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Posted (edited)

I think most of us had to learn at some point how to play an instrument or two and it is not fair to critsize others how they play. We all have our unique way to play and express ourself through music. I often play things myself that others would say: What the hell is he doing?

I remember when I learnt to play when I was 17. The following day I sat in the classroom with a blank expression and the teacher said. You can't concentrate on work but last night you had all the time to play the guitar.The teacher was our neighbours daughter in law!

My parents also had to listen to the endless bass attempts when I was a teen.

I owe an appology

Please share a funny moment when you started playing bass ir other instrument.

Edited by SH73

My first year at Uni was partly spoiled by the guy in the next room attempting to learn the entire Caster USM first album, it wouldn't have been so bad if I liked the album, still makes me shudder now if I hear it. He wasn't bad, just very very very very dedicated to his practice. I helped out a mate in the Battle of the bands (just moving kit and setting up) and we have a laugh about this guy. Unbeknown to us he was sat opposite and promptly went out with his band who played a couple of Carter USM tracks and one of their own - blatant rip off of USM as well. When he came back in he asked if we recognised the playing, luckily he was a top bloke with a great sense of humour who apologised profusely about the noise and bought us a pint, which was kind of him.


Looks like I owe gallons of beer not a pint......

I had a house mate who played and recorded his Fender strat daily. I loved it as the music he played was awesome and the fact it annoyed the neighbour who played loud techno music at nights.

Posted (edited)

People all respond in different ways.

Some need encouraging and cajoling,
Some need bullying,
Some will ignore all outside criticism and inputs and just get on with it.
Some take criticism hard and go away all the more determined to prove their critics wrong.

There's nothing worse than receiving a Luke warm criticism. Critical should be hard, fair but positive.

Edited by TimR

[quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1492531798' post='3281003']
No one needs bullying, it's a stupid way to go about things and very unproductive.

Some people do.


I'm just eternally grateful all my early worst mistakes are back in the 80s... knowing me back then, if I was 30yrs younger I'd be proudly putting them all over Instagram, YouTube etc without a second thought.

And regarding the title of the OP, chalk it up as experience and move on. No harm done.


[quote name='T-Bay' timestamp='1492533346' post='3281025']
You are advocating mental/ physical abuse of people? It is never needed and is never productive, only the stupid would think otherwise.

No not really. The term bullying is overused in that respect.


I bought my first really nice bass - my vintage Fender precision - while at my first year in university by flogging pretty much all my other kit!

But I found myself in Halls of Residence faced with the dilemma of playing my new bass or preparing for the Monday morning tutorial on Shakespeare.

Come Monday morning, I admitted I hadn't done any of the Shakespeare work, upon which the lecturer told me there was no point in me staying at the tutorial.

I shrugged in agreement and trudged back to Halls, where I spent the rest of the morning playing the bass.

In hindsight I was perfectly right. I've never earned a penny from knowing Shakespeare.


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1492534498' post='3281037']
No not really. The term bullying is overused in that respect.
[/quote] Is there another meaning to bullying that I am unaware of?
If someone says they are bullied into doing something , it usually means they are forced in to it. as far as I am aware .. It is true that it rarely works, as the person usually resents doing it


[quote name='timmo' timestamp='1492538333' post='3281074']
Is there another meaning to bullying that I am unaware of?


Unfortunately it now appears that 'Bullying' someone is now seen as a sustained activity done to someone until they are psychologically disturbed for life.

Although this is the internet, so I suspect people like to feel all pompus and believe that's what I meant by it.


If you guys want to have an argument about the definition of bullying, I would strongly suggest that this thread is not the place for it.


Pretty much my whole musical career has been a massive disappointment to my parents. I wanted guitar lessson so took up classical guitar instead of " normal" guitar. In school I chose trombone above trumpet. I moved to bass guitar. I think my mom only heard the word guitar. One night she had lots of friends over and said go and get your guitar so they can hear you play. Imagine my excitement, ran upstairs to grab my K bass and sunno)) amp. Lugged it all down stairs and played my version of dazed and confused by Led Zep. I would guess I was 6 bars in and the plug was pulled. My mom sent me packing saying " I thought you said you played guitar" !!!!


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1492540474' post='3281107']

Unfortunately it now appears that 'Bullying' someone is now seen as a sustained activity done to someone until they are psychologically disturbed for life.

Although this is the internet, so I suspect people like to feel all pompus and believe that's what I meant by it.
[/quote] No It I obviously knew you didn`t mean sustained, but after seeing a TV programme about a women who was going to kill her neighbour because her daughter got into the cheerleaders team, and her daughter didn`t. The one who got in enjoyed it, but the other one hated it, so to force someone to learn is always problematric


My neighbour would often ask if I knew anything other than duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh. All I knew were scales at the time, and they obviously counted the duhs. I wouldn`t apologise to them as they often have noisy parties

Posted (edited)

Was this inspired by my Smiths story on the other thread?

I one played a gig at the Albert Hall and was caught by the band we were supporting making a very inappropriate joke about Heather Mills McCartney. I also exclaimed on stage "I'm standing where Eric Clapton stood!" Which was very uncool, apparently.

In my formative years I played a terrible gig, but was bought loads of beers by my mates. The girl of my 17 year old dreams came up and appeared interested only for me to be sick on her tight white jeans.

In a more sobering story, I used to lecture at a college and one day one of the students (17 year old kid) started crying. I did my best to help. When I met him 5 years later at a gig he was playing he thanked me for my help and support during a very tough time he was having, and it was music that pulled him through.

Edited by Burns-bass

[quote name='timmo' timestamp='1492542004' post='3281131']
No It I obviously knew you didn`t mean sustained, but after seeing a TV programme about a women who was going to kill her neighbour because her daughter got into the cheerleaders team, and her daughter didn`t. The one who got in enjoyed it, but the other one hated it, so to force someone to learn is always problematric

You can't force people to learn.

In a performing environment, once all the work has been done. Some people need a good hard push to get out onto that stage. Once they're out there you usually can't get them off it.


I lived in a bedsit in a big Victorian house back in the early 70s. I was the main vocalist at the time and we decided we needed to work on our 3 part harmonies. So obviously we used my little bedsit to hone this skill over an Easter weekend. We went over and over three Crosby, Stills and Nash songs, again and again and again, trying different vocal blends. I recall Suite to Judy Blue Eyes was one of them. The bedsit next to mine, on the same landing, was rented by a woman schoolteacher who was in her room for the whole weekend. I can still see her drawn face and staring eyes when I bumped into her on the Tuesday morning. I can only apologise for my stupidity and lack of thought. I presume she cant listen to a CS&N song without screaming, even now.


[quote name='TimR' timestamp='1492540474' post='3281107']

Unfortunately it now appears that 'Bullying' someone is now seen as a sustained activity done to someone until they are psychologically disturbed for life.

Although this is the internet, so I suspect people like to feel all pompus and believe that's what I meant by it.

The word "bully" is widely understood Tim. I wish it hadn't come up here but your casual attitude towards bullying is questionable.

As a special favour to you I have copied over a dictionary definition to help refresh your memory;


[*]a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.
"he is a ranting, domineering bully"

synonyms: [url="https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+persecutor"]persecutor[/url] · [url="https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+oppressor"]oppressor[/url] · [url="https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+tyrant"]tyrant[/url] · [url="https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+tormentor"]tormentor[/url] · [url="https://www.bing.com/search?q=define+browbeater"]browbeater[/url] ·
[*]use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something:
"a local man was bullied into helping them"

I will speak no further of this.



the new guy in the flat below me started playing the guitar, very badly, at night. The volume was OK but his playing was atrocious.

So I'd open my window to better allow the flow of music between us and blasted out all my Led Zep and RATM songs I knew. He got the hint hehe

Turned out to be a really nice guy.

I need to apologise to my neighbours, not for the noise,coz they all make enough noise themselves, but for confusing them

I will regularly play diverse songs, totally confusing them as to what band I might be in

I might start with ACDC, move to Frank Sinatra, some Motown numbers. Then Soundgarden, Led Zep. Then Van Morrison's Moondance. Maybe some Steeley Dan RHCP Beatles, Elvis (BOTH of them)


My neighbour tried to learn the guitar a few years ago. I assume he was learning as he was awful. He used to open his window at while he played. We used to laugh and say Bert Weedon is a it again.I always try to keep as I don`t want anyone to hear while I am learning something

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