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Tennis elbow is the term given to prolonged inflamation of tendons local to their insertion just above the elbow. The tendons become inflamed, (often through over -use) then become stuck in one stage of the inflammation process, never fully healing. I have known of one case that didn't respond to frictions or the forearm cuff, but was  resolved by acupuncture  

Best wishes for a full recovery


I saw my doctor about my TE a few years back... he said that in his 30 years in general.practice, he had never had a single TE case that was actually caused by tennis. I must say, your symptoms don't read like classic TE at all, certainly not as it was explained to me. Still, I'm glad yours is feeling better -- onward and upward! Good news.


I had this years ago , I was putting the hours in as a carpenter then . I had some ultra sound , wore a band and changed a few bad techniques and managed to get on top of it 


good luck 

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