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What can't you live without...but don't really use?

Monkey Steve

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Bit of a Friday afternoon thread to lighten the mood and show what complete idiots we all are (happy to go first).

I'm putting together a new pedalboard ahead of my gigging life taking an anticipated up turn, and despite the fact that I typically don't use much beyond a tuner and, depending on the available amps, an amp simulator, I've had to get a bigger board to accommodate everything I have in my set up. Some of them are nice toys that may get used but I could live without (like an envelope filter - that'll probably get stripped out if it's not needed), some are tools that have a specific job (like the delay, eq, and a boost to even out the output levels of different basses) but one I'm never without is a very old MXR Phase 90.

Great pedal - a really old one that only works off a battery and has no LED. And to my dismay it has completely packed up (and with no LED or power jack it's tricky to work out what's up). So I'm looking into whether I get it replaced or repaired, and ooh, look at that shiny new Phase 95...

But for all of my worrying about how I am going to live without this if I have to send it to get repaired, I can't remember the last time I actually used it playing the bass. In fact the last time it was switched on in anger was probably playing guitar in a band about five years ago. But the set up won't be complete without it. I'm convincing myself that it's better to have one and not need it than need one and not have it, ignoring the fact that I will certainly know in advance of playing any shows whether it will be needed or not.

So the little orange pedal (or it's little orange replacement) will no doubt be dragged around with me despite me having no use for it.

So that's mine. What do you insist on having in your set up that you know you won't ever actually switch on?

I don't mean spares like a second/third/seventeenth bass that you bring along just in case something breaks, or lucky gonks, etc - genuine musical equipment please.

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[quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1493385131' post='3287974']
I have five Big Muffs. Think I used one for a gig once, and that same one to record a track for a friend.

So I can't​ say I've [i]never[/i] used any of them!
I use mine all the time, well did, it's died :-(

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Roland Mfx GT-6B. It has options set up for instant tonal changes. I set it up in my chain but have never used it in majority of bands since 2012 when i was with a Friends of Deep Purple tribute band when switching between various bass styles ie Precision, Rik, Tele to cover everything used by different artists.
I keep it in my chain in case i need the DI output and now as a back up tuner for my Rack mounted Korg. Other than that i get my current band sound from my Precision deluxe PJ set up so don't really need it but feels safer with it.


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[quote name='Monkey Steve' timestamp='1493383582' post='3287957']
I'm not sure if that's self deprecating in telling us that you don't use your brain, or showing off that your brain is genuine musical equipment


Definitely the former. :D

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[quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1493399313' post='3288115']
With regard to the OPs phase 90, I can't remember the last time I heard a phaser used on bass anyway. Get rid and get something useful , I say! :)

I think you may have fundamentally misunderstood the point of the thread

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[quote name='Yank' timestamp='1493459129' post='3288452']
Tool kit. Screwdrivers, plyers, etc. I have them in my gig bag, and use them at home on my gear, but can't remember the last time they saved my bacon on a gig. I'll be ready though.
Yep, same here.

Also, slightly off topic- I'm thinking more and more that an amp and cab set up is over the top.

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[quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1493399313' post='3288115']
With regard to the OPs phase 90, I can't remember the last time I heard a phaser used on bass anyway. Get rid and get something useful , I say! :)

A Phase 90 is my default when playing fretless! I have a TC Flashback that I use for exactly four notes in one song, but life's not the same without it.

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