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Was thinking about band introductions.
This from Ian Dury and The Blockheads came into my mind. I thought what a great introduction, especially when Wilko Johnson kicks in lol. Also must of been an in house joke the sax player doing a Michel caine impression as John Turnbull (on guitar) had worked on the get carter soundtrack.

Anyone else have good, funny or favourite examples of band introductions?
Or does your own band have an interesting intro?



At a recent gig where we had to fill more time than we thought we could we stretched out the intro to the first song so I could chat to the crowd and introduce the singer so he could walk on to stage to a welcome.
We usually do an intro to each band member during the breakdown of a particular song. We avoid injokes with them because they're usually crap, but we do rip the p!ss on am obvious way occasionally.


[quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1494508613' post='3296602']
Was thinking about band introductions.
This from Ian Dury and The Blockheads came into my mind. I thought what a great introduction, especially when Wilko Johnson kicks in lol. Also must of been an in house joke the sax player doing a Michel caine impression as John Turnbull (on guitar) had worked on the get carter soundtrack.

Anyone else have good, funny or favourite examples of band introductions?
Or does your own band have an interesting intro?


Nice one


On our first proper gig we were sharing the stage with a couple of other bands and a ladies choir (don't ask, it was a charity do) so had to move our pedals and microphones to one side. We moved them ready to start but the lead guitarist managed to pull a lead out. We were introduced before we were properly ready and the guitarist was still kneeling down sorting the cable so said to me to just say anything. The only thing I could think of was to say that the guitarist was a very religious man who had a ritual of praying before every gig. It got a good laugh from the crowd.


I`ve seen bands come on to instrumental music of their own, the theme to The Flintstones, the theme to The Godfather, things like that. All great but to me I always think that the impact should come from the band itself, hit `em hard & fast and tell `em you mean business with your own music.


Can't find it on YouTube but the live version of Bodhisattva on the Citizen Steely Dan compilation has the most hilarious intro by a thoroughly stoned MC. You can eve hear the band wetting themselves with laughter as he rambles on for about a minute and a half...


Metallica's intro tape - Ernio Moriconi's Ecstasy Of Gold really gets the atmosphere going, when it starts, you feel the show begin.


[quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1494515575' post='3296677']
You will never beat the bonzo dogs intro!!


"Big Fat Bubs from Cambridge" was a lifelong pal. Played guitar in my second band but sadly passed a couple of years back from cancer.
Great guitar player.


[quote name='ivansc' timestamp='1495124178' post='3301499']

"Big Fat Bubs from Cambridge" was a lifelong pal. Played guitar in my second band but sadly passed a couple of years back from cancer.
Great guitar player.

Sad to hear. He certainly was a larger than life character.


[quote name='Graham' timestamp='1495004830' post='3300280']
Metallica's intro tape - Ernio Moriconi's Ecstasy Of Gold really gets the atmosphere going, when it starts, you feel the show begin.

Indeed that is a good one!


Not a band intro as such but we have a song written about an old science teacher from way back when we were all at school, we literally though he was crazy and he was going to snap any minute and kill us all. So the intro to that song is always "This is a song about a science teacher... and murder,". Always seems to get the audience warmed up. :lol:

Shameless plug, listen to it here - [url="https://soundcloud.com/thecommonjets/class-of-none"]https://soundcloud.com/thecommonjets/class-of-none[/url]


[quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1494535520' post='3296872']
I`ve seen bands come on to instrumental music of their own, the theme to The Flintstones, the theme to The Godfather, things like that. All great but to me I always think that the impact should come from the band itself, hit `em hard & fast and tell `em you mean business with your own music.

The number of times I have seen bands mis-judge the length of their pre-recorded intro and the amount of time required to get on stage and plug in their instrument, so consequently get on far too early and then proceed to stand around on stage looking faintly embarrassed while they wait for the appropriate moment for the first number to start.


[quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1495193053' post='3302011']

The number of times I have seen bands mis-judge the length of their pre-recorded intro and the amount of time required to get on stage and plug in their instrument, so consequently get on far too early and then proceed to stand around on stage looking faintly embarrassed while they wait for the appropriate moment for the first number to start.
Could you make the introduction a little longer... (c)Eric Morecambe


I saw a band walk on to their own intro tape, wait until it had finished, then tweak their instruments and introduce them to the crowd. This looks a bit silly IMO - if you're going to have an intro tape, you should walk on and then kick into some music straight away


[quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1495199210' post='3302076']
Could you make the introduction a little longer... ©Eric Morecambe

IME the introduction tape is always way too long, so either there is far too much "atmospheric" music and an empty stage which eventually kills the anticipation, or the band are stood about looking embarrassed waiting to start. Unless your band is massively famous with an audience of thousands of adoring fans at every gig, the intro should be 1 minute max plus whatever time you need to appear on stage and plug your guitar in.


[quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1494999115' post='3300234']
Can't find it on YouTube but the live version of Bodhisattva on the Citizen Steely Dan compilation has the most hilarious intro by a thoroughly stoned MC. You can eve hear the band wetting themselves with laughter as he rambles on for about a minute and a half...

Seem to remember reading that they hired the same announcer for tours at one point, because they found him so bad he was funny, and he always introduced them as "Stevie Dan".


Sorry but band intros just reminds me of Jazz Club on the Fast Show (great!) where he introduces the drummer about 6 times in succession :)

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