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I have an old laptop that uses windows XP for spreadsheets, word processing, etc

I disconnected it from the internet years ago following warnings from microsoft that they would no longer be supporting XP

I use mainly apple ipads now

I am struggling with understanding how it is the NHS and a couple of large car manufacturers are still using XP!

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Welsh NHS aren't, they were unaffected. It's down to lack of finding with the NHS. The government were warned about it, but chose to ignore the warning.

I don't understand why windows doesn't work the same as my MacBook. If I download an app that's not from the App Store, then it won't automatically open and run it. Why can't Microsoft do the same?

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[quote name='gareth' timestamp='1494686789' post='3297870']...still using XP!

A lot of software, and more especially 'custom' software, won't run on 'upgraded' OS, for many reasons. Running XP (or MS-DOS, or DR-DOS, or any other...) is not, in itself, a problem, as long as the security implications are taken on board, depending on criticality. This would include having suitable isolation from public networks, having robust and verified back-up procedures and 'spare' hardware. There are still a lot of servers out there running NT..!
Not everything can be updated at the same frenetic pace as Microsoft[i] et al[/i] would like. It's not only the cost of the OS itself. It's also a very good reason for eschewing 'customisation' of software; this very forum has, occasionally received, and resisted, requests for functionality which would imply such. It's not an easy route to take.

Edited by Dad3353
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