 2 reconed with Eminence Deltalites, SWR Goliath Snr)


I have ended up with 3 Amps
Mark Bass LMK
GK mb fusion 500
SWR sm - 500
played through one or two Acme low B 4 ohm cabs, the reason for buying the stereo SWR for bigger gigs

Cabs are keepers but don't know which small amp should go


Two amps, one cab:

GK MB500
EBS Neo 2x12

I bought the GK because I was having trouble with the HD350, it was cutting out during gigs and I fancied trying something similar but different to EBS.

I will get the EBS serviced at some point and don't have any intention of getting rid of it, but I have fallen for the MB500. I love it's clarity, footprint, it's power and the footswitchable drive, which sounds brilliant.


2 x Phil Jones C4
1 x Phil Jones 4B
1 x Epifani 310UL mk 1 (favourite cab)

Basswitch pre
Two RSE power amps (500 and 900 w)
Carvin B1000 head.

Can cover most situations.

Posted (edited)

4 basses (will be 5 later this year when the Skelf arrives, depending on what happens with my Finn)
2 amps
2 cabs

There was a time, a couple of years ago, when I had 4 amps. Not sure why, but they were all fecking awesome

Edited by Merton

I have my main Ampeg portaflex rig and an Ampeg BA108 practice amp - that's it. I'm wondering about getting a second cab for the portaflex rig which is where I stop.

My journey has been;

Peavey 130w combo for years and years.
Roland DB700 very briefly.
Laney combo even briefer!
Ampeg 115 cab with Fender bassman head 1978 for about 18 months until the weight won out.
Orange Tiny Terror and SP210 cab sold on as I was doing kit shares and it was a lot of money tied up in something that was doing 1 in 3 gigs.
What I have now for the last couple of years (originally with the 500w head but upgraded to the 50T last summer.


2x Trace Elliot combos
2x Trace Elliot heads
Trace Elliot 1x15 and 2x12 cabs
GK Backline 110 combo
Ashdown 100w head with custom cab combo
Vanderkley 110MNT cab

I've also got a Fender 100w Rumble combo which came as part of a deal which Nick Smith is looking after for me...I've never seen it. Hope he's making good use of it.


I`ve got four amps at present, the ones I`m keeping are an Ashdown ABM-600 EVO IV and an Ashdown RM-500-EVO.
The ones I`m going to be putting up for sale are an Aguilar Tonehammer 500 and an Aguilar AG500.
I`ve also got two Fender Rumble practice amps, though am possibly going to offload those if I can find an Ashdown one up for grabs.

Cab-wise, well only a Barefaced Big Twin II at the moment (assuming my Barefaced Retro Two10 sells soon). I am thinking of getting an Ashdown cab as backup to my BT2 though, as if anything happens to that, well not so good. Don`t want to be cab-less, but also don`t want to be spending too much dough either.


6 basses, 5 amps. Mesa M6, Mesa Walkabout 1x15 combo, Trace Elliot V6, EBS Fafner and Trace Elliot GP7 SM300 1x15 combo.

Been trying to sell the Trace Elliot combo locally for a while now. V6 isn't being used because I currently only own a 1x15 8 ohm cab and it only works on 2-4 ohm loads. I will use it again once I get a new cab though. Rarely use the EBS as I think that the Mesa amps are far more suited to my personal preferences. I would probably sell the Fafner if I got a decent offer.

I had a clear out of gear recently so I'm slowly weeding out the stuff I really don't use.


4 basses currently (until I can convince Mrs Painy that I genuinely do NEED a Thunderbird anyway).

Just 1 gigging rig though - Aguilar AG500 and a pair of DB112 cabs - but I do have a Behringer BVT4500H head at the back of the cupboard under the stairs as a backup. Other that that just a 10W Hiwatt Hurricane practice amp if that even counts.

Money no object then I'd probably have a DB751 and either a 4x12 or an 8x10 cab for bigger gigs (plus a roadie to carry it) but my current set up really does all I need it to anyway.


I have 4 Shukers but will definitely sell or trade the 6 string & maybe the 5 string , One Ibanez Musician that is up for grabs , & a Jazz with a Status neck
2 x Barefaced super compacts that are up for sale,
Ashdown ABM1000 , ABM 400, JJ500 , 2 x Root master 12" cabs with Sica driver , 1 x 4 x8" Ashdown Neo (on the way )
Markbass Mo Mark up for Sale


3 amp heads.
Gallien Krueger 1001RB for my main touring gig ( through a GK neo 410 )
GK MB800 for my local gigs ( via a BF compact.)
GK 800RB as my spare head.
Also have a GK MB150 combo for home noodling.

Relatively GAS free now, although do quite fancy something Aguilar-ish.

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