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Just wondering what photo hosting sites people favour?

I stopped using photobucket some time ago because the barrage of ads were bringing my quite powerful desktop and optical cable broadband completely to its knees!!!

I moved to Imgur and have been really really pleased with it - but in recent weeks it too is starting to become unworkable with frequent site downages through 'insufficient capacity' and downloads becoming also problematic

What do people use to post their shots onto basschat?



Good question. I always used Photobucket as well which was always OK with a few choice filters added to my ad blocker, but now it's just got ridiculous. There are so many things wrong with it I don't know where to begin.

I also use Flickr but use that more as hosting for my 'proper' pictures. Throwaway pics I tend to use something else, but it's still nice to use a device that keeps your pics on record should you need them again.

I've tried Postimage which seems like Photobucket but without the ads - the only problem is that when you use the line of code to show a pic it inserts an advert there, unless you snip it out.

All in all I think there's room for a proper hosting service, even better if it was built into an OS. [Image] tagging pictures on iCloud for example would be really useful.


I bet Imgurs problems will be quickly resolved as it's such a popular service (and will want to stay that way), but if you're looking to try something else then Flickr is great.

If you're a bit more willing to get your hands dirty then some hosting space as waterofthetyne recommended is worthwhile. You'll have greater control, can add as much as you like at whatever size or file format you like, etc.

If you need a hand with anything like that then feel free to drop me a PM!


The problem I see with Photobucket is not only the problem for us uploading. If you post PhotoB a link on a thread, those following it from a mobile device will seldom get to see the pictures. You usually get some blurb about your device being infected with a virus.

I see with PhotoB they do sell the option of going ad-free. It's tempting, but I would want those looking at my pictures to be unencumbered by ads too.


Hmmmm....useful information folks all. Thanks :)

I'll keep using Imgur while I can - it really is splendid when it's working properly - but maybe will try Flikr out as a second option, albeit heeding the comment about Yahoo!

I'm not too bothered ref the actual storage of any photos I haven't posted in threads - I still use the old fashioned hard disk and regular backups, but more for easily posting pics on sites like this with direct links and with a reasonable confidence they won't mysteriously disappear unless and until I want them too.


I use photobucket even though it has adds just because it is free and still basically functional. I only use it for posting images to forums and nothing else, which isn't that often so I just put up with the ads. I would imagine the way things are going they will shut the free service at some point and then it will die.


[quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1484741530' post='3217942']
Hmmmm....useful information folks all. Thanks :)

I'll keep using Imgur while I can - it really is splendid when it's working properly - but maybe will try Flikr out as a second option, albeit heeding the comment about Yahoo!

I'm not too bothered ref the actual storage of any photos I haven't posted in threads - I still use the old fashioned hard disk and regular backups, but more for easily posting pics on sites like this with direct links and with a reasonable confidence they won't mysteriously disappear unless and until I want them too.

In that case either Dropbox, Google drive, or iCloud would work fine.

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