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Just commenting on the 'precisionitis' thread got me thinking I really need to shift a couple of my Jazz Basses.

The difficult part being obviously deciding which to try and shift. List as follows:

1975 (YOB) Fender Jazz - Natural with maple fingerboard and pearl blocks
2015 Fender USA Geddy Lee signature
2016 Fender Flea Signature
2008 Fender Roadworn Jazz in 3TSB (modded to stack knobs)

All very good Basses in their own right and I kind of justified them all at the time by having 2 with 60's Pickup spacing and 2 with 70's spacing.

I don't 'need' to sell, but I probably 'should'. But which? I know ultimately it'll have to be my own call, but I'm interested in how others would feel in the same position..


[quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1488359269' post='3248134']

All very good Basses in their own right and I kind of justified them all at the time by having 2 with 60's Pickup spacing and 2 with 70's spacing.

Priceless 😃. Only on here could such a justification even be considered.


[quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1488361504' post='3248163']
Priceless . Only on here could such a justification even be considered.

I know! :lol:


I'd ditch the Flea & Geddy of they were mine, I don't think they offer anything over your other two.

Different string types is a good excuse for keeping them all though - two with rounds & two with flats, you know - for just in case!


[quote name='fleabag' timestamp='1488362716' post='3248177']
Sell the YOB

Silly name, whatever it is, so it has to go

YOB = Year of Birth / Made the same year as I was born.


To me, the Flea and Roadworn are almost the same bass? Keep the cheaper....for those special gigs where you don't want anything expensive in the venue!


Tough one - probably keep yer YOB anyway , after that who knows? Sometimes it's just good to have rather than need, if you have them on display rather than in a cupboard/under the bed its nice to have a look at them.
I've got 2 Jazz basses , which to be honest I never use, one in a cupboard & one on a stand & I always have an admiring glance at it in the passing. I do think I " should" sell them but never quite got round to it.


I would keep the YOB, but the problem with YOB basses (particularly 70s Jazz Basses) is that there are often much better basses out there, fit and finish wise. The YOB thing can muddy the water a bit with nostalgia. Not suggesting there's anything wrong with yours of course! I'd love to own it :)


If you are not playing them, [b][i]and [/i][/b]you could use the money for something else nice, then by all means sell.
In that case I'd keep the YOB and the Geddy.
But if you don't need to free up the cash for something else just keep them. Sell them later when circumstances change.


Keep 'em all! At one point I had five J basses (now I'm down to three) and they were all different in terms of neck dimensions, pickup sounds (not placing obviously), body weight and balance, fingerboard material, body wood - and not to mention tone and volume!!

If it was me, I would look for a Mark King sig to cancel out the Flea model. Then you're back down to three.

You're welcome :D


[quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1488380136' post='3248434']
You don't seem to have a fretless jazz on there. Get yourself to your favourite bass retailer and solve this problem!


I know! These people who call themselves "completists"... <_< :P


[quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1488380136' post='3248434']
You don't seem to have a fretless jazz on there. Get yourself to your favourite bass retailer and solve this problem!


Possibly the only thing I've never GAS'd for is a fretless of any description!


[quote name='ROConnell' timestamp='1488379048' post='3248421']
IMO sell the Flea bass as it's stack knobs, which your RW already has.

Yep, I think if any do go, that'll be the first.


[size=3][font="Calibri"][color="#000000"]Lewis, keep all the Jazz basses and sell the Yamahas instead. The Yammys just aren’t as “prog rock” as the Jazz basses! ;)[/color][/font][/size]


Honestly, if it were me I'd just keep them unless you need to sell. I guess if you have one you never play then perhaps get rid but it's always a shame to loose an instrument you like.

I sold my Japanese Jazz-Master in Sea Foam Green a while back, and while it was a sensible move (it paid for my bass rig, which I actually use, where as I am a crappy guitarist and didn't do justice to the thing) I'll forever feel a little sad that it has gone.


[quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1488384231' post='3248482']
[size=3][font=Calibri][color=#000000]Lewis, keep all the Jazz basses and sell the Yamahas instead. The Yammys just aren’t as “prog rock” as the Jazz basses! ;)[/color][/font][/size]


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