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Request for help - Anyone in South Manc/Sale area - Borrow a Bass head?

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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

Are there any Basschatters in the Sale, Altrincham or local South Manchester area who may be able to assist?

I've secured a long distance buyer for my Genz Benz XB2 610 cab. Problem is, I never got around to getting a head for it, and now need to establish it's working correctly before handing over to a buyer in a couple of weeks time. I've agreed to do this due diligence before the sale. I've only ever run a small guitar head through it, which works fine but doesn't really move the drivers much on this beast of a cab.
I've asked in my network and local guitar shop to no avail so far. Would have brought to NW bass bash, but that's the weekend I'm now away and delivering the cab enroute.

Could I possibly borrow a bass head for an hour to run the cab through its paces please? Bass head can be of any flavour up to 900watt rating. I will collect and return it the same day and happy to leave collateral, first born child etc to guarantee its safe return. Happy also to bring cab to your practice room to test if more practible?

It's a 4ohm cab.

Please send me a PM if you think you might be able to assist.

Thanks in advance all,


Edited by stuckinthepod

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