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Whats the longest you've had a bass for?


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Interesting question, I have changed my main a lot as I'm always looking to improve-I should maybe practice more instead
I have only been playing bass seriously for about 5+ years. The ones I have hung on to are my SR5 fretless and G&L SB2. Stingrays seem a constant feature

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I bought my Fender Precision in Brussels in early 1969. Brand new for £90 9/- (that's 45p). About half the London price at the time. Unfortunately it was a very average instrument, as were so many back then, anyway it did me for the next 25 years or so.

Apart from 1 gig, unplayed since I moved to 5 strings in the mid 90's.

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33 year and scarcely a note played on it.
But having one or more basses that don't get sold doesn't mean that you don't buy and sell many others at the same time. Many basses have passed through Grangur Towers that I wouldn't really consider I ever really "owned" them. They were always "just passin' through. Sometimes I have bought basses as projects to do up and sell. It's a hobby of mine.

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24 years or something like that with my Bass Collection SB3??, It's active but no fancy wood.
Bought 2nd hand when I was getting back on my feet,it and a crazy old cat were the only things still there when the rug got pulled out from under me again years later.

It and the cat are for keeps :D

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I have owned my original PJ bass for 33 years. It's in bits at the moment, as I've chopped and changed necks and pickups but it will live again, in the not so distant future.

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