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[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490457488' post='3265285']
...has anyone tried "Gorgomite" ?

Gorgomite? 😕 ... sounds like something brewed up in a cauldron whilst wearing a pointy hat...


I can't really afford to change strings too often. My last main bass had the same set of strings on for as long as I used it (roughly 2 years). When I bought a new bass it came with very heavy gauge strings made for detuning, and I really only play in standard, so I just removed the old strings from the old bass, gave them a thorough cleaning, and slapped them onto the new one, where they can still be found half a year later. They do sound very dull though.

Posted (edited)

[quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1490431626' post='3265060']
You put bleach on the fretboard/neck of a bass. ??!!
Looks like he did. Must have been in a disgusting state. Think I'd use Milton.

Edit: thick bleach contains salt (I think). not too good to get under your frets, which may go green again...

Edited by pfretrock

My own basses I keep clean, a dampish cloth, cotton buds and a toothbrush all work wonders.

I dropped in on a guitarist mate one evening and he asked if I fancied a jam. Pointed out I hadn't brought my bass with me, to which he replied I could borrow his housemate's. I have never seen such a disgustingly unhygienic instrument in my life. You could see the physical build up of grease on the strings. It must have been 1mm thick. The top of the pickups...I simply can't describe. I refused to play, it made me feel physically ill.


How do basses get this dirty? I don't clean mine much, just the occasional once over with a duster. I rarely change the strings as I don't like them too bright. But my basses aren't in a horrible greasy state. Is it because I'm a lay-dee?

Posted (edited)

[quote name='seashell' timestamp='1490475388' post='3265447']
How do basses get this dirty? I don't clean mine much, just the occasional once over with a duster. I rarely change the strings as I don't like them too bright. But my basses aren't in a horrible greasy state. Is it because I'm a lay-dee?

It's probable you're less sweaty than most of us mank monsters.

I also suspect that pubs and venues are much cleaner than they were in the 90s when I was gigging a lot in smokey pubs and clubs.

My maple board tele skinny stringer used to pick up a clearly discernable layer of grime after some gigs just because of the ambient filth in the atmosphere and the dust and fag ash in the venues combining with the sweat from my left hand.

If I hadn't wiped it down after every gig it wouldn't have taken long to get a properly manky fretboard.

Edited by Cato

[quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1490431989' post='3265065']
Some people think it's cool to not look after their guitars, kind of a "relic" vibe.

"A good workman looks after his tools" says a lot.

often the same type of people who think its cool to hack at a perfectly good instrument with a rusty old screwdriver and proudly proclaim that its been relic'd


I like maple necks and boards that only have an oil finish.

Eventually they go really dark no matter what. Not a lot I can do about it, even with a wipe down. I'm not going to use anything more abrasive on an oil finish.


[quote name='Rocker' timestamp='1490463526' post='3265329']
Last year I saw a Squier P Bass in a charity shop, it absolutely reeked of curry. Even for the asking price of 80 Euro, I would have to get it home, disassemble it, clean it and fit new strings. The smell put me off. One can only speculate on the standard of hygiene in the previous owners house/flat/bedsit.

Haha this made me laugh.


I really look after my basses the ones I use always get a proper clean once a week and even if they have not been used they come down get a polish the tuning checked and every time I change the strings the board gets oiled the setup checked and new batteries installed I am a bit naughty with the ones I do not use I keep them clean but not as much as I should, really should sell them but Im a hoarder lol


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490457488' post='3265285']
As we are on the subject of fretboard cleaning...has anyone tried "Gorgomite" ? It claims to clean both fretboard and frets...[i]at the same time !![/i] This eliminates the need for masking the board when cleaning the frets ?


Can't recommend it highly enough, used it for years and love the stuff


[quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1490537314' post='3265755']
Can't recommend it highly enough, used it for years and love the stuff

Glad someone's heard of it. :) Two guitarists and a bassist I know, also recommended it. Going to give it a try. Cant go wrong... for the price.


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490543347' post='3265829']

Glad someone's heard of it. :) Two guitarists and a bassist I know, also recommended it. Going to give it a try. Cant go wrong... for the price.
[/quote]true but I tried to order some and it came up at £24 posted on ebay and I don't think they sell directly to the UK

Posted (edited)

[quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1490553400' post='3265925']
true but I tried to order some and it came up at £24 posted on ebay and I don't think they sell directly to the UK

AFAIK there are other products on the market, that do the exact same thing, but don't have the "Gorgomite" brand name. FWIW, the people I spoke to had the item (Gorgomite itself) posted to Ireland for the equivalent of about $10.

Looks like they DO ship to the U.K...if you get in before Brexit..!!! :D


Edited by Coilte

[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1490452660' post='3265248']
Old toothbrushes have a multitude of uses. Never throw them away.

even better, a cheap battery powered toothbrush, one of those Colgate ones cleaned my fretboard quicksmart !


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490560812' post='3266018']
AFAIK there are other products on the market, that do the exact same thing, but don't have the "Gorgomite" brand name. FWIW, the people I spoke to had the item (Gorgomite itself) posted to Ireland for the equivalent of about $10.

Looks like they DO ship to the U.K...if you get in before Brexit..!!! :D

[/quote] Ah nice one will take a look at that cheers


[quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1490590605' post='3266119']
even better, a cheap battery powered toothbrush, one of those Colgate ones cleaned my fretboard quicksmart !

This is a great idea, I have an old brush I was just about to get rid of, do you just use a bit of soap and water with it? I've just been playing my old Precision which I haven't touched in a few months, then I went to stroke my cat, and she took one sniff and turned away in disgust. I looked at my bass and to be fair to the cat it is pretty grim, the whole high end is a bit of a health hazard.


[quote name='project_c' timestamp='1490653743' post='3266853']
This is a great idea, I have an old brush I was just about to get rid of, do you just use a bit of soap and water with it? I've just been playing my old Precision which I haven't touched in a few months, then I went to stroke my cat, and she took one sniff and turned away in disgust. I looked at my bass and to be fair to the cat it is pretty grim, the whole high end is a bit of a health hazard.

just water, wipe some on the board,apply brush, wipe off

OH, don't forget to put a clean brush head on the toothbrush first :)


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490457488' post='3265285']
As we are on the subject of fretboard cleaning...has anyone tried "Gorgomite" ? It claims to clean both fretboard and frets...[i]at the same time !![/i] This eliminates the need for masking the board when cleaning the frets ?


Yep - I've got some and it's great stuff, doesn't smell particularly nice, but does the job admirably.


I'm very fussy, bordering on OCD about hygiene.

The first thing I do when I get a new instrument is take the strings off, bin then, give a bass a good clean and fit new strings.

Many people have no idea of hygiene, hand washing etc. I just don't want someone else's skin cells and bacteria all over my bass.


[quote name='ambient' timestamp='1490801615' post='3268182']
I'm very fussy, bordering on OCD about hygiene.

The first thing I do when I get a new instrument is take the strings off, bin then, give a bass a good clean and fit new strings.

Many people have no idea of hygiene, hand washing etc. I just don't want someone else's skin cells and bacteria all over my bass.

Sounds like myself. :D

It always amazes me that a lot of people don't realise that simply washing your hands before playing, and wiping down the strings and bodywork later, is all that's required to keep the bass in a reasonably clean condition.

Granted, those with exceptionally sweaty hands may have to do more.


[quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1490800867' post='3268168']
Yep - I've got some and it's great stuff, doesn't smell particularly nice, but does the job admirably.

I couldn't get past the smell. Ttried it on a cheap bass and thought it was alright but nothing particularly special so, given the whiff, binned it. My frets never seem to be that badly tarnished anyway, to be honest.

The worst cleaning product I've ever had applied to a bass was called 'Chrome Frets' - it was used without asking on my brand new USA Precision as part of the free set-up that you got whether you wanted it or not, and it took ages to dissipate. Slippy liquid PTFE all over a thousand quidsworth of bass just because the guy in the shop liked it on his. Since then I've always insisted that new instruments stay in their box upon arrival at a shop; if I don't cut the tape then that one's theirs and they can order me another!


[quote name='Ceebass' timestamp='1490431995' post='3265066']
Me too. Mine still smells of ash tray on hot days.

Completely OT, but I love your avatar pic! B) :)


[quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1490457488' post='3265285']
As we are on the subject of fretboard cleaning...has anyone tried "Gorgomite" ? It claims to clean both fretboard and frets...[i]at the same time !![/i] This eliminates the need for masking the board when cleaning the frets ?


Never heard of this stuff, but with such an epic name I just couldn't resist ordering some! :D

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