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Posted (edited)

Has anybody had their previously deactivated account reactivated recently? I got a message from them saying my account had been reactivated. not by me I must add. I joined about 7 years ago or longer to watch a video (which was crap) and then deactivated the account.

After loads of contact faeces from them (due to them not deactivating accounts, as they were not cancelling accounts due to them floating the company on the stock exchange) they finally cancelled it. That was years ago. A few days ago, I get a message saying my account has been reactivated and started getting updates emailed to me about folk I knew? Whether or not it had been truly "reactivated", I do not know.

As usual no easy solution. I had to login, which meant I had to reset my password, as I'd forgotten it (thus perpetuating their scam) and then deactivate the account again!

I hate Facebook and I'd thought I was rid of the intrusive bast**ds but it seems not. Surely this type of intrusive marketing must stopped.

It is not good marketing procedure and no should mean no.

Anybody has similar?

Edited by itsmedunc

[quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' timestamp='1488934625' post='3253113']
It sound like you don't want to deactivate the account, but you want to delete it:


Ah! Originally I'm sure it was deleted but it's only deactivated now. The plot thickens! Thanks for that.


[quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1488930277' post='3253099']Has anybody had their previously deactivated account reactivated recently?[/quote]

Yes and it's really annoying as it's deactivated for a very good reason! I had to log back in and re-deactivate.


I have a dislike / tolerate relationship with FB. I'm currently on my third account.

I keep and eye on stuff of interest, but no friends and don't post, I screwed down all of the privacy settings and so don't receive anything from it,

When I log on I find it quite amusing that I get recommendations of people I may know.


[quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1489016697' post='3253837']
No love for Facebook here then... Facebook is a useful tool for the independent musician.

That's what I find too (in fact I joined because more and more things I wanted -info, photographs, etc- were shared through FB and not being there just made it unnecessarily harder, for no good reason in my opinion).
The idea of "a place for people with no real friends" is so laughable I won't even start :lol: especially when brought up at an internet forum like this one ;)

FB seems to be whatever you want it to be. You're not obliged to start posting pictures of your breakfast or chat to anyone... I treat it as a public place, so nothing personal goes there, so I don't care about privacy settings. The main page where you get "suggestions" is as easy to ignore as a multitude of threads in Off-Topic here that I don't even touch ;)

You don't need to behave like a 15 year old in heat just because you have an account :P and it makes it extremely easy to keep in touch with other musicians. We have a band FB page and we get a lot of invitations through it (via messenger)... I could stay away but I would certainly be missing out. Then again, I don't have a compulsive personality that makes me want to read everything possible on FB just because it's there.

Now I'm off, I still have 37 threads to catch up on here ;)


Facebook is not a place for people who take themselves or life too seriously.

It will drive them mad.

My weekly bin update gets a huge number of likes and comments.

Some people get it and some don't. I don't think people should slam it as a terrible thing just because they don't partake in it.

I moderate a huge social group, I don't want to be close friends with 540 people as I only see some of them occasionally but I do need to exchange information and ideas with all of them on a regular basis. Some of those 540 people don't get Facebook either and are constantly complaining about the background noise. It's like going to a pub and complaining that someone at the table next to you is talking about Eastenders but you're talking about Football.


[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1489050480' post='3253924']

That's what I find too (in fact I joined because more and more things I wanted -info, photographs, etc- were shared through FB and not being there just made it unnecessarily harder, for no good reason in my opinion).
The idea of "a place for people with no real friends" is so laughable I won't even start :lol: especially when brought up at an internet forum like this one ;)

FB seems to be whatever you want it to be. You're not obliged to start posting pictures of your breakfast or chat to anyone... I treat it as a public place, so nothing personal goes there, so I don't care about privacy settings. The main page where you get "suggestions" is as easy to ignore as a multitude of threads in Off-Topic here that I don't even touch ;)

You don't need to behave like a 15 year old in heat just because you have an account :P and it makes it extremely easy to keep in touch with other musicians. We have a band FB page and we get a lot of invitations through it (via messenger)... I could stay away but I would certainly be missing out. Then again, I don't have a compulsive personality that makes me want to read everything possible on FB just because it's there.

Now I'm off, I still have 37 threads to catch up on here ;)

I was looking for the "Like" button for a moment..


I'm not a fan but it has uses. I very rarely post anything but a while ago I messaged our singer to enquire as to why he had time to post on FB every 5 minutes but never found the time to learn the words to songs we were rehearsing. Didn't get an answer and he didn't know any of the lyrics at next rehearsal either.


I was a late join on facebook, after about 2 years existance, and my main use for it is to advertise my band and to get in contact with bars. It's been very usefull as we get a lot of bookings from it and have a lot of followers that like to know where the band is playing and show up at the gigs.

I use it mainly for professional reasons and it's been great, i can't fault it but i also use it to keep in touch with friends that are away from the country or to keep group conversations with the band (and friends) through messenger and it makes everything easier as we can share pics, videos, recordings and even make conference calls or facetime.

FB is a tool like any other, if used properly it works very well and can make things easier. I don't have time to be there sharing every cat video or posting selfies of myself in the gym (i do own two cats but i don't exercise) i leave that to the rest of the users and just filter the contents that interest me, mostly music related.


[quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1489016697' post='3253837']Facebook is a useful tool for the independent musician.[/quote]

It has its uses. I find it useful for sharing stuff with friends round the world, those I can't just nip round and see. FB messenger is handy, but I prefer WhatsApp for everyday messaging.

I probably use FaceAche more than I will (or want to) admit to. Must......resist.....the......'amusing'......cat.....videos.....!

Posted (edited)

i only have an account really if i need to get hold of the kids and they are not answering their phone but they are online
really dont like the loose privacy settings as we found out recently on my wifes account (she uses it alot). Shes a teacher and one of her students decided to search her name and then found we had a daughter around the same age as him and sent her a friend request after looking at her page, cheeky git. But for the life of me i couldnt shut her account down so that people couldnt search her so we had to change her name on there. Bit rubbish. The idea of someone being able to track you down and look at your life is what gets my goat.

Our band does have a facebook account but it doesnt seem to attract much attention so any tips on improving that would be good

Edited by lowhand_mike

[quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1489147397' post='3254729']
i only have an account really if i need to get hold of the kids and they are not answering their phone but they are online
really dont like the loose privacy settings as we found out recently on my wifes account (she uses it alot). Shes a teacher and one of her students decided to search her name and then found we had a daughter around the same age as him and sent her a friend request after looking at her page, cheeky git. But for the life of me i couldnt shut her account down so that people couldnt search her so we had to change her name on there. Bit rubbish. The idea of someone being able to track you down and look at your life is what gets my goat.

Our band does have a facebook account but it doesnt seem to attract much attention so any tips on improving that would be good

They only look at your life if YOU post about your life...
If you want to do that and remain somewhat private, then you do need to look into the privacy settings. But then they seem to change them from time to time so that would be frustrating


[quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1489148711' post='3254745']
They only look at your life if YOU post about your life...
If you want to do that and remain somewhat private, then you do need to look into the privacy settings. But then they seem to change them from time to time so that would be frustrating

i dont post anything, but it would be good if you could set it so only people you allow can see your page not just anyone, the privacy settings do seem a bit vague.


[quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1489162595' post='3254884']
i dont post anything, but it would be good if you could set it so only people you allow can see your page not just anyone, the privacy settings do seem a bit vague.

It's possible to make sure that only a group of friens that you mark as "close friends" are allowed to see the info in your page (pics, video, about information, publications, etc.). You just need to tick the right boxes in the definitions. If you don't know how to do it ask helf from your kids, they know how to do everything on a computer these days.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1489060095' post='3254010']
Facebook is not a place for people who take themselves or life too seriously.

It will drive them mad.

My weekly bin update gets a huge number of likes and comments.

Some people get it and some don't. I don't think people should slam it as a terrible thing just because they don't partake in it.

I moderate a huge social group, I don't want to be close friends with 540 people as I only see some of them occasionally but I do need to exchange information and ideas with all of them on a regular basis. Some of those 540 people don't get Facebook either and are constantly complaining about the background noise. It's like going to a pub and complaining that someone at the table next to you is talking about Eastenders but you're talking about Football.

You lost me at bin update? Photos of stuff in your bin? :)

Edited by stingrayPete1977

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